Turning Chaos into Creation: - a podcast by Healing Chants

from 2014-08-20T19:57:15

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(essay) Using your body’s innate spiritual wiring to naturally release and redirect potentially destructive energies.    


Dear Friends,

Each year during the month of August our planet is bathed in Sacred Masculine energies emanating from the Sirian Sun. Each year this process intensifies, as the alignment during this new Aquarian Age allows more and more of this masculine energy to be available to us. While it enters at a sacred vibration, we as humans can translate it’s quality into profane or sacred actions here on Earth.  As my guides point out, we have Free Will.  Whether we choose to express this masculine energy as profane power or sacred creation is our choice.

Thus it seems very timely to share this particular healing meditation now, as external world events are bringing up equivalent chaotic emotions within each of us. I believe this can be seen as a process of finding within ourselves those beliefs, emotions and behaviors that we have outgrown, but perhaps not fully acknowledged and released.  As always, it is easier to see this process external to ourselves in our friends, family or world events.  But healing only happens when we each reveal and address those same aspects within ourselves that are ready to change.

Below is a written essay, based on an excerpt from this new audio meditation. You can listen to the meditation by clicking the link below in this newsletter, online at my website (Podcast Page) and at iTunes (under Podcasts, then enter my name, Norma Gentile).  The full edited transcript can be read here

Listen Now to a Sample:   All Energies evolve, change and move according to their own innate consciousness

Included in the meditation are two songs, from my collection of sound healings for the energies of each upcoming month. You can stream these and a larger collection of my music through the new Healing Chants app (app.healingchants.com) and at the links below.


Sound Healing Page  
iTunes Music page
Sound Cloud page

Two New Sound Healings
Und Gott Sprach channeled healing song for Tibetan Singing Bowl and voice
Tranquility(after the Storm)

 Listen Here (mp3)

 Turning Chaos into Creation:
Using your body’s innate spiritual wiring to naturally release and redirect potentially destructive energies

If you are alive in a physical body, you are already somewhat grounded. Grounding is actually allowing your physical body and soul to re-access and reestablish the connection into the Earth energies that you already have. At birth our body has its full grounding into our soul’s energies within the Earth. We see that as the brightness in a child’s eye. It’s not just Heavenly spirit; it’s Earthly spirit that nourishes that brilliance and unconditional love within our eyes. While within the womb, each of us creates some amount of energetic tether into Earth, and that is what draws our heavenly spirit into our gestating body.

I’ve spoken before about the Earthly soul. That is simply a way of saying, if we exist in the upper dimensions and in third dimension, we are not just a drop dripping downward from Heaven. We are also a geyser, a fountain, moving up from the Earth. And, in that moment of conception, our Heavenly soul and Earthly soul have met. Does it not make sense then that throughout life, our journey is to continue to access our Heavenly soul, as well as Earthly soul? Both of these flows of energies meet, equally, within our physical form, and both of these flows of energies nourish who we are now.

The more at ease we are, the less likely we are to have, literally, a knee-jerk reaction to something. Within the energetic matrix of both knee joints are qualities of ease and gentleness. I feel it as a slippery, easy flow of energy around the knee itself. This quality of ease is what your soul wants your body to experience in this lifetime. We are not usually, according to our soul, supposed to have an experience of life as being like pushing through a too narrow hallway that’s wallpapered with sandpaper. We’re not meant to have to scrape and squeeze through life.

And my having said that probably just tagged and brought up all those patterns within your knees and body that believe life is difficult, that you have to work very hard, and that every day has to be like rolling that proverbial boulder up the mountain. So now, just ask all the tension you’re feeling if it’s really in tune with you. Is it really in tune with your soul? Is it really in tune with your body? Is it really in tune with your body, right now?  Notice the response.  You might sigh as patterns of tension release. You may feel more spaciousness around your body. The space around you could feel larger, more expansive, and yet quieter all around you.

How, right in this moment, can your body receive the quantities of ease and gentleness, compassion and support that your soul wants to offer your body? How can your body receive all that compassion and ease and support from that Earth aspect of who you are? The connection that you have always had in your feet (and your entire body) to your Earth Soul can be re-awakened and alivened by your consideration of this connection.

Honoring how your soul wants your body’s innate connection to Earth to be available to your body creates a sense of stability. And when you are aware of this sense of stability, you can find that quality of patience that lets you take that extra breath when you need to, before you respond to something. Here is that sense of stability and inner support that allows you to know your own spiritual being is never in danger from the chaos of the outside world. Here is that sense within your body that your soul’s journey is doing just fine. Here is that sense within your body that all truly is well within your soul’s journey. With each choice you can now feel what expands your heart and body. You know that with each choice, if there isn’t a sense of expansion, ease and comfort, then it is time to choose again.

Often, particularly in the low body, we have stored experiences of trauma. Trauma, particularly as a young child, can be as simple as our parents or care-givers having an argument. The energy of that to us as infants can create a traumatic experience, and that traumatic experience is then stored in the muscles of our bodies. Throughout life, we learn that if we can’t control the chaos external to ourselves, then we must internalize it. We must put it away some place. And only as mature adults do we recognize that the chaos external to ourselves is actually external to ourselves, and it impacts us only to the degree that we have a similar trauma stashed inside our bodies already. This is the law of resonance.

Watching the newscasts and seeing the chaos of the outer world will tend to tag or stimulate the equivalent trauma that we have within our bodies. When we see or hear about external chaos, we are more apt to be upset by it because there is a resonant remembrance to a chaotic moment we experienced when we were much younger that we put inside of our body. That memory has been saved in the tissues of our body. Within the womb, as infants and then as young children, we don’t have the ability to speak clearly about what our emotional experience might be. We see things that don’t make sense to us. For example, we might observe our parents saying one thing and doing another. As children, particularly before we begin to have language, when we experience our parents lying or fighting, or when we experience loud, sudden sounds, our body’s way of processing all of this is extremely limited.

In order to continue to have space within our aura to receive new information, we’ll take the energetic patterns of drama and chaos we experience and move them from the mental or the emotional levels of our aura and bring them into the etheric level and then into the physical body itself. In this way, we create what later can be released as somatic memories, especially from the pelvis and solar plexus.

Too often we have believed that feeling uncomfortable feelings always indicated that something was wrong. This is, of course, not always true.  Similarly, we assume that if we don’t feel something that is uncomfortable, then the situation we are in is just fine, perhaps even a sacred one.  Especially in New Age settings there is a very clear rule that ‘everything is good’.  Discord that arises must therefore be bad.  Living, or attempting to live in a world where there is no chaos external to oneself, merely allows our internal chaos to slumber.  Left too long, it can fester into physical disease.

External chaos gives our internal patterns an opportunity to awaken, as they resonate and begin to move within us. As they resonate, we become aware of images, emotions and memories from previous occasions in our lives when we felt overwhelmed and overcome by similar situations. This is usually quite uncomfortable!  And in this moment we most often choose to suppress the unpleasant sensations, by turning our attention away from what we are experiencing, or stopping ourselves from being exposed to the external chaos.

Sadly, and again particularly in New Age and religious settings, we have been trained that chaos is bad and ‘getting along’ is good. When emotional discomfort arises, especially in groups of people, during times of external chaos, the external chaos is usually shut down in order to avoid feeling inner tumult. Conformity reigns.  ‘It’s all good’ is the rule to be obeyed. This is part of what I call the ‘pink fairy syndrome’. Drawing to ourselves a certain amount of external chaos helps us awaken similar patterns that are asleep deep within our bodies.  In this way chaos can serve to clarify and process our soul’s journey of exploring this human experience.

By asking whatever body sensations you’re noticing as not quite as engaged or moving or warm or comfortable in your body, ‘is it really in tune with my body now?’ you give it permission to go to wherever it needs to go to. It can move through Archangel Michael to continue to grow, learn, and unfold. In many cases by addressing what you are noticing, you tag a small piece of a fundamental belief or behavioral pattern your soul is ready to change. All the other times that pattern has occurred in your life now are free to also change and evolve. As this happens, you are apt to have memories, emotional surges, perhaps even a reoccurrence of whatever this was in your life arise. This occurs briefly, as it is moving out of your body and aura. Let this memory just remind you that this is no longer you. The pattern of behavior around this issue is no longer in tune with your soul’s journey. Your body does not need to tense or contract in any way. You and the energies that are truly in tune with you can remain in that expanded space that is truly natural for you to be contained within.

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