Podcasts by NPI Non Profit Intelligence

NPI Non Profit Intelligence

Non-Profit Intelligence is a podcast for charities who want to attract High Performance staff to fund development. Intelligence is the knowledge

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NPI Non Profit Intelligence
To Train or Not To Train from 2019-10-03T11:13

Training is the keystone to successful fundraising. Data is what moves an organization forward and when staff are unskilled in the tools used to manage data, black holes appear, organizational h...

NPI Non Profit Intelligence
Exposed! from 2019-08-09T08:38:59

Sitting down with a donor is an important relationship-building experience. What happens when fund development staff attend a meeting with less than reliable or complete information about the do...

NPI Non Profit Intelligence
Introduction to NPI Non Profit Intelligence from 2019-06-06T16:14:11

Introduction to NPI and why Knowledge and Skills impact a charities ability to keep staff, raise funds and become sustainable.  We hope you will continue to follow along as we explore ways to he...
