Podcasts by NSScreencast (free videos)

NSScreencast (free videos)

NSScreencast features weekly bite-sized videso on iOS development. This free feed is just a sample of what is available for members. Subscribe today at https://nsscreencast.com.

Further podcasts by Ben Scheirman

Podcast on the topic Technologie

All episodes

NSScreencast (free videos)
#553 - Mastodon Post UI and HTML Parsing from 2023-04-19T10:42

In this episode we tackle showing a list of posts, which requires us to convert the network models into models more fit for the UI, parsing HTML in order to display as an AttributedString, and disp...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#531 - SwiftUI Escape Hatch from 2022-06-02T07:00

Sometimes we run into issues where SwiftUI doesn't quite do what we need. In some cases, SwiftUI views are powered by UIKit under the hood. Wouldn't it be great (and devious) to dig into the underl...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#526 - Hot Reloading with Inject from 2022-04-15T10:00

One of the most impactful things you can do to improve productivity is to improve turnaround time when iterating on features. Playgrounds and Xcode Live Previews are great, but both have their limi...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#501 - Nested Xcode Projects from 2021-08-26T10:00

One way of achieving modularization is to build frameworks using nested Xcode projects. This has the benefit of having everything in one place and can easily build the entire thing. You can also ze...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#500 - Motivation for Modular Project Architecture from 2021-08-19T10:00

In this episode we will talk about the overview and motivation for a modular project architecture. Why split things up? I'll talk about the problems we face, what benefits we may achieve, and how c...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#491 - Xcode 13 Vim Mode from 2021-06-15T10:00

One of my favorite new features of Xcode 13 is support for Vim key bindings. In this episode we will see how to enable this and I'll give a quick tour of how to get around using Vim.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#486 - Intro to Protocol Witnesses from 2021-04-22T10:40

In the next few episodes we will explore the concept of Protocol Witnesses. This is an advanced topic that can be somewhat hard to approach, but in learning about Protocol Witnesses you will see ho...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#482 - Basic Context Menus from 2021-03-29T10:00

Context menus are a great affordance for performing related actions to a UI element. Users can tap and hold to view the context menu, and the gesture is consistent across the OS so users will likel...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#481 - Mapping Models with Antoine van der Lee from 2021-03-22T10:00

This is a discussion and code overview of another implementation of mapping models using key paths with a special guest, Antoine van der Lee! In this episode we talk about his initial goals and con...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#453 - Compositional Layout from 2020-07-31T10:41:23

First introduced in iOS 13, UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout is an amazing and powerful addition that gives you lots of flexibility when describing layouts. There are a few new types to get used...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#452 - Collection View List Layout from 2020-07-31T10:41:23

With UITableView no longer being encouraged for use, we need to replace this behavior with UICollectionView. This is where UICollectionViewListLayout comes into play. Using this layout we can get t...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#451 - Cell Registration from 2020-07-31T10:41:23

In this episode we migrate our collection view to use the new cell registration API. Using this API we no longer need to cast dequeued cell types to our custom types. Instead, we set up the registr...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#450 - Setting Up from 2020-07-31T10:41:23

In this episode we review the basic example app and start setting up our collection view in code. We start with the basic flow layout which is most common. Later we'll refactor this to use the newe...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#447 - Rendering Waveforms in SwiftUI from 2020-07-09T18:41

I've been working on rendering waveforms using mathematical functions and have found the experience to be both fun and enlightening. In this episode we will develop a method to render arbitrary fun...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#445 - SwiftUI Grids from 2020-06-25T10:00

With the introduction of LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid In iOS 14 we now have access to much more powerful grid-based layouts in SwiftUI. In this episode We will examine the different types of layouts we ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#444 - SwiftUI Native Progress Views from 2020-06-24T10:00

A few episodes back we covered how to wrap a UIActivityIndicatorView to show loading progress in SwiftUI. Now in iOS 14 this is built in. In this episode we'll cover the various styles, how to hook...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#443 - SwiftUI Lazy Stacks in iOS 14 from 2020-06-23T10:00

iOS 14 Beta is now available and one of the new features is Lazy stacks. With a normal stack, all the layout happened at once, which meant poor performance for large lists of content, grids, etc. W...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#417 - Swift 5's Result Type from 2019-11-08T10:00

Before Swift 5 we used to write our own Result type to contain a value or an error (but never both). A lot of 3rd party libraries brought along their own as well. Then Swift 5 came and brought us R...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#406 - Tinting an Image Using Masks from 2019-08-15T10:00

Sometimes we need to create variants of our icons. This can be done by using template images and using a UIImageView with a tintColor change, however sometimes this isn't feasible. We can use our ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#400 - SwiftUI Gestures from 2019-07-12T10:40

Attaching gestures works quite a bit differently in SwiftUI than in UIKit. In this episode we will look at the @DragGesture property wrapper and how we can use gestures to update custom state that ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#399 - SwiftUI Transforms and Animations from 2019-07-11T10:00

SwiftUI's declarative nature makes building UIs incredibly easy. In this episode we will build a wallet UI with cards. We will create a CardView so we can reuse it in multiple places. Then we will ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#397 - Tip Calculator in SwiftUI from 2019-06-14T10:00

Now that we've seen a taste of SwiftUI, let's dive into a real example and build an app. We'll have a first look at @State variables we can use to creating a binding between our state and our UI, a...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#396 - Hello, SwiftUI! from 2019-06-13T10:00

Back from WWDC 19 and blown away by the announcements. There's a lot to cover, but we'll start by digging into the most exciting announcement: SwiftUI. This is going to change everything...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#367 - Parsing and Formatting Dates in Swift from 2018-12-13T14:48

Working with dates is a task that is universally applicable to Swift developers. Particularly when dealing with an API, dates can arrive in all shapes and sizes. We‘ll examine some of the common on...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#356 - Integrating Push Notifications - Part 2 from 2018-09-20T15:39

In this episode we configure our iOS app to receive push notifications, adding the OneSignal SDK to our project, configuring the Notification Service extension, and testing it out on a real device.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#355 - Integrating Push Notifications - Part 1 from 2018-09-16T15:50

In this episode we look at how to generate a certification for adding push notification support for your app, using OneSignal as our push notification provider

NSScreencast (free videos)
#319 - Setting Up the Terminal from 2018-01-15T10:40

In this episode we will setup iTerm2, profiles, custom color schemes, and fonts.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#318 - System Preferences from 2018-01-12T10:00

In this episode we look at some of the basic system preferences on macOS High Sierra. We set up the Dock, Keyboard shortcuts, and show how to customize key repeat timing outside of the preferences ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#309 - Automatic UITableView Paging from 2017-11-02T10:00

UITableView can support scrolling through many rows of data, however fetching large amounts of remote data can slow down your app, use up too much memory, and bog down your web server. This is all ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#259 - Hello Cloud Kit - Part 2 from 2017-03-09T10:00

In order to use CloudKit to read or write private data (or to write in the public database) the user will have to be signed in to iCloud on their device. If they are not, they'll not have a great e...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#258 - Hello Cloud Kit - Part 1 from 2017-03-02T10:00

The first episode in a new series on CloudKit, here we see how to setup our project to use CloudKit as well as how to create and save our first record.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#248 - Poker Hands - Part 1 from 2016-12-22T10:00

In this episode I am joined by Soroush Khanlou. Together we pair up to implement the Poker Hands Kata. We start off by parsing the raw string input into structured types, complete with tests.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#191 - Swift 2 Optionals from 2015-10-08T10:00

In this free episode, we take a look at a core Swift 2 feature: Optionals. Unlike Objective-C, where nil is considered a no-op, in Swift nil is specifically recognized by the compiler, which forces...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#189 - Swift 2 Functions and Extensions from 2015-10-01T10:00

In this free episode, Ben explores Swift 2 functions, how argument labels work, returning tuples, the guard clause, as well as extending behavior on core types.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#187 - Swift 2 Basics from 2015-09-17T10:00

In this episode we take a look at Swift 2's basic types such as Int, Double, Bool, Array, and Dictionary. This episode is part of a series covering Swift 2 from a beginner's perspective.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#158 - Road Trip DJ - Part 3 from 2015-02-26T10:00

Continuing our build out of Road Trip DJ, this time I focus on the music player, and keeping the play/pause button in sync on UIToolbar, which proves to be more difficult than it should be.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#157 - Road Trip DJ Part 2 from 2015-02-19T15:00

In this episode we continue Road Trip DJ and implement the media picker controller, talk about the different modes that in can operate in and how that affects the usability of this app. We also con...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#156 - Road Trip DJ Part 1 from 2015-02-13T10:00

In this episode we start building an app from scratch called Road Trip DJ. The idea is the build a playlist of music on the fly while it is playing. This is an app I've wanted to build for a while...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#99 - Parsing and Formatting Dates from 2013-12-12T14:00

In this episode we cover a basic but fundamentally important topic: dealing with dates×. Particularly when dealing with an API, dates can arrive in all shapes and sizes. We'll examine some o...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#87 - Xcode 5 Autolayout Improvements from 2013-09-26T10:02:32

This week we have another free bonus video on the improvements that Xcode 5 brings to Autolayout. As something that has been quite obnoxious to work with in the past, many people dismissed auto la...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#85 - Hello, iOS 7 from 2013-09-19T10:01

To celebrate the launch of iOS 7, here is a bonus free screencast covering a few of the concepts in iOS 7 such as the status bar behavior, tint color, and navigation bar transitions. We'll also ta...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#60 - Windows Azure Mobile Services Part 2 from 2013-04-02T16:00

We continue with our example chat application here and add the ability post a message, poll for updates, and receive push notifications. This episode utilizes a pod calles MessagesTableView contro...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#59 - Windows Azure Mobile Services from 2013-03-28T22:00

This week we take a look at Windows Azure Mobile Services, a back-end for mobile applications that has first class iOS support. In this episode we begin building a full featured chat application. ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#28 - Creating a Cocoapod from 2012-08-09T10:00

In this episode, we'll create a CocoaPod out of the modal picker view component we created in episodes 25&26. We'll see how to tag&push our code to a github repository and create a podspec so that...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#27 - New Objective-C Syntax from 2012-08-02T10:01

The latest version of the LLVM compiler supports some excellent new syntax additions to the Objective-C language. In this episode, I cover what the new syntax is, how to use it, and a few caveats ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#15 - HTTP Caching from 2012-05-10T10:00

HTTP Caching is an important concept to understand when building iPhone apps that consume HTTP APIs. In this episode, we'll see how leveraging Etags, Last Modified dates, and Cache-Control headers...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#13 - Setting up Jenkins from 2012-04-26T14:55

In this episode, we'll set up a free continuous integration server called Jenkins (previously Hudson) to run our build. We'll configure it to automatically check out changes from git, run the buil...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#12 - Importing into Core Data from 2012-04-19T13:34

In this screencast I'll pull down data from an API, map the JSON to a Core Data Managed Object and import them in bulk on a background thread. Then we'll display the imported content in a UITableV...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#11 - Core Data Basics from 2012-04-19T10:00

Core Data is Apple's framework for persisting data on Mac&iOS. It can be though of as an ORM, however it's probably a lot different than most ORMs you've used in the past. In this episode, we'll ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#10 - Fun with Blocks from 2012-04-04T10:00

Blocks are a great way to simplify code when dealing with asynchronous tasks (using GCD), callbacks, and atomic operations. In this episode, we'll look at a few ways you can use blocks in your code.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#9 - Automatic Reference Counting from 2012-03-29T10:00

In this episode, I'll show you how to convert your project to use Automatic Reference Counting (or ARC) to eliminate the need to use retain, release, autorelease, and dealloc in your Objective-C code!

NSScreencast (free videos)
#8 - Automatic UITableView Paging from 2012-03-22T15:16

UITableView can support skimming through many rows of data, however fetching large amounts of remote data can slow down your app, use up too much memory, and bog down your web server. This is all ...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#7 - Serializing Data to Disk from 2012-03-15T15:16

It can be useful to save lightweight application data to disk so that it persists between application launches. This episode will show you how to serialize common objects such as NSArray and NSDic...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#6 - AFNetworking from 2012-03-08T10:00

AFNetworking is a simple-yet-powerful toolkit for making HTTP requests dead simple. It is my current go-to framework for writing API clients in iOS applications.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#5 - CocoaPods from 2012-03-02T15:27

Looking for a solution for managing dependencies similar to RubyGems? Look no further! CocoaPods is a great solution that makes it easy to manage dependencies to 3rd party libraries in your proje...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#4 - Automated Testing with Kiwi from 2012-02-23T14:44

In this episode, I show you how to start testing with Kiwi, a test framework built on top of SenTestKit that has a style similar to Rspec.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#3 - UITableView Basics from 2012-02-17T02:29

UITableView is one of the most common controls in UIKit. This episode will show you the basics of how to make your view controller act as the delegate&datasource for the table view, as well as rea...

NSScreencast (free videos)
#1 - Objective-C Basics from 2012-02-10T15:17

In this episode, I cover Objective-C the language. I cover the syntax of classes&methods, then go over how to work with objects using retain, release, and autorelease.

NSScreencast (free videos)
#2 - Diagnosing Memory Problems from 2012-02-10T00:00

In this episode, I cover what happens if you make a mistake in your memory management. You'll see how the app behaves as well as how to find&fix these issues using Xcode&Instruments.
