Podcasts by Oh, Hey Girl! Channel

Oh, Hey Girl! Channel

Women, we weren't warned.

Oh, Hey Girl is a podcast for authentically real women, co-hosted by coaches Cat Cole and Judi Fearless. Cat and Judi were each dying for an outlet for real, empowering conversations to share with women all over the world. Introductions and Facebook messages later and BAM--Oh, Hey Girl was born. Every other week, join our girl talks on topics like online dating mishaps, diva cups, getting over the impostor syndrome, preggo friends, 90's comebacks, Burning Man and more. If you've been searching for a podcast celebrating the raw, pure emotions and mayhem of being strong-minded and badass females, this is your station.

Visit us at www.ohheygirlchannel.com

Further podcasts by Oh, Hey Girl!

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

Oh, Hey Girl! Channel
Get-It Girls Mary M & Sweta A / Infidelity from 2017-02-08T22:34:32

You're listening to Oh, Hey Girl! because being a woman is hard and hilarious, so let's talk about it! On today's episode:
- Part 2 of our conversation with therapists Mary M & Sweta A
- In...
