Podcasts by Pat Perdue

Pat Perdue

Each episode, we meet people who

Further podcasts by Pat Perdue

Podcast on the topic Management

All episodes

Pat Perdue
Canadian Spa Icons Celine Tadrissi, and Elena Zinchenko: How Spas Thrive through Constant Innovation from 2021-12-16T00:01:45

In this episode we sit down with two of Canada’s leading entrepreneurs in the spa industry and take a close look a how each of them responded to the COVID-19 lockdowns, discovered new ways to innov...

Pat Perdue
Jean-Guy de Gabriac: Achieving That“WOW”Experience in a World-Class Spa from 2021-07-21T13:35:18

Few would argue that the luxury spa industry requires among the highest standards of guest experience in the world, in which every detail is (or should be) designed not just to please you, or relax...

Pat Perdue
Mike Saulpaugh: The Customer Centric World of the New Jersey Wedding Event from 2021-07-07T12:26:25

Super glad to be back with you!  I took some time away from the podcast during this pandemic. And now that I’m back and this is going to be a GREAT show for you! Now that COVID is becoming part of ...

Pat Perdue
The Future of Retail: Bringing the in-store experience into your home. Guest Oscar Sachs, CEO and Co-Founder of Salesfloor from 2020-12-08T17:42:44

SHOW NOTES Traditional retail has been on a slow, but steady decline for probably the last decade.  So much so that retailers were getting super creative to find a way to bring you into the store. ...

Pat Perdue
Nic Faitos, Founder and Senior Partner of Starbright Floral Design, on Delivering 5-Star Customer Experience to New York’s Top Hotels from 2020-11-24T13:24:31

SHOW NOTES Let’s say you ran a business.  I’m not going to tell you what kind of business.  I’m going to let you guess.In this business, your customers spend a lot of time, and consideration choosi...

Pat Perdue
Guest Ann-Marie Clendenin on How COVID-19 is Transforming the Retail Customer Experience from 2020-07-22T21:07:05

SHOW NOTES About Today’s Episode What would it take for you to go to a brick and mortar, say clothing store.  Would you browse through the clothes on the hangars?  Would you try stuff on?  Stuff th...

Pat Perdue
Boost AI, and how AI is helping Norway’s SR Bank Maintain their Customer Promise During Covid-19 from 2020-04-22T21:25:50

SHOW NOTES Today we have two guests: Henry Iversen, Chief Commercial Officer and Co-Founder of Boost.ai (one of Norway’s leading Natural Language Processing AI companies, and Ramtin Matin, Lead Tec...

Pat Perdue
Raymond Reddy – Co-founder and CEO of Ritual, on how Adding Digital to Your Business Makes the Human to Human Experience Better from 2019-10-02T17:14:55

SHOW NOTES Today’s guest is Raymond Reddy, co-founder and CEO of the highly successful Ritual – which enables social ordering from restaurants in major cities across North America, The UK, and Aust...

Pat Perdue
Ash Anil: How Technical Safety BC Focuses on Customer Experience and Why it Pays Off from 2019-04-29T04:04:30

SHOW NOTES Today’s guest, Ash Anil, is Business Leader at Technical Safety BC.. Why is a government organization on a podcast talking about Customer Experience? Turns out focusing on Customer Exper...

Pat Perdue
Bruce Simpson, co-founder of SwitchGear Consulting and Trusted Co-pilot for Large-scale Change: The Adoption / Innovation Paradox and How to Avoid It from 2019-02-13T22:09:22

SHOW NOTES One of the big challenges in Customer Experience is managing all of the changing initiatives that are simply a way of life among competitive companies today.  There is huge pressure at a...

Pat Perdue
Gary Edwards from Golfdale Consulting: When the DATA shows that doing LESS Customer Service provides a BETTER overall Customer Experience. from 2018-09-26T03:29:35


What happens when a data whiz teams up with a policy and communications guru?  Turns out it’s a very happy marriage – both lit...

Pat Perdue
Pat Perdue’s Customer Experience Podcast from 2016-04-05T16:51:02

Delivering great customer experience, every time, is really hard to do.   Whether it’s over the phone, over social media, or apps on your smartphone, or in person, there are some companies who are ...
