Podcasts by Plain Bread with Val

Plain Bread with Val

Getting your groove back after falling down is essential. This show is filled with music, poetry written by me and an inspirational word

Further podcasts by valerie pruitt

Podcast on the topic Bücher

All episodes

Plain Bread with Val
PBV - Do Not Let Chronos Sieze Your Kairos from 2019-12-01T20:00:06

Time is a precious commodity but is there an optimum time? Find out, Do not miss your season of opportunity
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Plain Bread with Val
PBV - Death of Heroes from 2019-11-24T05:40:13

Where have all our heroes gone? Who will step forward and be a light? I pray it will be you.
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Plain Bread with Val
PBV - Burn The Church (COMPLETE) from 2019-11-17T20:00:05

Is the church becoming irrelevant?
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Plain Bread with Val
PBV - Boiling Frog from 2019-11-10T20:20:03

Are you a boiling frog, sitting unaware in life-Wake up

Plain Bread with Val
PBV - Becoming Unstoppable from 2019-11-03T22:40:09

Where do you find the strength to go on? Life is not a 100-yard dash and to achieve you have got to keep going be Unstoppable.
Support at Cash App$salempriestgives or Paypal.me/valerie3456

Plain Bread with Val
PBV - 20JUN - Challenging Baal from 2019-10-27T19:00:20

No need to attack what we do not understand. Sometimes we have to know what to challenge and what to leave alone

Plain Bread with Val
I Fit In Nowhere from 2019-10-14T01:33:11

Why are we continually bombarded to fit in? Society seems to want to mold us into sameness mediocrity.

Plain Bread with Val
MY Poetry from 2019-10-14T01:28:47

I will be loading some poetry I wrote for you to think, reflect and enjoy
