Podcasts by PMA: Sculpture Garden - Art Tours

PMA: Sculpture Garden - Art Tours

The Sculpture,Garden presents a superb and versatile outdoor setting for the appreciation of art, offering a lively experience of sculpture for both the casual passerby and devoted art lovers. Gracefully integrated into the existing landscape, the Sculpture,Garden extends the Museum’s vast galleries to the outdoors while strengthening the Museum’s connections to the city and Fairmount Park. Its pathways and vistas, green space, and water feature create a variety of spaces for art while maintaining an open setting that invites Philadelphia’s public to explore a new expression of the Museum’s goal to make more art available to an ever-growing audience.

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Podcast on the topic Bildende Kunst

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PMA: Sculpture Garden - Art Tours
Stop 252 Noguchi, Origin from 2009-09-10T15:10

PMA: Sculpture Garden - Art Tours
Stop 254 Noguchi, To Darkness from 2009-09-10T15:08

PMA: Sculpture Garden - Art Tours
Stop 256 Noguchi, Dance from 2009-09-10T15:06

PMA: Sculpture Garden - Art Tours
Stop 263 Burton, Rock Chair from 2009-09-10T14:59

PMA: Sculpture Garden - Art Tours
Stop 267 Gund, Flukes from 2009-09-10T14:55
