Podcasts by Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)

Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)

Let's weep together cause of poor old and sick:
In the end of the year, cold, head and neck in, shoulder forward, tight my jacket, sun heat in south corridor......

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Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)
Regret I didn't meet the time 感士不遇赋 from 2019-12-11T15:48


Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)
Praise the Poor 4 - Qian Lou 黔娄 from 2019-12-06T19:36

咏贫士四 安贫守贱者,自古有黔娄qián lóu。好爵吾不荣,厚馈吾不酬。一旦寿命尽,弊服仍不周。岂不知其极,非道故无忧。从来将千载,未复见斯俦Chóu。朝与仁义生,夕死复何求。 ' ' '历史上安贫守贱的,有黔娄夫妇。高官厚禄我不稀罕,也不觉得荣耀。一旦死了,穷的连遮身的那条破布,都盖不全。难道不知道会这么极端穷困吗?不关乎道何须担忧呢!后来上千年,再没有见过象这样的人。早上理解了道义,晚...

Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)
Praise the Poor 7 Huang zilian 黄子廉 from 2019-12-05T11:06

Praise the Poor 7 by Tao YuanmingThere was a Huang Zilian, when he served in a big county,he wore high caps and wide belt, quite comfortable.Once he resigned and return to field,his living was so...

Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)
Praise the Poor 6 Zhong Wei 咏贫士6 仲蔚- 陶渊明 from 2019-11-16T11:51

Zhong Wei liked to stay in his poor house.wild grass surrounding, so high to bury people.Nobody made friends with him, but he wrote excellent poems.Nobody knew him in the world, only one Liu Gong u...

Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)
Praise the Poor 5 Yuan An 咏贫士5 袁安 - 陶渊明 from 2019-11-16T11:46

When Yuan An was trapped in deep snow,he knew no recruit people to clean snow in hunger and cold.When Ruan had sufficient money, he threw off his position at the same day.Dry stalk was warm enough ...

Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)
Praise the poor 3 -Old Rong 咏贫士3 荣叟-陶渊明 from 2019-11-16T11:40

' ' 'Rong was more than 90 years old, so poor he put on ropes as waist belt,but he was still happy, played strings and sang.Yuan wore stitched clothes and hole shoes, but his voice was clean and hi...

Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)
Praise the Poor 1 - Chinese - English (咏贫士) 陶渊明 from 2019-11-10T15:49

咏贫士一 万族各有托,孤云独无依。暧暧ài空中灭,何时见馀晖。朝霞开宿雾,众鸟相与飞。迟迟出林翮hè,未夕复来归。量力守故辙,岂不寒与饥?知音苟不存,已矣何所悲。 ‘’‘ ’ ‘ ’ 世上万物都有依靠,只有天上的孤云飘荡无依。黯然在空中泯灭,哪一天再放光辉?朝霞破开夜雾,群鸟相伴飞翔。迟迟飞出树林,还没到晚上就飞回来。 我使出力气守着薄田旧辙,难道不怕忍饥受冻?知音如果没有了,算了吧,还有什...

Praise the Poor(咏贫士) 1-7 by Tao Yuanming(陶渊明)
Praise the Poor 2 by Tao Yuanming from 2019-11-07T10:57

learn Chinese poem, stay in poor and satisfied with it
