Podcasts by R&B Podcasts

R&B Podcasts

An incredible podcast by two great aussie lads. We had good banter and jokes and thought we'd share it with the world.

Chuck us a message at rbpodcasts01@gmail.com

Further podcasts by R&B Podcasts

Podcast on the topic Comedy

All episodes

R&B Podcasts
Travel Tales pt. 2 from 2018-08-23T06:48:48

Even more crazy stories from around the globe.

R&B Podcasts
Who is America Discussion from 2018-08-06T03:50:24

We get serious and discuss Sacha Baron Cohen's brand new tv show 'Who is America'

R&B Podcasts
Our Dating Disasters from 2018-07-08T02:53:21

Our disastrous experiences with crushes, clubbing and understanding girls.

R&B Podcasts
Tinder Special from 2018-06-24T12:50:42

Yeah so for memes we downloaded Tinder, and heres our thoughts on the app. (Also bad audio cos we recorded with a standard laptop mic instead of our better mic (bens fault)) Yeah but enjoy, was sti...

R&B Podcasts
The Car Catastrophe from 2018-06-07T03:32:54

Several reasons why you shouldn't get in a car with us or our friends

R&B Podcasts
Trolley People from 2018-05-31T04:28:03

also features trolling online spammers

R&B Podcasts
House Rules ft. the haunted podcast room from 2018-05-29T05:05:07

We were going to talk about house rules (not the TV show) before interrupted by some weird sounds

R&B Podcasts
The Difficulties of Chilhood from 2018-05-29T00:38:41

Just how we grew up

R&B Podcasts
Music and Movies ft. Trent from 2018-05-28T01:40:56

This week we bring a great bloke onto the show and simply discuss music

R&B Podcasts
Struggles of High School from 2018-05-28T01:28:04

High School was hard dudes

R&B Podcasts
School Camp Shenanigans from 2018-05-28T01:20:29

The really dumb shit we did back in our school camps

R&B Podcasts
Travel Tales ft. Bobo from 2018-05-28T01:11:22

Ron and Ben's incredible stories about traveling, and the biggest meme Ron's ever met: Bobo

R&B Podcasts
Introducing Ron and Ben from 2018-05-28T01:02:57

Welcome to R&B podcasts, introducing your two great hosts Ron, and Ben
