Podcasts by Reading aint enough

Reading ain't enough

Podcast by Charlie Sanabria

Further podcasts by Charlie Sanabria

Podcast on the topic Bildung

All episodes

Reading ain't enough
Comerciantes de Duda from 2017-06-16T14:40:21

La historia de cómo unos cuantos científicos cabrones se las arreglaron para convencer a la gente de que “la ciencia es muy incierta” en cuanto al cambio climático, la lluvia ácida y el humo del ta...

Reading ain't enough
Merchants of Doubt from 2017-06-16T14:20:22

The story of how a handful of asshole scientists managed to convince people that “the science is uncertain” regarding climate change, tobacco smoke, and acid rain (among other things).


Reading ain't enough
Mi Resumen de Washington - Una Vida (Parte 3) from 2016-12-29T16:14:46

La presidencia y el legado de el padre los Estados Unidos de America. El primer presidente, y definitivamente el más berraco de todos! — Basado en “Washington Una Vida”, un libro por Ron Chernow Listen

Reading ain't enough
My Summary of Washington - A Life (Part 3) from 2016-12-29T16:14:06

The presidency and legacy of the father of the United States of America. The first and most badass president of them all! — Based on “Washington A Life”, a book by Ron Chernow

Pictures at:...

Reading ain't enough
Mi Resumen de Washington - Una Vida (Parte 1) from 2016-12-29T16:12:38

La primera parte de la vida de este general temerario quien llevaba consigo la mejor de las suertes dentro del campo de batalla—pero una terrible suerte fuera de este — Basado en “Washington Una Vi...

Reading ain't enough
My Summary of Washington - A Life (Part 1) from 2016-12-29T16:07

The early life of this daredevil general who had the best of luck on the battlefield—but a terrible luck off it — Based on “Washington A Life”, a book by Ron Chernow

Pictures at:

Reading ain't enough
My Summary of Washington - A Life (Part 2) from 2016-12-29T15:41:23

One of the most incredible (and lucky) events in history. The United States Revolution not only freed the 13 colonies but the entire world from the shackles of monarchy — Based on “Washington A Lif...

Reading ain't enough
Mi Resumen de Washington - Una Vida (Parte 2) from 2016-12-29T15:41:20

Uno de los eventos más increíbles (y afortunados) de la historia. La Revolución de los Estados Unidos no solamente libero a las 13 colonias de las garras de la monarquía sino al mundo entero — Basa...

Reading ain't enough
Mi Resumen de Los Siete Hábitos de la Gente Altamente Efectiva from 2016-12-29T15:22:32

Un manual a prueba de balas para mejoranos como personas — Basado en “Los Siete Hábitos de la Gente Altamente Efectiva”, un libro por Stephen Covey

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Reading ain't enough
My Summary of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People from 2016-12-29T15:18:19

A bulletproof manual of how to become a better person — Based on “Seven habits of highly effective people”, a book by Stephen Covey

Pictures at:

Reading ain't enough
My Summary of The Odyssey from 2016-12-29T15:17:19

A summary of the classic story about Odysseus’s return home and all the troubles, pleasures, and stupid decisions he faced. Did I say stupid? I meant difficult... right... "difficult".


Reading ain't enough
Mi Resumen de Cosmos from 2016-12-29T15:14:51

Un vistazo a las profundidades del espacio y a la historia del universo — Basado en “Cosmos”, un libro por Carl Sagan

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Reading ain't enough
Mi resumen de La Odisea from 2016-12-29T15:12:58

Un resumen de la clásica historia del regreso a casa de Ulises con todas las desventuras, placeres, e idioteces que afrontó. Acaso dije idioteces? Quise decir, decisiones difíciles... claro... "dif...

Reading ain't enough
My Summary of Cosmos from 2016-12-29T15:12:19

A look into the depths of space and the history of the universe — Based on “Cosmos”, a book by Carl Sagan

Pictures at:

Reading ain't enough
The Common Denominator of Success from 2016-12-29T15:04:33

Here is the secret of success! Based on “The Common Denominator of Success”, an essay by Albert Gray

Reading ain't enough
El Común Denominador del Éxito from 2016-12-29T15:02:48

Aquí está el secreto del éxito — Basado en “El Común Denominador del Éxito”, un ensayo por Albert Gray
