Podcasts by repat repat

repat repat

A new podcast about Africans from the diaspora returning to do great things.

In our inaugural season, our guests recount the personal reasons behind their jump, reassure and inspire us with honest anecdotes; and share practical tips to help us make the leap.

Further podcasts by Emy Makakalala & Evi Muco

Podcast on the topic Freizeit

All episodes

repat repat
#2 - Entrepreneurship with Tayo from 2020-12-08T12:29:25

26 years ago, Tayo Oviosu received two acceptance letters: the first to study in Lagos, the second in Los Angeles. He chose the latter and decided to stay in California for over a decade, formin...

repat repat
#1 - A conversation on identity with Alex from 2020-09-15T13:01:53

Alex spent the first 9 years of her life on the Continent, first in Addis Ababa and then in Brazzaville. Her family abruptly left the Congo at the break of the civil war to return to the...

repat repat
Introducing repat repat from 2020-02-19T19:02:04

repat repat is your new podcast about stories of individuals from the African diaspora who have decided to move back to the Continent to explore different paths. 

In our inaugural se...
