Millions struggle to understand COVID-19 health messaging - ?afna qed isibuha diffi?li biex jifhmu l-informazzjoni kollha dwar il-Covid-19 - a podcast by SBS

from 2021-11-25T04:59:08

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A national literacy hotline has recorded a sharp increase in calls during the COVID-19 pandemic from people struggling to understand key public health messages. Experts say it's part of a wider problem, where health and other government information is presented in a way that is difficult for many to access, understand, or translate.


Kemm ilha g?addejja l-pandemija, qed ikollna ?afna messa??i u informazzjoni dwar is-sa??a mill-gvern dwar restrizzjonijiet u x’g?andna nag?mlu u ma nag?mlux. ?afna qed isibuha diffi?li biex ila??qu u jifhmu din l-informazzjoni kollha li tinbidel minn waqt g?all-ie?or.

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