Rapid test reporting hotlines launched as restrictions are reintroduced - Testijiet po?ittivi tar-rapid antigen tests irrappurtati uffi?jalment - a podcast by SBS

from 2022-01-11T09:41:53

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New South Wales and Victoria are seeing an increase in coronavirus hospitalisations brought on by the Omicron variant. The increasing daily numbers of cases linked to the variant have led to state and territory governments reintroducing some pandemic restrictions. Positive rapid antigen tests will also be treated with the same authority as a positive P-C-R test and will be included in the state's daily case numbers.


Fi New South Wales u Victoria n-numru ta’ nies fl-isptar qed jikber min?abba l-varjant tal-virus Omicron. Din i?-?jieda ta’ ka?ijiet wasslet biex gvernijiet statali u territorjali jintrodu?u mill-?did xi restrizzjonijiet tal-pandemija. Testijiet po?ittivi li jsiru bir-rapid antigen tests qed ikunu meqjusa l-istess b?ala testijiet po?ittivi tal-PCR u se jkunu inklu?i man-numru tal-ka?ijiet ta’ kuljum.

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