110: Make An MLM Social Media Funnel - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2019-09-18T20:00:48

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RIGHT NOW, as of recording this, I still have people auto-joining my downline.  


I'm still having people auto-buy my products! 


It’s not a showboating thing… I just want you to know that the things I teach you guys on this channel are REAL


If you’re in the program, Secret MLM Hacks, it's cool to watch you BLOW IT UP


It's been awesome. 




Routinely, we'll get people who have BIG downlines, who are trying to find another program to sell another product… And they'll come join and it gets BIGGER and BIGGER




It works because:  


  1. I’m doing this podcast


  1. Of the automation that I put in - Which is the funnels. 


This might not be that fast of an episode… Usually, every time I say that it's a bit longer!  


But you have to understand… 


I've had a few people reach out since I've started doing this stuff here, and they'll be like, "Stephen, my MLM will not let me do MLM funnels." 


And I understand what they mean… But I just need to tell you guys something real quick. 


If you have sold anything EVER, you used a sales funnel.




What we have to understand is this whole concept of the MLM funnel... ClickFunnels DID NOT invent sales funnels. 


The first sales funnel that ever happened was when a caveman traded a rock for a fish with another caveman. 


An MLM funnel is nothing more than a sales message and an offer, THAT’S IT! 


  1. Sales message


  1. Offer


So, when you think about what it is that your MLM has allowed you to do… 


You have a SCRIPT, which is a sales message. 


And you have an OFFER


 = You have an MLM FUNNEL. 


The only reason why the things that I do work so well is because most of the time, people don't build their MLM funnel with very much intent. 


They don't do it on PURPOSE. 


And because they don't do it on purpose… It doesn't work very well. 


Any "a-has" on that? 




I just finished an event here in Boise called OfferMind, it's my event. 


You might have even come to it, which is awesome. 


  • We had 600 people come


  • We did about 1.9 million in sales from the stage


…. It was awesome!


QUESTION: Guess what I used? 


ANSWER: A sales funnel. 


"But Stephen, you were on stage." 


It was a sales message and an offer, therefore, it was a sales FUNNEL


I was the sales funnel, you understand? 


What I was doing there was super powerful and it was still a sales funnel. 


It's sooo much better when you can take what your MLM has given you and find a way to automate the sales message and the offer. 


Does that make sense? 




The only reason I'm doing this is that I want you to know, if your MLM has said, "You're not allowed to use an MLM funnel," you already are. 


When an MLM is like, "Hey, you can't do that." 


First of all, follow the rules. 


This is NOT a game to try and break the rules with. That's NOT what I'm doing. 


I'm not encouraging you to do that. I don't do that. 


But you have to understand that going on Facebook Live and telling the story of how you first started using your company's product, THAT’S a sales message.


Funny enough… They're okay with you doing a social media funnel in that way.


BUT the moment you put it on a page that you own, they kinda freak out. 


I'm just trying to help you understand that an MLM funnel is broader and BIGGER than most people think it is. 


It is not just these ClickFunnels sales funnels. 


That's a method. 




I just wanted to walk you through a very simple way to build a social media funnel that helps build belief in people who might be doubting whether or not you should do this in your MLM. 


So many guys might be like, "Hey, Stephen, my MLM won't let me do this," and I totally get it. 


In fact, several people reached out and they'd be like, "My MLM won't let me use a social media funnel." 


And I'm like, "You already are." 


I'm like, "How many people do you have in your downline?" 


They'll be like, "I have several hundred people in my downline, and we do... I make 10 to 20 grand a month."


And I'm like, "Cool, you already are using a social media funnel." 


You're already using one, otherwise, you wouldn't have all that stuff. 


If you sold anything EVER to anyone, at any price, whether it was free or paid, it was with a sales funnel. 


There's a sales message and an offer, which is all an MLM funnel is. 


The fact we put it on pages is a method. 




Look at it that way, and start thinking through, “Okay, well, if that's what a social media funnel is, how can I create a social media funnel?" 


One of the easiest ways to prove the fact that you're using an MLM funnel is… 


Let's say that you have somebody in your upline or corporate HQ (something like that), and they're like, "You know what? You can't use a social media funnel. You know what? We don't want you to do these things with it." 


One of the easiest ways you can prove the concept of internet sales funnels works is by using Facebook.


PLEASE keep to the rules. I'm NOT telling you to ride the line. 


All I'm saying is that most MLMs are okay with you going on social media and talking about the product. 


That's actually the beginning of any sales funnel. 




There are TWO things you can do on Facebook (or any social media platform) 'cause usually, they're okay with that. 


A lot of them DON’T want you to say the name of the MLM and that's okay, 


Play by the rules. I do. That's why I've been able to pull it off. 


DON’T try to find sneaky ways, don't try to ride the line. All I do is tell the story of when I first started using my MLMs product. 


Think back to the day when that started happening for you. 


I asked somebody that once, and they're like, "Well, the reason I use the product is that it has the purest ingredients. I needed the best form of ingredients because I wanna be the best human being I can be." 


And I was like, "Barf, barf, barf." 


That is NOT what I'm talking about. Why did you make the decision to start using the product you're using? 


You gotta go back. We call it the epiphany bridge. What gave you the epiphany, "Oh my gosh, I need to be using that product"?


It was NOT ingredients. It's usually something that's going on in your life. 


The MLM product that I use… I'm not gonna tell you the name of it, 'cause I keep it very third-party. I don't want you guys to think I'm selling you. 


I'm trying to change the industry as a whole. 




On my dad's side, pretty much every guy has or is at EXTREME risk of type 2 diabetes and extremely high blood pressure. 


And then, pretty much every guy on my mom's side, have had prostate cancer. 


So I'm like, "Well, that sucks. What does that mean for me?" 


I take that very seriously, 'cause I'm like, "Shoot, son, I don't want any of that crap." 


I remember once, watching my dad go through some surgery. He's generally a healthy guy, but that wasn't good enough. 


He needed an extra level of intensity on his health 'cause it's still in our DNA.


I remember sitting there, looking at him, and I was thinking. I was like, "How can I avoid this? I don't wanna do that. How do I avoid that?" 


In high school, I was 35% body fat. I had a double chin, I was working on a triple, I was a big boy and I was getting picked on like crazy. 


And I remember I was walking down the hall… Outwardly, you might have seen that I was a happy kid. I was a super nice boy. 


But on the inside, I was kind of this train wreck.


I remember this moment where I was like, "Enough. I'm tired of being big. I wanna lose weight." 


And I lifted every day for the next nine months, I lost 45 pounds, I grew six inches. I went from 35% body fat down to 6% body fat. 


So low that it's actually 1% away from considered unhealthy


As I started growing up, and I kinda kept this habit going. I started competing in sprint triathlons and I got third in the 11th Colorado Sprint Triathlon for my age group, which was pretty awesome.




Do you see what I'm saying? I'm telling a story. 


What I would do if I were you is lead that up to whatever product you're selling. You have a story behind why you're using what you're using. 


It has NOTHING to do with the ingredients. That's not why anyone buys anything. 


They buy the story, not the product. 


Half the reason why people buy from you is that you inadvertently have told some stories about the product itself. 


QUESTION: You wanna make a social media funnel using Facebook? 


Here's how you do it. 


  1. Tell the story of how you came to use the products you're using right now in MLM. What is that story? 


There was a story, not a feature. There's something in your past and there was a moment where you're like, "I don't want this," or, "I do want that" . 


Whatever that might be, tell that story. 


What happens in the customer's mind is, you begin to open up a gap where they sit back, and they go, "You know what? Things are not as I thought they were."


It's really powerful. 


What happens is, you open this gap up where there's this window of belief, and they go, "I'm starting to feel open." 


They're not gonna say that, but that's what's going on inside their brain, psychology-wise. 


"I'm starting to feel like there's a possibility this could actually work for me." 


That's the magic of where sale happens. That's the magic of when you finally start talking about your offer, where they go, "I can see myself doing this, why don't I just try it?" 


That's the magic. 




If you wanna make a social media funnel using Facebook... It's still an MLM funnel. 


You tell the story of how you started using the product, and then you’re like, "Hey if you're interested, please reach out, and I'd love to give you a free sample of X, Y and Z."


DISCLAIMER: I don't know what you sell, so customize that to whatever it is you're doing. But do you see how you just made a sales message and an offer? A sales message is just a story


  1. Tell a story


  1. Deliver and showed the offer to them


  1. Give a little call-to-action. "Hey, reach on out." 


That is one of the easiest ways to leverage any platform with a social media funnel. That is an MLM funnel. 


It's more powerful if you can customize the page the video is on and put testimonials on there. 


To the degree, you're allowed to…  You can add: 


  • Some scarcity and urgency 


  • A few other stories


  • Maybe you can have the formulator come on in and tell a little bit about it. 


... You see what I'm saying? 


Follow the rules. I'm NOT telling you to go be sneaky or whatever. 


I'm just telling you that an MLM funnel is broader than most people believe that it is.


That's good news, 'cause if you're like, "Oh well, I don't know that I can use this whole social media funnel thing that Stephen talks about." 


You already are! 


Just do it with a little more intent, automate it and then automate the follow-up. 


That's one of the easiest ways to make money. 




We sold a lot of money on stage two weeks ago. 


QUESTION: What are we doing these last two weeks? 


ANSWER: Following up. 


I am over-communicating with my buyers. I'm saying to them, "Hey, how are you doing? What are your goals? What is it do you wanna do? Let's jump on a phone call." 


Do you see what I'm saying? 


You can automate that (and we certainly will in the future). 


Understand that you're already using a sales funnel, and that's one of the easiest ways to make money. 


If you're like, "Does this whole social media funnel thing really work?" 


I dare you to put it to the test. Go tell the story of how you started using your product on social media. 


PLEASE don't do the thing where you're like, "Working from home today." Snapshot selfie, selfie, selfie, on Instagram.




Instead, tell the story about how you started using it and say, "If anyone's interested in a free sample, this is not meant to be high pressure, I just wanna share with whoever is interested." 


Tell me you don't get some sales from that. 


Storytelling is an art and science of and in of itself. That takes practice.


But just go do it. That's how I started this show. 




Just start telling the stories, and get good at telling the stories. When you do it that way, it's super exciting what happens. 


You'll actually find that people are excited to buy from you. You know that when you go sell something to somebody, and you walk away feeling like you convinced them? You know what I'm talking about. 


If you don't wanna feel that when you're selling to people, the answer is to get good at storytelling. Then it makes your offer feel like a gift


Otherwise, it feels like you're convincing them… "Better hurry. Buy one, get one free by tonight. Better hurry, it's half off before this time."


And then they're like...




They drag their feet in… They know they want it (but they kinda don't) because you kinda pushed them and there's some convincing along the way. 


The only reason that happens is that they weren't sold, they were convinced. 


People like to be sold… They don't like to be convinced. 


The whole point of this is to bring awareness to the fact that you already have an MLM funnel. 


Start thinking through, design and purposefully plan your story. Purposefully plan the offer that you're gonna drop to them.


If you're serious about this and you wanna take this to a really cool level, go get the Secret MLM Hacks Program 'cause it's awesome, and that's exactly what we're talking about. 


Have fun building your MLM funnel, your social media funnel, even if you can't build an official one yet. 


Have fun building the social media funnel and let me know what successes you have from just going and doing that.




I know it's tough to find people to pitch after your warm market dries up, right? 


That moment when you finally run out of family and friends to pitch. I don't see many up lines teaching legitimate lead strategies today. 


After years of being a lead funnel builder online, I got sick of the garbage strategies most MLMs have been teaching their recruits for decades. 


Whether you simply want more leads to pitch or an automated MLM funnel, head over to secretmlmhacks.com and join the next FREE training. 


There you're gonna learn the hidden revenue model that only the top MLMers have been using to get paid regardless if you join them. 


Learn the 3-step system I use to auto recruit my downline of big producers WITHOUT friends or family even knowing that I'm in MLM. 


If you want to do the same for yourself, head over to secretmlmhacks.com


Again that’s secretmlmhacks.com

Further episodes of Secret MLM Hacks Radio

Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting