52: Diggin In Dirt... - a podcast by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

from 2018-01-09T16:36:32

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How you guys doing? How you guys doing? That intro, I love my intro. I think it's awesome, but I want to switch it up here sometimes. It's stuck in my head all the time. Hey, I got up pretty early. I love getting up early. I get up at about 4 o'clock when I can. My perfect day gets me up at 4 o'clock, which means I have to go to bed like 10:00. That's totally fine, but I was getting up, and I built this gym in our third car garage. I love lifting. Lifting is a ton of fun. I love it because it's a competition with myself. I didn't realize it, but my wife also got up at the same time, and she was just on our living room on the other side of the garage door inside the house. I was lifting pretty heavy, and I was trying to beat some records and goals and stuff like that.
I was really pushing myself hard, and I was dead lifting. Dead lifting is my favorite lift. After you deadlift like super hard, like stuff kind of gets a little bit hazy in your vision, which is pretty normal. People are known to slightly black out a little bit. Not like in a bad way or anything, but you're like, "Steven, how does that sound? Where's the good way?" I was like yelling, like screaming and stuff. I didn't realize that she was on the other side, and she thought I was hurt. She got all scared and nervous and everything and I was like I was killing a babe. Like what, yeah. Anyway, hey guys, I'm excited for today. It's pretty early still. I'm excited for this week.
I've been planning out my weeks really intensely before the week actually happens, and it's been amazing what it's been doing for my day. I hope that you guys are doing that as well. There's so much purpose, there's so much clarity on everything I need to get doing. Today one of the things I'm going to be doing is I'm going through ... A lot of you guys might know, if it's your first episode here, just know that this podcast has been documenting me creating and launching my Secret MLM Hacks course, Secret MLM Hacks product. We had about 37 people join us during the launch, which is great. Tons of people applied to join my downline, which is a lot of fun, which invigorates everyone else. Keeps everyone else moving and things like that.
I'm getting an average of one to two people per day asking to join my downline, which is hilarious. I don't reach out to anybody. I don't do any of the face to face stuff very much. You know what's funny? I was talking to some of the people though like, "Awesome. Now what do you say face to face?" I'm like, "You know what? I kind of solved my own problem. I really don't talk about it at all face to face with anybody." I don't know. The subheadline for the thing was how do to X, Y and Z without friends and family even knowing that I'm in MLM and that's true. I think my parents and my family kind of know-ish that I'm in I, but not really. I think they think it's not like a real thing, or I don't know. I don't know, but that's the whole point.
That's the reason I built these systems was to solve my own pain, and it's been working, and it's great. That's why I built the product to show everyone what I was doing as well. It's not a pitchfest. I don't show anyone. I don't even tell anybody what MLM I'm in, but it's been a lot of fun. Today what I'm building now or what I'm finishing is about three or four months, I did the first draft of the workbook that goes with the course. It's fantastic. It's fabulous. I love workbooks. About four years ago, three, four years ago ... Excuse me. I'm getting over a cold again, but about three or four years ago, I was going through this workbook. Actually I've got it right over here called DotComSecrets Ignite.
It's a workbook. It's not like it's huge or anything, but I went page by page by page through it about four years ago. When it said, "Hey, do this, this and this," I did not move on until I did it. When it said, "Now do X, Y and Z," I did X, Y and Z and I did not move on until I had those things done. It was in the middle of college and I was hiding literally in the basketball stadium box office seats. I think I've told you guys this before. I would hide up there. I didn't have money really to get into the thing I wanted to. What I did is I went through that workbook literally page by page by page by page, and I planned out everything that it said. I did everything it said to do. When it was time for me to launch, I had all my ducks in a row.
I knew where things were going. It made me answer the hard questions. How are you going to find people? How are you going to sell? What's the sell point? All that stuff. Where's the traffic coming from? What's cool is that it helped me apply everything that was being taught in a video course. I've set it up slightly the same way. I tend to think when I get someone's course ... I buy a lot of people's courses and got books all around me. I love studying. I love learning. I tend to think like hey, I'm going to through this entire massive thing. I'm going to go through all of it. Just watch it all in one shot and then I'll see what I want to do after that.
It never works that way though. There's always so much stuff. I'm sure you guys have all done this. You read a book and you're like, "Oh my gosh. That was great. I should go apply that." You're like, "Well, I'll keep reading." You forget about it, right? There's a really, really great TED Talk by Mel Robbins. Mel Robbins is fantastic. She talks about The 5 Second Rule. The 5 Second Rule basically says look, if you have an idea, if you've got that thought that pops in your head and says, "I should do X, Y and Z," right, if you don't act on it in five seconds, it's gone. Right? Your head pulls the emergency break. Your head says, "You know what? There's too much risk involved with that."
Even if there isn't, your head starts to find and search for a risk for it so that you feel justified and not doing it. Does that make sense? The whole point of what I'm trying to say right here is that I kept thinking it through, I got the first draft of this workbook back and it looks fantastic. It's so cool. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited for it. Anyway, it's going to help a whole bunch of people. Apply my course and actually get the stuff done so that they're not stuck in this like learning cycle. I talked about that a little while ago too, but so they're not stuck in the learning cycle. I'm excited to actually get this thing out there, but I'm going through and I'm making edits. One of the things in here talks about relationship creating.
Now I know a lot of people call it relationship marketing or other things besides MLM, which kind of makes me laugh a little bit. MLM. MLM. I talk about relationships and not in a way that I think people really think about it. What you do in here though is you list out a whole bunch of people that you wish were in your downline or who were buying from you or specifically the people who have lists of the people that you wish you could sell to. Right? You got two ways to really go about this MLM thing. Okay? This is what I want to talk about today. There's really two ways to go about this MLM thing. The first way is the way that it's traditionally taught. There's nothing wrong with it, but it takes forever.
The other way is more of the way that I do it, which gets people applying to join my downline which is amazing. Then I give everyone in my downline those same systems so they can keep duplicating. Anyway, there's really two ways to go about it. The first way, okay, imagine this. I used to go backpacking a lot. I grew up in Littleton, Colorado, which is like right between Denver and the mountains. I mean I was skiing since I was five. Skied like crazy. Tons of skiing. Lots of backpacking. Lots of outdoor stuff. I absolute love that kind of stuff. I haven't been able to do as much of that lately, but I still love it. I remember there was a summer we went on a three week backpacking trip.
It was this three week backpacking trip and I remember that like two weeks in, we get to this spot where we were planning on resupplying our water at this creek. We get to the creek and everyone's tired. After two weeks, your legs are kind of broken in. You don't really feel it as much anymore. It's really those first like three or four days that kind of hurt a little bit. Then after that you're like, "Okay." Just like anything, there's growing pains at first and then you kind of get to a spot where your body adapts or like anything else, your brain adapts so you figure out how to solve the problem, whatever it is. Backpacking taught me a lot of stuff about life and business. Anyway, we get to this spot after two weeks in.
We get to this spot where we're going to go refill up our water and there's no water. The creek is totally dried up. Totally dried up. We were like, "Oh, crap. We still have 48 hours before we're going to go waltz into camp." It's actually kind of a dangerous situation. We pooled all of our water together and everyone threw the rest of the water that they had together in this circle. We kind of rationed the water out the remaining 36, 48 hours, which might sound like hey, you can be okay, but when it's high altitude like that, your brain goes a little bit weird when it doesn't have a lot of water. You start to not necessarily hallucinate, but you can. It starts to mess with you.
We were really high up, when you are dropping a lot of elevation to get down to the camp where we would like resupply. I think we went home for like a day or two and then we went back out for another week. There was a lot of us. There's probably like 15, 16 of us. It was one of my favorite memories ever. Do you think that we stood there and started digging for water? No. No. Is that the most efficient thing to do to sit there and start digging for water right there? No. Why? It would take forever. Right? Wouldn't it be better just to pull a map out and go find out where the existing water is and walk to that water? Ah, Steven. Oh, thank you so much.
Here's the lesson of it, here's the lesson of the whole thing is when you go and you start talking to family members and friends who do not have a preexisting disposition to buy into MLM or your product, you are digging for water where it does not exist. It's not to say that you won't find it. In fact, a lot of people do, but my word. For me I hate doing that way. I got to sift through a lot of rocks, a lot of weeds, a lot of boulders on the way to find the few spots of water that hopefully will create more water for me and I eventually can retire. You know what I mean? It's way better for me to just go and find existing streams. Way better. Right? If I have to go and I even have to pay a toll to some river owner, right, that's totally worth it.
It's still going to be more effective and efficient for me to go do that than me to actually start right there. I could even go to a swamp and just start digging. Guess what? That's some nasty water right there. You don't necessarily need that kind of water. Go find the water that's already moving. The water that's already in motion. The water that is already in motion. The water that's already going. The water does not depend on you to move it. Right? Has anyone ever drank stagnant water that you filtered? Holy crap. That is nasty crap. Hopefully you're starting to get the analogy here. Rather than me going and starting to dig water where there once was water, I don't care if even it used to be the Mississippi, if it's not there, go find it.
Right? Move with it. Shift happens. I'm not a swearer, but I actually caught that. Shift happens. Okay? Anyway, it's better for me to just go find who already owns the ... I could go find a river source that nobody owns or I might go find a river source that somebody does own and I have to pay a little bit of homage to. Pay a little bit of fee to. Maybe a relationship for to actually gain access to. I treat MLM the exact same way. Okay? The exact same way. I'm not going to go to the places where I'm going to have to dig and hunt and search and find and track and trap and trick and go and say, "Oh my gosh. This is what you need. You have to have this. You need this. You need this."
First of all, if anyone needs my thing, they're already not a good candidate for me. I am looking for people who are already in motion. People already moving. I want the people that are sometimes hard to get the attention of because they're so active in their life. That's the kind of person that I want. Right? That's the kind of person you should want. Right? That's exactly what I teach my downline to do is how do you find those kinds of people and how to do you become attractive in a way so that they start coming to you, right, rather than you going and tricking, trapping and tracking. That's my three T thing I guess. I don't know. I kind of made it up on the spot, but I kind of like it. It's sticking. Does that make sense?
What I do is in this workbook is I go and I help people identify where the existing river sources are and then what you do to court and slightly date the river owner, right, because you might not own that river. You might not be the first one who found the river. If you're not, which chances are you're not, right, you might have to either pay some homage to that person or whatever it is. Let's think of Facebook for example. Right? The way I see people digging for water in Facebook is they'll go around and they'll start ... Man, if my wife gets invited to another party, it's someone's house party, I swear she's going to snap one day. She gets invited to so many house parties and she is not in MLM at all.
That's people digging for water where there once might have been water, but there's not water. Going on Facebook and posting a whole bunch of stuff like "I'm working from home today" or they're posting selfies of them in the gym. "Working from the gym today." It's like really? Really? You're working from the gym? I saw somebody come out the woodwork and say, "Hey. Oh man. I'm so excited. I made $30 this month from my MLM. That paid for our diapers." I was like man, you've been in that MLM for three years and you're just barely paying for diapers? Something is wrong. Wake up. Something is up. I'm not saying it's not effective and I'm not making fun of anybody.
In any other business, in any other scenario, in any other industry, right, people would call that not necessarily a success. Right? People wouldn't necessarily go to the people who didn't want to have their product in the first place. I am never, ever, ever going to be in the market for a pink Volkswagen or probably any Volkswagen. Don't try to sell me one. I don't have a preexisting disposition towards it. How do you find the rivers of the people who already have a preexisting disposition towards MLM? How do find those people? How do you get attracted to them? Solve that problem and my friends, you get one to two people asking to join your downline a day. I solved that problem. It took me a while.
I certainly figured out how to not do it. There's a lot of times I failed, but eventually I turned on the spicket and I was like, "Holy crap. It's working. My word. Check this out." That's what Secret MLM Hacks is all about. With this workbook though, what I'm having people do is identify where the existing streams of traffic are. Let's take another Facebook example. Right? Mark Zuckerberg's done a great job creating existing streams of traffic on Facebook. Right? It's better for me to go pay ads and target people who have that preexisting disposition towards MLM rather than just digging randomly in these random spots. Right? Mark Zuckerberg created the traffic for me. I know where people are hanging out.
I know where they are. Right? I know how to put ads in front of those people and get their attention and get them to ask to join. Like how interesting? Right? Interesting concept there. If you do it the other way around where you're like digging, man, that's like ... Tell me. Tell me that you have not felt burnt out before doing that game. Again I'm not making fun of it. I know there are people that get great success out of it. That's awesome, but I'm not willing to put like 10 years of work into something before I start to see a return. I'm not willing to do that. I'm not willing to do that and I'm fine being open about that.
I will not do that. There is definitely a better way and I found the way and I've been doing that way. Does that make sense? I hope that there's been some epiphanies with this that going and posting on Facebook all over the place, that's not a bad thing to do. Man, if that's you're only strategy, you are digging in places where there is not currently water and you're trying to dig deep enough with a belief that there is some. Eventually sometimes guys it's just easy enough to just throw the towel and say, "You know what? There's got to be a better way," and you start figuring out, "Yeah. You know what? You're right. You're right. That makes sense." Anyway, I hope that makes sense.
I know that people have reached out before and they'll be like, "Steven, that's so cool. What you do is really, really hard though." I'm like it's actually not. I think that's the part that's been the most shocking to me. It's actually have been way easier than I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be a lot harder. Now I had to go through a lot of stuff to get to this spot and that's part of what my course teaches. It's what did work so you can shortcut all of that. Right? It's what did go through and help people or help me actually get success with it. Right? It's not like it's been a one hit wonder. It's still going. It's still running in the background 24/7, 365. It's just running in the back.
It's been fun to be able to have that. There's a quote. When I get up in the morning, a lot of times I like to listen to these different inspirational videos on YouTube and things like that. I love that. I love that stuff. Anytime there's like a quote that really hits me hard, I actually write it on a legal piece of paper and I thumbtack it to my wall. In front of my wall or like in front of me right now, I got pieces of paper thumbtacked all over the place. I got a big massive wall calendar, but then there's thumbtacks all over the place. Sometimes it's a white piece of paper that I grab. Sometimes it's yellow. It's like this white-yellow mural on my wall in front of me right now. There's one on here that I look at a lot.
It says, "If you do what is easy, your life will be hard." Isn't that interesting? "If you do what is easy, your life will be hard." Folks, go ahead and start trying to craft into your life growth experiences. If you've been digging because you don't know any other method of getting people, just take a chance and understand that there are other ways to get this done. There are other ways. If you start looking at what the top MLMers are actually doing, I guarantee you they're not digging in random spots. They're not sitting around going, "Hey. Hey. Hopefully this works. Hopefully this works." They're usually not doing home or hotel meetings. Okay? That's what they teach everyone else. We become their lead gen.
Does that make sense? It's a stark reality. It's a harsh reality. One that I feel like a lot of people don't ... Anyway, I'm sorry if I'm the one that's like bursting the bubble on that, but start looking around. Understand what's going on. Start modeling them or model my stuff or take my course or whatever it is. Just understand that there are other ways to do this game. Anyway, that's all I got for you guys. I'm editing this section in the workbook. I got the first section back or the first edition back and I love it. It's so amazing. There's some tweaks and different things I got to go switch or fit and update and things like that. Then I am shipping it out to everybody who got the thing, who got Secret MLM Hacks.
I'll ship it out to them. They get a physical copy and they also get a digital one. Then my plea is that they go page by page by page. You know what's funny is the first workbook that I actually filled out, that DotComSecrets one, guess which business I was planning? This one. What's funny is I did never expect that I would go work for Russell Brunson. I never expected that I would go do X, Y and Z. There's all these different detours, but I learned everything I needed to on the way to actually pull off what I planned in that original workbook. I take workbooks very seriously. There's something about stopping and thinking and pondering and writing by hand your answers to what you're going to go be doing in your life.
Anyway, I'm excited about it. I'm going to get this thing edited up and then shipped on out to the people who just bought it. Anyway, this is not a pitchfest, but if you're interested, go to SecretMLMHacks.com and that's kind of where you can ... There's a free web class you can go check out there and get started and join our crew. We call ourselves the MLM Mavericks because we break rules. All right, guys. I'll talk to you later. Bye.
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Further podcasts by Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting

Website of Steve Larsen: Automated Downline Recruiting