Podcasts by Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen

Join Rabbi Zev Cohen as he explores actual halachic questions. These are recordings of the Rov

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Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Pre-Boiled Eggs from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.378033

Is there a problem with peeled eggs with regards to leaving them overnight?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Bracha on Sushi from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.374544

What Bracha or Brachos does one make on Sushi?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Scholarship Tax Credit from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.372161

Using Maaser Money for Scholarship Tax Credit in order to get a Tax Break.

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Using Maaiser money to get a tax break - Part 2 from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.371380

If you give maaiser to get money back from taxes, do you need to give maaiser on that money you got back?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Credit Unions from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.365374

Is there an issue of ribis when taking a loan that has interest from a Credit Union?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Cancer research from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.361978

Cancer research needing a piece of the Orlah.

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Shaylah of the Week - Matana Al Minas Lehachzir from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.356988

Giving a Gift on condition that it be returned.

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Transporting Non - Kosher Food from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.299796

Is it an issue to work for a company that will pay you to deliver non kosher items such as cheese burgers?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Lighting the Menorah in Shul from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.291670

Where is the source for lighting in the Shul?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Sanctity in the Makom Mikdash from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.279102

Is there any Sanctity in the Makom Mikdash these days?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
COVID19 Salaries and Payment from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.193479

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Selling Fruit Trees to Goyim - Part 1 from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.191264

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Selling Fruit Trees to Goyim - Part 2 from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.183795

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Pets on Shabbos from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.181510

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
What is an animal in Halachic Terms from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.180823

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Hataras Nidarim Alone from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.178350

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Should We Say Tikun Chatzos? from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.171437

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
When is the Yartzeit of a Death after Shkiyah? from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.168284

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Onein Vs Avel in Regards to Tefillin from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.165161

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Ninja Line Between two Trees on Shabbos from 2022-02-22T09:16:04.160221

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Is Snow Muktza? from 2022-01-20T04:16:30

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Monetary Obligations Via the Kesubah from 2021-05-14T04:12:42

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Do You Need to Tear Kriah Upon Seeing Yerushalayim or The Old City? from 2021-01-31T22:10:42.023393

We all know you have to tear kriah when you see the Kosel, but are you supposed to tear upon seeing any of the Arei Yehudah?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Parents Lighting Menorah on the First Night of Chanukah and the Day of their Children's Wedding from 2021-01-31T22:10:42.023393

What time are you supposed to light if you have to be at the wedding hall by three which is too early to light?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
When are Nicknames considered Onaahs Dvarim? from 2021-01-26T05:36

Onaahs Dvarim means to make someone feel bad using your words. When can and can't you use a nickname?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Mai Chanukah from 2020-12-20T02:54:37

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Hilchos Ona'ah (Cheating with Money) from 2020-12-10T04:30:15

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Eating Chicken Soup While Being an Onein from 2020-11-22T03:00:52

An Onein is the period from when a relative dies to when he/she is buried.

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Working While Sitting Shiva from 2020-11-22T02:55:29

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Mezuza Safek Bracha from 2020-11-22T02:52:24

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Mowing Lawns During the Nine Days from 2020-07-30T21:45:43

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Shaylah of the Week - Ponzi Scheme from 2020-06-23T21:56:39

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
How Does Sheluach Hakein Work? from 2020-05-22T14:49:18

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Does one need to Read the Entire Masechta in Order to Make a Siyum? from 2020-03-23T05:10:24

Or does listening to a shiur count as well?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Saying Kesser on Mussaf Rosh Chodesh - Wearing Tefillin for Mussaf! from 2019-11-28T19:17

If you don't say Kesser on Mussaf Rosh Chodesh you may be able to wear Tefillin during Mussaf!

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Sandek on Rosh Chodesh Wearing Tefillin? from 2019-11-23T06:03

Should a sandek at a bris on Rosh Chodesh be wearing Tefillin? If he has already taken them off should he put them back on with a Bracha?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Is Gambling an Asmachta? from 2019-11-18T05:42

What is the Halacha regarding gambling? Are both parties serious?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Beauty Product Sold on Shabbos from 2019-11-15T04:56

Can one benefit from his products being sold in a store on Shabbos?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Asmachta - What Makes a Deal Last from 2019-11-11T02:14

Asmachta means I do not mean what I am saying. How binding are words without a kinyan?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Landscaping on Shabbos from 2019-09-29T04:36:29

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Toveling a Keurig Coffee Maker from 2019-09-14T00:51

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Wearing a Suit for your Siyum During the Nine Days from 2019-08-13T00:49:48

Can you wear a suit to your own siyum during the nine days?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Unbraiding a Braid on Shabbos from 2019-07-11T20:55

Are you allowed to unbraid a braid on Shabbos?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Making a Bracha on Tzitzis and Tallis from 2019-06-13T23:19

What Bracha should one make when putting on tzitzis and Tallis in the morning? Should you make it on both or just one?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Shaylah of the Week - Using a Rose for Kinyan Suder from 2019-05-30T23:52

Can you use a beautiful rose to facilitate a kinyan Suder at a wedding?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Shaylah of the Week - Signed Photo of Einstein from 2019-05-16T18:15

A father gives his son a signed photograph of Einstein and tells his son to not sell it because it will be worth money one day.

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Shailah of the Week - Giving money to lock in a deal or get a curse from 2019-03-29T03:50

Not keeping your word has consequences, sometimes this means getting cursed.

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Does a Shul make a Bracha? from 2019-03-12T17:49

A Shul purchased a new oven. Do they make a bracha of Hatov Vhameitiv?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Fidelity Charitable Trust from 2019-02-28T22:15

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Sous Vide from 2019-02-18T16:23

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Present for Shabbos from 2019-01-13T23:27

Can someone take back their gift that was already placed in the host's house?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Washing when breaking fast Motzei Yom Kippur, do you need Al Hagafen from Havdalah? from 2019-01-11T01:11

Do you need to make an Al Hagafen or are you yotzei with bentching?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Correcting the Ba'al Koreh from 2018-12-21T04:12

People always shout out the mistake that the Ba'al Koreh made when reading the Torah. But did they ever think about the embarrassment they caused?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Using a Zester on Shabbos from 2018-12-14T05:52

Can you use a zester on Shabbos to make lemon zest?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Making the Bar mitzvah before the Bo Bayom from 2018-11-30T05:10

Can you call up the Bar Mitzvah boy up to the Amud for an Aliyah?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Shaving a Non-Jew with a razor from 2018-11-23T05:16

Can you shave a non-jew with a razor?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Kohen Preceding a Levi in Halacha from 2018-11-17T04:00

Does a Kohen come before a Levi and a Yisroel in regards to Pekuach Nefeshos situations and other instances.

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
When spouses are in different cities for lighting? from 2018-11-11T16:48

Rabbi Cohen discusses the Shailah of when a husband and a wife are in different cities for Chanukah. What should be done for lighting?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Buying Kibudim from 2018-10-26T18:37

What is in the persons mind when buying kibbudim on a Chag?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
The Lost Retainer from 2017-09-15T04:28

A retainer was found in a cup. What can be done with it?

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Fidget Spinners and other inventions from 2017-05-18T04:34

This shiur discusses halachos related to overcharging and pricing.

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
An Escaped Rabbit from 2016-11-18T05:46

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Kohen with an injured hand from 2013-04-25T14:26

Kohen injured his hand and wants to know halachos for washing his hand and doing birchos kohanim

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Kohen with an injured hand from 2013-04-25T14:26

Kohen injured his hand and wants to know halachos for washing his hand and doing birchos kohanim

Shaylah of the Week - Yeshurun - Rabbi Zev Cohen
Kohen with an injured hand from 2013-04-25T14:26

Kohen injured his hand and wants to know halachos for washing his hand and doing birchos kohanim
