Podcasts by REC-tertainment With Shruti

REC-tertainment With Shruti

Recommending, analyzing and discussing various forms of entertainment and the artists behind it. I even deep dive into the content of YouTubers and TikTokers.

Further podcasts by Shruti Patel

Podcast on the topic Beziehungen

All episodes

REC-tertainment With Shruti
Tv serials=cultured kids from 2020-09-16T18:13:07

How certain media like tv serials helps culture Indian Americans (or brown people in general).

REC-tertainment With Shruti
TIP FOR STUDENTS/P1 from 2020-09-15T13:59:20

Today I will give you tips to succeed in school, mostly apps you should have on your phone

REC-tertainment With Shruti
Communication Is Key from 2020-09-11T01:29:08

This episode talks about why communication is key is important as well as listening to gut instinct.??

REC-tertainment With Shruti
Introduction from 2020-09-01T22:22:46

This first idea will give you an idea of why I created my podcast and who I am as a person.

REC-tertainment With Shruti
Shu-ru-tea? (Trailer) from 2020-08-30T19:26:49
