Podcasts by SparkPeople Radio

SparkPeople Radio

SPARKPEOPLE(R) RADIO is your fun and inspirational connection to healthy living. Each week, spend an upbeat hour with us while we share motivation, tips, and advice to get you revved up to reach your goals and be the healthiest person you can be. SPARKPEOPLE(R) RADIO, hosted by Bettina Bush, continues our mission to SPARK you and millions of PEOPLE to reach your goals and lead healthier lives by offering nutritional guidance, health tips, and fitness tools to help you on your personal weight loss and fitness journey. Join us for a weekly mental tune-up as we bring you fitness authors, nutrition experts, celebrity chefs, and SparkPeople like you who share inspiring stories about their path to a healthier living. Enjoy interviews with Chris "SparkGuy" Downie, Coach Nicole and our other experts, plus healthy headlines, shopping tips, as well as behind the scenes looks at national tradeshows and events.

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