Podcasts by Switch on to Life with Mariaan

Switch on to Life with Mariaan

Podcast by Mariaan van Zyl | Switch on to Life

She facilitates people to switch on to life to reach their full potential and fulfilment, through a robust journey.

"I believe in the potential of each person, and want to enable them to free themselves of internal constraint and external control."

The Chandelier represents the space she creates to allow the client to switch on the light, in order to see where they can go and what they may have tripped over or caused them to get stuck. In order for each client to experience a life of thriving and not just surviving!
Come switch on to life!

Further podcasts by Mariaan Van Zyl

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

Switch on to Life with Mariaan
Conflict Handling That Influences from 2020-05-18T10:47:04

Switch on to Life with Mariaan
Empathic Ownership and Boundaries from 2020-05-04T18:53:40

Switch on to Life with Mariaan
How I now see movement! from 2020-03-11T12:19:34

Switch on to Life with Mariaan
Getting to sustainable nutrition - my personal story! from 2020-03-11T11:51:36

How I started following Jamie Oliver at 16 to people that inspire me still, while I inform and transform my mind with the stuff that helps me be more healthy!
Our health has 3 parts: Spirit, S...

Switch on to Life with Mariaan
Making nutrition&movement personal! Let's get started! from 2020-02-19T14:15:21

Wanting to figure out how to make nutrition & movement easier and sustainable? Gain understanding of what works, and what not, in order to change what needs changing, so you can control your health...

Switch on to Life with Mariaan
Take control of your health - an individual story from 2020-02-10T13:56:34

Our health has 3 parts: Spirit, Soul and Body.
It is necessary for us to understand, heal and grow up in our Spirit, and Soul and Body!
Here I share some of my journey of how I got some h...

Switch on to Life with Mariaan
Interview with Danelle Esterhuizen on Gentle Strength from 2019-10-30T14:34:12

For the video version on YouTube, please follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFbH_YExQ-OdAfTm6J1Y8Cg...

Switch on to Life with Mariaan
Interview with Ross Van Niekerk on Living life Relentless from 2019-10-30T13:40:21

For the video version on YouTube, please follow this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFbH_YExQ-OdAfTm6J1Y8Cg...
