Podcasts by TBH with Madeleine Setiono

TBH with Madeleine Setiono

Opinions on all things life from adulting to infidelity, idealism to boobs. With highly opinionated friends, wherever they are. Mostly unplanned and uncensored.

If you like brutally honest, uncharted, two-glasses-of-wine-in kind of conversations (that are not always politically correct)-- do give this a shot.

Disclaimer: All views are personal and unrelated to any entity

Further podcasts by Madeleine Setiono

Podcast on the topic Freizeit

All episodes

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 20 - Dikira blasteran: Kenapa orang indo suka mendewakan luar negeri? with Azalea Johannes from 2020-10-03T07:49:06

Waktu kecil mungkin kalian pernah nonton High School Musical. Gua juga. Sejak itu jadi pengen high school di US karena berharap bisa ketemu Troy Bolton. Azalea malah kebalikannya. Setel...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 19 - IS PASSION OVERRATED? with Karina Augustine from 2020-09-01T07:39:42

Why are we told to "find your passion"? How do we know if we've found that "passion"? Is it a modern-day myth? Lama-lama cape juga kalo yang dicari gak ketemu-ketemu kan.

Join our discuss...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 18 - Deep but Not Really: Quarter Life BS with Adella Adinda from 2020-08-23T16:27:22

There is a fine line between being deep and being... bacot. Listen to us thread that line on this episode.

Memasuki Waktu Indonesia Bagian Overthink, gua dan Dinda membahas perspektif hid...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 17 - LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX with Yorin Anggari from 2020-07-23T15:37:27

Dengerin dulu aja... with manusia sexy Yorin Anggari

Consent is Like Tea - https://www.youtube.c...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 16 - Mental Health Myths with Tania Purnomo from 2020-07-11T01:54:01

What in the world is mental health day? Why is netflix and ice cream suddenly perscription for sadness? 

Gua conflicted sama trend "mental health" di social media dan diantara teman-...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 15 - Obsesi Pacaran: Dating in your 20s with Nico Doang from 2020-07-07T06:25:43

Lingkungan kita sebagai orang Indonesia selalu ngebawa-bawa status relationship sebagai sesuatu yang penting banget. Bahkan rasanya tiap hari pasti gua liat meme yang ada hubungannya sama ngatai...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 14 - Mis(s)understood Feminism with Natasha Hertanto from 2020-06-27T09:05:16

Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, feminsime rasanya jadi hits banget terutama di sosial media. Mostly, in the form of cute instagram posters and images of cool "independent" women who hate men. Dan g...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 13 - Ph.D Life and the Economics of Discrimination with Allen Hardiman from 2020-06-19T06:42:31

Bener gak sih cewe lebih susah naik pangkat di kantor? Apakah orang African Americans itu lebih susah kaya?

Kali ini gua membahas isu-isu sosial yang sering kita lihat di mana-mana, but w...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 12 - INSECURITIES with Angel Lukito and Mustika Wijaya from 2020-06-17T04:35:53

Di dunia ini banyak orang-orang hebat. To be precise, orang-orang yang lebih hebat dari gua. Contohnya cici cantik jago basket ketua Permias sampe engineer yang berhasil bikin nonprofit sendiri ...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 11 - NIKAH MUDA(H)? 21 and Married with Gaby Widjaja from 2020-06-13T05:17:24

Sejak jaman SMA, Gaby selalu cerita kalo dia pengen nikah muda. Gua gak pernah percaya, until she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids (!!!) in 2019. Di mana saat itu banyak teman-teman gua yan...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 10 - I STAND CORRECTED: Netijen Twitter and Freedom of Speech with Nabilla Gunawan from 2020-06-11T14:26:47

Di Episode sebelumnya, gua dan teman-teman membahas soal ke-bawelan orang Amerika, dan nyerempet-nyerempet dikit sama freedom of speech. Ternyata ada pandangan gua yang DIKRITIK sama Nabila... J...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 09 - Kenapa orang Amerika tuh, Amerika banget? On Speech & Polarization with Sean and Josh from 2020-06-07T05:51:34

Kenapa orang Amerika tuh... gitu banget? AKA sangat "pede", sangat opinionated, dan sangat bersuara. Join us to ramble about what makes Americans the way they are dan bedanya sama budaya Indones...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 08 - #BlackLivesMatter PSA-slash-Musings from 2020-06-07T05:18

Sebuah Iklan Layanan Masyarakat buat temen-temen yang sering liat di Instagram tapi belum tau sebenernya #BlackLivesMatter itu apa, dan urgensinya kenapa. Gak ada guest, cuma gua sendiri  c...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 07 - Girl meets New York: Movies vs Reality with Debra Patricia from 2020-05-29T08:15:41

Banyak banget film Hollywood tentang cewe muda yang pindah to New York to chase her big dreams...  If you're like me, pasti ada suatu masa di mana kita pengen rasain juga kerja di area Time...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 06 - Dibalik Pecicilan: Life with ADHD with Clara Benecia from 2020-05-23T07:16:16

Apa sih yang ada di otak orang ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)?

Dari kecil gua selalu dibilang sering "gak fokus" dan ganti topik saat lagi ngobrol sama....

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 05 - Career FOMO? Workplace reality with Gavin Adrian from 2020-05-21T10:06:21

Tune in to find out what we think about the "Startup vs Corporate" jargon,  what I wish I knew when choosing my first job, and why I left my first job after JUST 6 MONTHS. Also, hit minute ...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 04 - #PLSFIX: Imposter syndrome and more with Clarin and Micang from 2020-05-18T12:16:51

Pernah merasa useless di kantor? Linkedin envy sama coworker atau classmates? 

Have you ever thought: "Is what I'm working on that difficult, or am I just dumb?"


TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 03 - KENAPA KITA SELINGKUH? On cheating and being cheated on with Izzy, Raissa, Shiella & Vania from 2020-05-14T09:56:51

Why do people cheat? Better yet, why do WE cheat? 

"Perselingkuhan" adalah kata yang berat banget sampe seringkali jadi shame untuk dibahas (terutama buat sisi cewe, ntar dikatain pe...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 02 - Daughterhood, Jadwal Mandi dan Ortu Bawel with Izzy, Raissa & Shiella from 2020-05-13T04:01:25

Tentang independence,  arti menjadi dewasa di mata orang tua, dan teenage angst.
Dari ex-angsty teenagers a.k.a temen-temen SMA; Izzy Wijaya, Anastasia Raissa...

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 01 - So Far, For Good? Komentar Tante-Tante & Un-Angry Feminism with Yorin Anggari from 2020-05-13T03:53:40

Curhatan seorang anak kuliahan yang baru forgood ke Indo karena pandemi Covid.
Dari cara menghadapi komen nyinyir tante-tante yang tidak diundang sampai ideologi un-angry Listen

TBH with Madeleine Setiono
Ep 00 - Intro from 2020-05-13T03:44:24

I am joining the quarantine podcast bandwagon!
