Promoting Your Practice Without Feeling Slimy, Sleazy or Overwhelmed with Ericka Eller - a podcast by Dr. Danielle Eaton

from 2022-03-21T06:00

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Promoting Your Practice Without Feeling Slimy, Sleazy or Overwhelmed with Ericka Eller

DR.DANIELLE:  Hello, everyone. Welcome to the podcast today. Ericka Eller is part of the foot traffic  team. And if you haven't heard of The Foot Traffic Team there's The Foot Traffic Podcast who I think is hosted by Stacy Tuschel and Ericka works alongside Stacy. So she is here today to share with us, um, lots of things. Ericka is as passionate as I am about helping people prevent burnout in their work. We're gonna talk about a surprising way, probably that you haven't considered, that's gonna help you have more of that work life balance that we're all seeking, that feels so elusive, but is real. It is a verb instead of a noun. Okay. So Ericka, why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself and share a bit about who you are and what you do.

Yeah. Hi, thanks so much for having me. I'm really excited for this conversation and just feeling really hopeful to add some incredible value for your listeners and help them to see that there is a lot easier way to build their business without, like you said, burning out and just feeling that constant state of overwhelm that a lot of us can feel as we're just getting started and even as you just continue to notice growth.


Yeah. So, as you mentioned, I work with Stacy Tuschl, she is the founder and CEO of Foot Traffic and she has The Foot Traffic Podcast. Then we have our signature program, The Foot Traffic Formula and I am a head coach and I'm also head of sales for that program and within the company. I’m in the program with all of our members. My strategies are very sales centric so all of the trainings that I do are very much on how to increase your revenue through sales strategies within your marketing. But I am also very strong with mindsets and we get a lot of entrepreneurs that come into the program that are very excited about the possibility of building their business, but there's still that trepidation of, will it work? And will I be the unicorn that your strategies don't work for? So, you know, just kind of really helping to bust a lot of the myths that are out there about business and what business has to be in order to be successful, what it has to look like. I just love what I get to do because I get to come alongside our members and business owners and help them to see that it is possible for them to succeed and not completely burn out.


Okay. So right away, I can tell you that a lot of the people that listen to this podcast are gonna hear the word sales, or even the word marketing, and they're like, “run!” I know they don't wanna listen. I think it's a perfect combination that you focus on helping people with sales. I'm sure you have an amazing skill set in that, and the mindset piece, because fear of sales comes from a good intention, but it is a fear. It's a fear!

Yeah. Well, and I think a lot of it comes from past experiences that you've had where you've been sold to and it didn't feel good. It felt like someone just came at you out of a left field. They didn't know you. They didn't know what you needed and they were trying to sell you something. And, you know, as you're trying to nicely say, “no thank you”,  they're still coming at you. But meanwhile, they have not built a relationship with you. There is zero rapport. They do not know what your needs are. They do not know what problems you face and they don't even know if you have the problem that their product is a solution for, their product, or their program, or their service.  We get that all of the time.

I get to look at every member that comes in through our program, they fill out an intake form. One of the questions that we ask is, what is the one thing that you're most worried about or what do you not enjoy in your business right now? I’d say probably 90% of people say, I don't wanna sell; I don't like selling. So that's where I come in to really help them let go of that fear that they have, that's tied to selling, because the reality is, if you have a business, there is a product, a program, or a service that you are trying to get people to be a part of. Right? So you are selling. But when you think of it, from a standpoint of you are serving, you are helping someone, you are making someone's life better. You are helping them to transform who they are right now into the person that they want to be or into the business or whatever it is that you are promising as that transformation that you know, and wholly believe that what you have will do that. Right? So, when you think of your business, in that light of I'm here to help someone I'm here to serve the feeling and the actions are so much different from, uh, I don't wanna sell.  I don't wanna put myself out there. I don't wanna do that because then you kind of get stuck in that place of stagnation because you don't wanna take action. So your results are directly impacted on both of those thoughts, whether you are excited to serve and to help, or whether you are holding back because you don't wanna appear salesy.

That's the thing I hear all the time is that they don't wanna feel salesy or appear salesy. They're afraid that other people will think that they're sales and I can definitely relate to that. There are many things that I've learned about business now, after being a business owner for 10 years where I can look back and go, oh yeah, I didn't wanna do that because I was afraid of what people would think about me. Not because I couldn't learn how to do that. I'll add to that, I could have grown my business much faster if I hadn't had the fear holding me back from doing things that I could have been doing.

Yeah. And the thing is, fear is a natural emotion and we can lean into that. But we can also acknowledge and recognize that fear is coming from a thought so just interrupt the thought and change it.  I always tell our clients you're so focused on  what can go wrong or why you don't wanna do something, but can we give equal time to the thought of  how it could go right?  When you do that your brain starts to kind of pick up on, oh, well wait, okay, this is a new thing, let's spend a little bit of time here. At first it's uncomfortable because you've never done it. And when you've been so focused on why it won't work, you know why you're gonna be the exception to this, what people are, think that's everything that you are going to find and you are going to recognize as truth, but until you keep pressing into. I have something that's gonna change people's lives. I have something that's going to change the impact of someone's health and  generate to come because of  whatever that is. When you get excited about that, you show up entirely differently.


The people that listen to this podcast are healers. And  in my opinion, the most important work that we can be doing on the planet right now is healing. Healing ourselves, healing each other. I just share that for anyone that's listening. That's like, well, yeah, what I do is important. What you do is vitally important for how the world moves forward in a new way;  in a variety of ways. That can mean a lot of different things. It means all the things too, at the same time. One of the threads I want to follow with you in this conversation is that people often say that marketing and sales feels exhausting to them. And I find that for service based providers, especially for most of the people that listen to this podcast who are working with their clients or their patients, one person at a time, don't have a lot of time to give to marketing and sales. So of course adding more to their plate feels exhausting, but if they wanna help more people, they have to do the marketing and the selling to be able to serve more people. So it feels sort of like a catch 22. What are your thoughts about how to navigate that?

“What you do is vitally important for how the world moves forward in a new way;  in a variety of ways.”

Yeah. It definitely starts with a new mindset. Right. And you acknowledge that in order for your practice or your business to grow in the way that you want, you have to be open to trying something different. You can't get a different result by doing the exact same thing that you've been doing all this time. With marketing and sales, rather than viewing it as, you know, just this obstacle that’s something that you don't wanna do. It's this burden. Thinking of it as an opportunity to just reach more people. It's funny because I mean, I love everything about sales. I just consume all the podcasts, all the books, I have my own coach to help me in how I perform with sales and marketing. People kind of think that's a little strange, people are like, you get really excited about sales? It's an opportunity to just reach so many more people and to help so many more people. And like, when you think about that from, you know, just kind of like the, the very large picture, right. If you didn't have so much sales and marketing, it would take a lot longer. It's not that it's impossible, but I mean, everything just kind of clicks when you use sales and marketing together, your messaging is much more clear, you're reaching a larger population Then in turn, you are nurturing along the way. They are getting to know you, to like you, to trust you and then making a buying decision at that point, rather than just putting something in front of someone and saying, Hey, buy this thing, right. It's very difficult to get someone who's very cold to you.

 “It's (marketing) an opportunity to reach so many more people and to help so many more people.”

They have not had that encounter. They haven't gone through a true marketing funnel, to really experience. If your messaging is off then they might be your ideal person, but the way that you're talking to them isn't compelling them to want to learn more. So changing the attitude of this is something that I have to do,  I'm a doctor or I'm a chiropractor,  I'm a nutritionist. I just want to do this. I hear that all the time where I will hear people say, I sell clothes, I just design clothes. I just wanna sell them, but I don't wanna have to worry about all this other stuff. Whatever it is. I'm an artist, I'm a teacher, you know what, it doesn't matter. There's just that resistance that you come across. So when you open yourself up to the possibility of how can this help more people and rather than taking the burden off of yourself, but how can this help other people you pull yourself out of the equation because when you get really focused in on what you have to do and what this means  to your time, but consider how this can also make my life easier. I think that that's when it changes.

I have grown into taking the perspective that, if what you do is good for people, then when in your marketing and selling, you're helping them understand why what you offer is good for them. Especially for hands-on practitioners, it helps me to help them change their belief system, their mindset around marketing and sales too, because it reminds them that what they're doing is actually good for people. They're not selling them grapes that are gonna make lemonade and, and that doesn't happen, right. They're not selling them a broken, used vehicle. They're selling them something that's potentially going to change their life in a really transformative way. Why would you not wanna share that with more people?


Exactly. You kind of hit it on the head. Kind of the used car salesman, right? That's the connotation that people have with sales that like you are like pulling something over on someone. You're having them buy  something that's not gonna benefit them. It's gonna be totally something different than what they thought it was. If you're thinking that, then you need to go back and kind of take a step back on, okay, what are you actually offering and go through your value ladder. How does this help? Who is your, your client and what are the problems that keep them up at night? If they could wave a magic wand, what would be the problem that they would have a solution to, and does your product program or service answer that? Then, what's the transformation that you are promising and is that the transformation that they are really wanting to have in their life?  When you kinda work it backwards and then you see that these all align, it feels a lot less heavy, like you're duping something that they don't want or they don't need. Instead, you understand what the impact is. If they don't decide to do it, but also what could that transformation be if they do decide to go with it? Then you're just helping them to make a decision from there.

“'re just helping them to make a decision”

I mean, our conversation already has me feeling like I'm gonna just go focus on some sales this afternoon.

  I love it!


Now on that note, I think it's easy for people to get excited about something new and think, oh yes, I'm gonna do this. Then they get started and they find, maybe let's say it takes more time than they anticipated, or it's not as effective as they had hoped that it would be right away. With so many of our listeners struggling with feeling burned out, especially over the last year and a half of taking care of so many people whose stress level is also much higher than usual, I would love to  hear from you how we can reframe this?  Okay. I have to, like, I have to focus more on marketing and sales as not an additional thing that you have to do, but how could it actually make their lives easier? How could it make their business more efficient? 

That's a great question. We  teach the model of a marketing funnel. The idea of a funnel is that you are taking your prospective client through a process from beginning to end. You ultimately know where you want them to end up, but how are you having them  engage with you? Is it going to be a free consultation? Maybe a checklist, guide, or a video series?  Whatever it is,  how are you compelling them? Where they think, Ooh, that's gonna give me a quick win. Then you're nurturing them along and explaining Hey, I work with people that have this problem and here are some results of people that have worked with me, these are their transformations. You start helping them to imagine what that transformation could look like for themselves. Let's use the diet industry. This is an $80 billion industry and it's growing and growing and growing because a lot of people are looking for a solution. You always see those before and afters and people imagine, “that could be me!”.  Well, if that person could do that in this amount of time, what can I do? So they start imagining it, then they go into whatever, you know, they're taking the supplements or they're in the program, whatever it is, and they're expecting instant results. And then they're thinking, well, this is the magic pill. And then maybe they have found that one thing we all know that that's not the case, but you know, that they found the thing. They're like, well, I took it this morning and I haven't lost any weight. Then the next day they wonder what else is out there? So that's why the industry is growing so much.  If it worked we wouldn't have the obesity rate that we have. With marketing and with a funnel, you have to understand that  it's gonna take some time. People, first of all, have to go through the funnel, you have to try certain things. And that's what we do. You have to track and pay attention to the data you are given. I can't even tell you how many coaching calls I've gone into where people have said, okay, well, I've built my funnel and I don't think it's working so I am gonna change my funnel. I have to say, okay, hold on, let's just give this a second. Let's look at the numbers. How many people have actually seen your offer?  They might say like 10. Okay, great! Now, did you have anybody sign up of those 10 people? Who's opted in and they'll say five, I only have five. I'm like, do you realize you have a 50% conversion? That's amazing. Let's just put it into perspective, but they're hearing these crazy stories out there on the internet like, I made a million dollars in 30 days. They're imagining this and it's not that they can't get to that place, but it's gonna take some time and it's gonna take refining and you're tweaking and you're putting it out there and then you make some more changes. We have found with members that we are coaching that we have stellar results. We have so many businesses that are creating $100 K funnels, and it's just because they've stuck with it. We have one member who’s been featured in Stacy's podcast. She's a great testimony because she was one of the people who on a coaching call  was like, ah, you know, I think I'm gonna  just drop that and I'm gonna try something else. And I was like, well, wait, wait, wait, no, like, let's look at the numbers, I think you have something here, you just need more people to see it. I think if we change this and if we look at the landing page numbers, your ads are performing, so that's great. But when they get to the landing page, there's the disconnect that's when you lose 'em. So let's tighten this up a little bit and you just make little, little micro changes, one thing at a time, don't change everything, because then you don't know what's working. People want to complete an overhaul all at one time. And we can't fix what's broken because we don't actually really know what's broken because we're not looking at the numbers in its entirety. So I think  it gets overwhelming because you're trying all of the things and you want the results now, but with marketing, it does take a little bit of time. It's like putting out an advertisement in a magazine for your practice. You do it once and you're like, well, I got one person, that wasn't worth it. But that's still one more person than you had last month. What if you changed and adapted a few things? What if people need to see you a couple of times? You've probably had an experience of something that you've bought or someone that you've worked with that you had to hear about them and see them multiple times before you decided that you were gonna make a buying decision.

Yeah. I just paid for a $3,000 program yesterday. I had been in their sales funnel essentially and I never felt sold to.  They just shared their results for their people and they did it in a really fun way and I could see the possibilities for myself and what they shared. I was like, whenever I get that email that finally lets me buy this thing, I'm gonna do it. It came yesterday and I was already committed. I already knew that I wanted it weeks before I could even purchase it because I was on a wait list. 

This has been a really hard lesson from me in my own business, what you're talking about because back when I was growing my hands-on practice.  I had my organic social media reach. That was really all I needed to see as many clients as I wanted to be seeing. It worked really well. It was great because I knew exactly what to do to help other people do the same thing. Then when I started to transition and focus just on my online business, my coaching practice grew really fast. I grew to multiple six figures in three years. Then I got to a plateau and it was the same the next year. I thought,  “what's missing?” I guess my organic social media reach is not enough anymore, but I had never looked at the conversion on opt-in pages. I had never looked at any statistics on a funnel. Instead of looking at that information, I would just always go create a new thing and a new thing and a new thing, a new thing and it was exhausting.  My whole team was also stretched really thin. About a year ago, it's been kind of a process over the last couple of years, it really crystallized a little over a year ago. I was like, I can't keep doing business this way. I teach that this doesn't make business sense and this is not sustainable. I'm wearing my people down and I'm worn down. So I decided to essentially wipe the slate clean and we're gonna start from the ground up and we're gonna build systems from the start. So all the things that you're describing now, like looking at the conversion on an opt-in page and watching what's happening in the funnel, I'm like, oh wow, we're doing it. I can't believe that we're doing that, but we're doing it.  But it comes back to where we started, which was, I didn't wanna look at that information because I thought it was just salesy.

Yeah. I hear a lot of people say, I'm not really good at numbers, I don't wanna look at that. You know, it doesn't make sense to me. And I mean, I probably wouldn't consider myself, you know, like a numbers person either. But what I've learned is that looking at the numbers, you don't become Einstein, but you just have more insight into what is happening inside of your business. And to not look at that is, is just simply foolish because you could be leaving a lot of money on the table because you just think something is broken. It's not that it's broken, it just needs to be fixed. You just need to tighten something up and once you do that it just makes such a difference. I think that goes back to that mindset piece that we talked about originally. Allowing yourself to be open to the idea that you can look at numbers and it's not scary. Looking at one thing at a time. We keep our members pretty streamlined as far as like, this is the basic information to look at, you don't have to go into huge, huge detail. You could go into a crazy detail if you wanted to. But, if you're just getting started, basic information like how many people have seen it, how many clicks, how many people opted in and did you get any sales from that and going from there.  One thing that you had talked about was starting over.  A lot of people are like, okay, I'm just wiping it clean, but we still go back to… do you know what your best seller is? Do you know that if you have multiple products or programs and a lot of people do have a lot of offerings. Then your people are confused because they're not entirely sure which direction to go. That's the cool thing about a funnel,  it can be very strategic where you can bring people in at the beginning and you're like, welcome to my little ecosystem here and here's your first step.  Here's the first thing that you're gonna engage with me with and oh, you finish that. Awesome. You know, Hey, here's this thing that I have to offer you and you kind of take 'em through a process so that ultimately they get to where you want them to be in just a few steps. Instead of like, I'm gonna throw this at you, I'm gonna throw this at you and I'm gonna throw this at you. You're still getting them there, but it's just so much more logical this way rather than hoping that they land where you want them to be and that it's the right fit.


Okay. Can we play with a couple of scenarios because I can think about who listens to the show and what's reality for that person. And also know that it's reality for a lot of other people too. So one example that comes to my mind would be someone who, um,  let me give a little like backstory or like a history to this example because I think for a long time, especially within a chiropractic profession, but this probably applies to a lot of other hands on professions as well that if you were just busy in your practice, then you had a successful business. But just being busy doesn't necessarily mean that you have a successful business. So I know a lot of people who are very busy in their businesses and that might be like, they see a lot of patients, a lot of clients and they really don't have room for more in their schedule. They're like, oh, I don't need a sales funnel. I'm seeing all the people that I can possibly see. However, the limitation is in thinking that your business is you, you are your business, right. And if you separate yourself from your business and see where could your business go? And what if you took yourself out of the equation and like your, um, capacity out of the equation and started thinking bigger then yeah a sales funnel is gonna help you bring in more new patients or clients so that you can grow a team of practitioners who then help improve, increase the revenue in the business and you can make even more money and you can help even more people. But they get into this place where they're like, they're so busy with all the people in their schedule already that they can't even fathom that

Next. Oh yeah. I’ve taught a lot of people that are in that same place. It’s usually kind of like that one on one service based approach where they're like, “I'm tapped out, I literally cannot figure out how to schedule one more person, I don't get lunch,I barely get to pee, I don't have time, I'm at the practice from 7:00 AM to like 7:00 PM, Monday-Friday”. They're coming to us because they realize something has to change. Right. So like what is scalable? And so looking at what you are offering and like you were saying, taking yourself out of the equation. So rather than like you being the business, you have a business that you are the founder of or you're the CEO, but are you delegating? Are you allowing other people to come in under you and do what you do and be able to grow that way? The other method is, what could be another way to work with patients? Not so one on one? What could I do so that, someone can come across on social media, through an ad and they find a membership, maybe it's a course. I see this work really, really well. That's usually where a lot of practitioners want to go where they're like, okay, I can't work with so many people hands on, but I could teach many through a course. It's not as in depth as if they were working one on one, but it's still helping so many more people and helping people to understand the power of whatever it is that you were teaching. You were talking about chiropractic and how many people are resistant to chiropractors? I mean, I used to be one of them, like, I will say it,  I was just like, someone's gonna break my spine and I'm gonna be paralyzed. Like, that's what was going to happen. But it took me getting educated and understanding how chiropractic is such an incredible foundation to overall health. When you're utilizing other things that you're experiencing in your body, like when you start taking care of the chiropractic piece, everything else just starts to feel better, you know? You just kind of accept that this is just the way that it is, you know, like I'm always gonna feel this way. That's the way it is in your business. Well, this is just the way that it is as a busy practitioner and you just need that outside guidance to say, but what if you tried a different way, a different approach? What if you actually added some other practitioners and grew that way so that it’s not just you seeing all of the clients/ patients. How could you work with them in a new way that you're kind of thinking outside of the traditional practice model. 

“What if you tried a different way, a different approach?”

That actually came up in a conversation I had with someone a couple of weeks ago. I was in this conversation with her as a researcher. I was doing some target market research and I'm asking a series of questions that I ask to everyone that I do these calls with and just listening to what her answers are. But in this particular conversation, I was like, wait, do you even believe that it's possible to be a chiropractor and not be burned out? Like, can you be a successful chiropractor and not be burned out? And she was like, Hmm, no. It was like, yes and no, she was like yes-ish, but no, not really. I don't really believe that we can prevent this. And I was like, oh, here's the problem. You think that this is the way that it has to be. Ouch!

“Do you believe that it's possible to be a hands-on practitioner and not be burned out?”

The  interesting thing is that we kind of look around us, you know, like, who are we surrounded by? And if that is the norm in the industry where the chiropractors work in a solo practice, they're working all of the hours and they’re in this place where  they can't really grow in the way that they want to, because they don't have any time, it’s finite, right! So they only have so many hours in the day, so they can't grow that way. But then they're like, well, nobody else does anything differently. So this is just the way that it is. All right. It's still important to have people in the pipeline because that's just the sequence or the lifecycle of a customer, even if you are in that one-on-one model. Not everybody is gonna be with you for the rest of their life, you know? Patients die, patients move, patients switch providers, patients don't need that care and support any longer because you've done what you set out to do and heal them and right now they're good. They come in maybe once in a while for maintenance, but then you get to this point where those people are leaving. If you don't have people that are in that pipeline that are getting to know you, to like you to trust you, to engage with you on some level beforehand, before they even have a need, they might just be curious, you know, like, so for myself, before I even entered into the wonderfulness of chiropractic care I was kind of  just seeing  what is this about. I have these friends that swear by the chiropractic and why, you know? Just engaging with practitioners online and I'm like, wait a second, okay, I think there's a thing here. So when I was ready at that point, I was already open to that okay, who am I gonna go see? Who am I gonna see locally? So you just have to think about it from a different perspective. It's like what I said earlier, if you want a different outcome, if you don't like feeling burnt out, you don't like being so stressed, you have to consider the opportunity of what trying something new could bring.

 “It's still important to have people in the pipeline because that's just the sequence or the lifecycle of a customer, even if you are in that one-on-one model.”

if you want a different outcome, if you don't like feeling burnt out, you don't like being so stressed, you have to consider the opportunity of what trying something new could bring.”

Awesome. Okay. So many good points. All right. So my other example, uh, or maybe not necessarily example, but scenario would be, um, the person who was like, just starting their practice and wondering do they need to have, or should they have a sales funnel? Um, what if they don't have any clients yet, and they don't have the results, they haven't had the testimonials to incorporate into that. Should they have a funnel?

There is rarely a, I mean, I haven't come across a type of business that it wouldn't benefit. It's for the person that's just starting out. It's actually the best place to start incorporating some really solid marketing strategies, like utilizing a sales funnel, because you're kind of starting off with really good habits. You're understanding how to engage someone from the beginning rather than waiting until there's a problem in the business and then trying to fix it and work backwards. Right. So you're in a good place, as a new practitioner, to start and to create engagement and excitement and helping someone to get that quick win by utilizing a guide or mini training.  I know a lot of your practitioners that are chiropractors, what could be five easy exercises to lessen hip pain?  At the end of the day from sitting something like that, where someone's gonna take that because they have that problem at the end of the day and they think, oh, what are these five exercises and maybe this is what's gonna be the thing to help me feel better at the end of the day. You're creating that. Then as you continue to nurture them and show them things, um, I've come across some incredible chiropractors online that are just showing exercises. They're saying like, do you have this problem? Here's some exercises if you have this issue here, try this, or here's a way to do this without getting injured. I love that stuff so much because I feel like I'm learning every time I come to their profile. Then you just feel like when you said, when that offer comes through, like, I don't know what you're selling, but when I find out, I'm gonna buy it, right. That's what you want. You want people to get to that point. And if you are starting at the early stages of your practice, your business is going to just thrive.


I'm just gonna wrap up this conversation on this note in 2019, I, this happened by accident. So I don't have it documented in a really official and informal way accidentally. I surveyed over 900 chiropractors and I asked them, what is your biggest challenge when it comes to marketing? And they almost all, it was like 97% said their biggest challenge in regard to marketing was consistency. And I was like, oh, like, I, would've never, never guessed that. That would be the answer, nor would I have ever guessed. It would be a landslide answer. Um, so I'm, I'm just pointing this out because if you are struggling with consistency in marketing, and, and you're talking about having people in the pipeline, Ericka, like that's what consistency in marketing helps fix. Right? It's having that consistent stream of new people coming into your business, which every new business, not every new business, every business needs to have, then the sales funnel process, like creating that sales funnel and having it adjusted if you will. So that it's working, optimally helps you to eliminate the problem with consistency.

“97% said their biggest challenge in regard to marketing was consistency.”

Yeah. It's definitely a big piece there because you have people that automatically come across your profile. They are seeing this landing page. They're seeing your ads that you have always going. And I think people kind of go into this in and out of promotion type. They've got something to offer, so they're gonna talk about it, right? Maybe you have an in-person workshop at your practice. Maybe you are offering a two for one,  like, Hey, you and your spouse, whatever it is, you've got this promotion, you're gonna talk about it. And then it's radio silence after that. Then you've got something else that you wanna offer and you wanna talk about that. But instead, how can you connect with your audience just by educating them, by giving them something that helps them feel like they're getting smarter, like they're learning something that they can take something away and immediately go try it, implement it into their life and feel like they're getting a quick win. Because when you do come to that point where you have something to offer, it doesn't feel salesy because you  have this automated funnel all already. So they're going through the process. But then as they may engage with you outside of the funnel on whatever platform you may be on, then they're like, oh my goodness, Dr. Danielle is so smart and I walk away with so much after listening to her podcast. I feel like I could run this practice so much smoother. That's what you want. You want people to walk away from your podcast, your YouTube video, whatever it is feeling like it's gonna be alright, I can build this practice, it’s not gonna hurt, it doesn't have to be the way that I think it's supposed to look like, because that's just historically what I've seen around me.

Yeah. Oh my gosh, Ericka, we could probably talk about this stuff all day.

I know I could, I could, it's, it's probably a problem.

But it is a good thing. It's really, it's a good thing because when you do something that's so specific and you can still talk about it all day, it obviously means that you're really good at it, but also that the energy that you bring to it makes it more fun.

Right? Yeah.I come at like, how can I help someone, how can I help them to understand the power of sales and marketing and that it doesn't have to feel icky or like you're out of congruence with your values. You're just coming in from a place of giving and for the people that are listening to you, they are that helping profession, right. You are a practitioner.  If you wanna help people, you've gotta show up. You've gotta be consistent. You've gotta have a way for people to engage with you.

“You are a practitioner.  If you wanna help people, you've gotta show up. You've gotta be consistent. You've gotta have a way for people to engage with you.”

Awesome. Okay. So if people that are listening to what you're sharing today, want to learn more about the Foot Traffic Formula, where is the best place for them to go?

We actually have a bootcamp monthly, it's the Drive More Traffic Bootcamp where we teach 10 low cost or free strategies to increase traffic to your business. So that's probably the best way to get started and learn, what is a funnel and how can you make it at the very basic level and get started within the week of the bootcamp. The website for that is and we run boot camps every single month. That's just one of my most favorite times because I get to connect with so many different types of business owners and help them to understand the importance of what marketing can do for their business.

Awesome. Ericka, thank you so much. It's been really fun to connect with you and just really learn from you.


Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate it.


  • Learn more about the Drive More Traffic Bootcamp HERE 

  • Connect with Ericka at 

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