Podcasts by The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC

The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC

Computers play a huge part in almost all of our lives, but how did these machines become so powerful and important? And what were some of the earliest models like? This collection of videos takes us through the Four Generations of computers, starting with Colossus, the world

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The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC
Transcript -- Colossus: The World's First Electronic Computer from 2012-03-02T05:56:37

A look at the Colossus computer at The National Museum of Computing at Bletchley Park.

The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC
Elliott 803: Second Generation Computers from 2012-03-02T05:55:38

Kevin Murall, curator at The National Museum of Computing, tells us all about the Elliott 803.

The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC
Transcript -- Elliott 803: Second Generation Computers from 2012-03-02T05:55:37

Kevin Murall, curator at The National Museum of Computing, tells us all about the Elliott 803.

The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC
Integrated Circuits: Third Generation Technology from 2012-03-02T05:54:38

A look at how Integrated Circuit Technology helped computers to evolve.

The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC
Transcript -- Integrated Circuits: Third Generation Technology from 2012-03-02T05:54:37

A look at how Integrated Circuit Technology helped computers to evolve.

The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC
Transcript -- BBC Micro: Fourth Generation Computers from 2012-03-02T05:53:37

Transcript -- Chris Turner, an ex-chief engineer at Acorn, explains how this machine would have been designed and produced and what is meant by single board computer.

The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC
Transcript -- BBC Micro: Fourth Generation Computers from 2012-03-02T05:53:37

Transcript -- Chris Turner, an ex-chief engineer at Acorn, explains how this machine would have been designed and produced and what is meant by single board computer.

The Four Generations of Computers - for iPad/Mac/PC
Transcript -- BBC Micro: Fourth Generation Computers from 2012-03-02T05:53:37

Chris Turner, an ex-chief engineer at Acorn, explains how this machine would have been designed and produced and what is meant by single board computer.
