Podcasts by The Lost Gal Podcast

The Lost Gal Podcast

What’s up? You’ve stumbled across ‘The Lost Gal Podcast’ with your host Izzy Gibbs navigating her 20’s whilst feeling a lil lost in this big crazy world. She’s a 5 foot 2 lil gal trying to work s**t out. There’s a lot on her mind and if any one can relate, good, there’s comfort in people sharing your pain lol. New episodes every Thursday!

Further podcasts by Izzy

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

The Lost Gal Podcast
Growing up and finding yourself with Alice Gibbs from 2020-05-14T06:00

Alice and I talk all things growing up, challenges, boys and finding your personal style. Also what it was like growing up as sisters and trust me there was a time where we hated each other.&nbs...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Trying to have a positive relationship with social media from 2020-04-30T07:00

I used to have such a negative relationship with social media, I hated going on it and I hated how it made me feel. Since being older I feel i've developed a much more positive outlook on social...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Adulting & Moving back home after university from 2020-04-23T06:00

That transition from moving back from university back to your parents home is one of the toughest transitions, from being super independent for 3 years. This episode is all about navigating that...

The Lost Gal Podcast
25 things I learnt in 25 years (kind of) from 2020-04-16T09:39:37

A couple of days ago I turned the ripe old age of 25. I've seen these type of podcasts and videos going around which are really lame but I kind of like them. I reflected on some life lessons i'v...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Isolation & Anxiety, what a terrible mix from 2020-04-09T06:00

Isolation & Anxiety is not like cheesy pasta, it's not a great combo. I have been struggling through the current COVID-19 situation and I thought I'd talk about how I'm dealing with having a...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Let's talk about sex baby - vanilla sex, watching porn and feeling sexy with Alice Gibbs from 2020-03-18T23:43:33

I am joined by my permanent new part-time co-host Alice. You're going to be hearing much more from her. We wanted to do a more open podcast today all about sex, virginities, is watching porn che...

The Lost Gal Podcast
I'm having a quarter life crisis, how do I balance a career, a social life and travelling in my 20s? from 2020-03-05T07:00

I am in a massive slump right now. I'm having a quarter life crisis and this isn't ok, there a lot of things going on in my lil brain. I'm almost 25, what the hell should I be prioritising? My c...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Maintaining a long distance relationship with Alice Gibbs from 2020-02-20T07:00

I'm with my favourite gal and womb sharer Alice. Long distance relationships aren't the one but you learn to thrive with them and grow. We're both in Long-Distance relationships and we thought w...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Learning self love as a grown ass woman from 2020-02-12T20:28:51

 Valentines day is upon us and for some people it can be daunting, but remember it's the day of love and the most important thing about love is that you love yourself and appreciate yoursel...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Body image & social media with Alice Gibbs from 2019-12-20T11:46:22

 I'm joined once again with my Sister Alice where we chat all things body image and how social media has played a big part in that.  

You can find me on other platfo...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Learning to chill the f**k out from 2019-12-11T21:15:21

A cheeky little extra podcast today, I've been super stressed and overwhelmed so here's a few things that I've consistently done over the last year or so to help me deal with it better.   Listen

The Lost Gal Podcast
Don't let a past toxic relationship f**k up a good one now from 2019-11-29T09:56:08

I went through a very toxic relationship/breakup and early on in my relationship with my boyfriend I would allow those insecurities I had from a toxic relationship to push him away and f**k thin...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Does anxiety become a third person in a relationship? from 2019-11-06T22:22:42

Anxiety can become a third person in a relationship. In todays episode I talk about the struggles of Relationships and Friendships when the person has anxiety and how to maintain a healthy frien...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Relationship rant, healthy arguing and love from 2019-10-30T09:00

 Today, I am joined by my fabulous lil sis Alice and we share our opinions on relationship values, love and how to Argue well.  Enjoy.

You can find me on other cool platforms wh...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Thrive off that single stage and is rebounding a good thing? from 2019-10-22T22:06:05

 I really enjoyed today's episode. I reflected on why I loved being single and how that has made me appreciate my relationship now and instead of being lonely and depressed whilst being sin...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Seasonal Depression, getting a trashagram and why do people thing depression is edgy from 2019-10-17T09:10:59

 Seasonal Depression? what is that? I also talk about why the f**k are people thinking it's trendy and cool to be depressed. Enjoy.

You can find me on other platforms where i po...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Am I a psycho? Are all boys trash? from 2019-10-09T13:20:19

 Let's face it gals and boys, we have all been 'psycho' I talk about my psycho times and also reflect on (controversial) I hate the saying 'all guys are trash'. Enjoy.

You can f...

The Lost Gal Podcast
How to stay motivated when you're an absolute anxious mess from 2019-10-02T19:02:07

 Sometimes we all find it hard to get out of that negative mindset when anxiety takes over our life but i've come up with some real simple things that I do to help myself out when all i wan...

The Lost Gal Podcast
73 Questions with Vogue Parody with Alice Gibbs from 2019-07-17T19:13:45

I'm joined by my sister Alice again.  I love the 73 questions with Vogue videos (regardless of how cringe they are) so I took some questions from those videos and we're rambling about thing...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Anxiety Rambles from 2019-07-10T09:58:59

Anxiety is a thing, so each month there will be an episode of Anxiety Rambles where I can just chat about how I'm currently feeling and hopefully help some of you!  

 You can fi...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Dealing with boys 'n' breakups from 2019-06-26T19:00

Most of us have been through some sort of breakup, whether that be doing the breaking up or being broken up with. I'm joined with my lil sis Alice today where we talk trash about our ex's and gi...

The Lost Gal Podcast
Post-Uni Depression from 2019-06-18T19:45:04

Hello, welcome! This is the first episode of The Lost Gal Podcast. I recently graduated and I'm feeling so lost in the world, I don't know what to do with my life, am I utilising my degree? am I...
