Podcasts by The Miseducation Twin

The Miseducation Twin

Our life stories as twins.

Kisah kehidupan kita berdua sebagai anak kembar.

Further podcasts by Maya Nur

Podcast on the topic Tagebücher

All episodes

The Miseducation Twin
Move To America (Living Apart From My Twin) from 2021-08-14T18:04:31

My transition and reason in moving to the states and how I will move forward with Mia. 

Help Mia take care Bali Dogs, Please check our

Gofundme : https://gofund.me/6e0a2541 Listen

The Miseducation Twin
Buku Yang Worth It Dibaca from 2020-07-04T12:10:09

Hi guys,

Hari ini kita mau ngebahas buku-buku favorit kita. Yang menurut kita, oke banget buat dibaca dan di beli hard covernya.

Today, we want to talk about our favori...

The Miseducation Twin
Binge Watching Di Masa Quarantine from 2020-07-01T10:58:56

Diskusi tentang TV Series yang sedang kita tonton tiap hari di masa-masa quarantine.

We are talking about what kind of TV Series that we like to watch everyday during this qua...

The Miseducation Twin
Intro To The Miseducation Twin from 2020-06-30T03:12:31


We would like to welcome you in our Podcast and thank you for listening. We are twin sister, Maya and Mia. We live in Bali and if you ever wondered what if feels like to live as twins...
