Podcasts by The Nic Pachunka Podcast

The Nic Pachunka Podcast

This podcast is about filmmaking and travel with an emphasis on my journey practicing minimalism. I plan to get super philosophical and discuss the many questions I encounter as a growing young adult.

Further podcasts by Nic Pachunka

Podcast on the topic Bildende Kunst

All episodes

The Nic Pachunka Podcast
Deleted all my Instagram Photos from 2019-03-05T21:21:50

 Solo update of my current thoughts and experiences all in one place. I discuss the youtube filmmaking community and why I deleted almost all of my instagram photos. 

The Nic Pachunka Podcast
Adapting My Creative Workflow from 2019-01-31T06:39:41

Solo update on why I made big changes to my computer and phone. Also, I discuss fitness and mental health and how it drastically helps stress. 

The Nic Pachunka Podcast
Starting a New Chapter from 2019-01-08T00:34:19

Solo update on why I am making some major changes to my content.
