Podcasts by The not so NIL podcast

The not so NIL podcast

Every encounter and interaction leads to an experience. Here we talk about those experiences and try to learn and have some fun.

Further podcasts by Nilotpal

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

The not so NIL podcast
A year into the lockdown from 2021-04-25T15:12:12

A mini-episode about my thoughts on how a year of the pandemic felt. 

The not so NIL podcast
Holi: A festival of colors? from 2019-03-19T18:41:27

Here I talk about an experience that I had two years ago. Are we forgetting the purest form and distorting it?

The not so NIL podcast
The Dangerous Trend of Looking Successful from 2018-12-22T07:35:50

Everyone wants to be successful. Which is a good thing. But the problem starts when people starts faking their success.

The not so NIL podcast
Pewdiepie vs. T-series: explained in 3 minutes from 2018-12-05T19:05:55

What is it about? • Fan involvement • Twist in the war• Benefit • Conclusion . Brief explanation in just 3 minutes.

The not so NIL podcast
To Inspire or To Motivate? from 2018-11-30T19:46:04

Should you Inspire or should you motivate? What is the true essence of both? Let’s find out.

The not so NIL podcast
India . Diwali . Firecrackers from 2018-11-24T08:18:46

The rising level of pollution is going to affect everyone. But amidst all, we have managed to tie up pollution, firecrackers, and religion without knowing the origin of it. This episode talks about...

The not so NIL podcast
Starting from the scratch from 2018-11-17T17:51:12

An intro to the podcast that answers what it’s all about.
