Podcasts by The Odd Couple

The Odd Couple

Leadership Lessons from the Torah & Life
from Rabbi Alon Joseph and Jason Yutar, Financial Planner and Life Coach

Further podcasts by Kraines Yutar

Podcast on the topic Wirtschaft

All episodes

The Odd Couple
Vayikra: A Hero's Journey or Sacrifice from 2020-03-25T14:33:50

Its in a time of sacrifice that hero's journey begins 

Should you wish to chat to us 

My email address: Jason@correlationcoaching.co.za

Rabbi Alon Jose...

The Odd Couple
Vayak"hel Pekudei - Corona is King from 2020-03-18T17:59:22

Could Corona possibly be a gift? 

The Odd Couple
Ki Tissa and Purim - Creating a positive attitude from 2020-03-11T12:31:42

How important is a morning routine to creating a positive attitude towards the rest of your day  


The Odd Couple
Teruma: What miracles open up for you in commitment ? from 2020-02-26T18:24:23

Commitment can be scary, but its only when you commit only when you are 100% in, do miracles open up for you to guide you in achieving your dreams. 

The Odd Couple
Mishpatim : Whats your vision of you? from 2020-02-20T18:22:23

Great Leaders, be they CEO's or parents: have the ability to connect a large vision with highly specific details.Without the vision the details are pointless, with that in mind, How do you expre...

The Odd Couple
Yitro: Listen to your Father - In - Law for Leadership Advice from 2020-02-12T17:59:16

Moses Father In Law gives Moses his first lesson in leadership. 

The Odd Couple
Beshallah from 2020-02-05T10:00:11

What does it mean to commit? 

The Odd Couple
Parsha Bo from 2020-01-30T18:39:14

What would your message be to people after lifetime of slavery and are now about to go free? 

The Odd Couple
Va'era Overcoming Set backs from 2020-01-23T18:01:54

Slow down to speed up, 

What can we learn from Moses as he negotiates with Pharaoh. Pharaoh refuses Moses plea to let the Jews go as well as makes life worse for them. So what are th...

The Odd Couple
Yaakov and Rabbi Kraines from 2020-01-15T17:57:02

Yaakov and his family move to Egypt. Rabbi Kraines teaches us to overcome self doubt and get into action 

The Odd Couple
Vayeshev from 2019-12-18T09:41:18

Turn Fear around

The Odd Couple
Vahishlah -Does goal setting create anxiety? from 2019-12-11T08:26:11

Does goal setting lead to low self esteem or does it empower you? 

The Odd Couple
Vahetzeh 2020 Creating Clarity from 2019-12-04T11:51:57

How does one create clarity around goals

The Odd Couple
Toldos from 2019-11-27T10:19:27

Succession Planning 

The Odd Couple
Hayei Sara from 2019-11-21T10:02:15

Odd Couple 

The Odd Couple
Vezot Habrerakha Odd 9 from 2019-10-16T10:25:22

Start with your why !

The Odd Couple
8. Consensus or Command? (Vayeilech) from 2019-10-02T09:36:37

Is there a place for both styles?

The Odd Couple
7. Covenant and Renewal (Parshat Nitzavim) from 2019-09-24T08:48:20

Everyone is part of the vision and everyone has the resources within.

The Odd Couple
6 | Gratitude Attitude (Ki Tavo) from 2019-09-19T09:31:40

Mindfulness every step of the way

The Odd Couple
Xenophobia Among Us? (Ki Teitzei) from 2019-09-10T07:23:41

The Fine Art of Letting Go

The Odd Couple
Game of Thrones? (Shoftim) from 2019-09-04T10:07:37

The King Who Is A Servent

The Odd Couple
C*R*E*A*T*I*O*N vs R*E*A*C*T*I*O*N (Parshat Re'eh) from 2019-08-20T18:44:56

Choose Life!

The Odd Couple
Are You Listening? (Parshat Eikev) from 2019-08-18T10:49:46

Leaders need to be visionary; but their vision grows by listening to the perspective of others.

The Odd Couple
Small Is Beautiful (Parshat Va'etchanan) from 2019-08-13T10:43:31

"For you are the smallest of nations"
