Podcasts by The Rowdy Pals: A DnD Podcast

The Rowdy Pals: A DnD Podcast

3 Rowdy boys and 1 Rowdy girl telling stories amidst their busy lives. Join us for thrills, spills, and fun as we play DnD together.

Further podcasts by RowdyPalsPod

Podcast on the topic Freizeit

All episodes

The Rowdy Pals: A DnD Podcast
Episode 9: Snowbound and Sauce-less from 2019-06-14T21:01:39

After a chill hang with the goat who smokes and earning some crazy powerful magical cards, the Wimps are ready to take on the next Demon of Damengaurd on their imperialistic conquest of this land. ...

The Rowdy Pals: A DnD Podcast
Episode 8: Goat Who Smokes from 2019-04-24T21:40:59

After killing Gorelock, and getting John all of his bones back, the Pals set back to the Oracle to return her eye, and find out what lies next for them in their quest to free Damengard from the Dem...
