Podcasts by The WTS Travel Podcast

The WTS Travel Podcast

A tour agency take on everything travel related and more.

Further podcasts by WTS Travel & Tours Pte Ltd

Podcast on the topic Freizeit

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The WTS Travel Podcast
#6: Why VR Tour when you can just tour? from 2020-09-23T04:17:02

#6: In this episode of WTS Travel Podcast, we seat down with Jimmy (MICE manager) and Marcus (Manager for Digital Transformation) to discuss on the prospect of VR Tour. What is its current usage...

The WTS Travel Podcast
#5: Food and travel - Private dining and tour experience. Can they be interlinked? from 2020-08-17T09:59:05

#5: In this episode of our WTS Travel Podcast, we seat down with Wei Shan owner of Mixsense Private Dining. We discuss private dining, and how can tourist to Singapore and local alike look forwa...

The WTS Travel Podcast
#3: 台湾疫情防范和台湾跑车团vs台湾自助旅行 from 2020-06-30T06:49:43

#3:台湾疫情防范。台湾跑车团vs台湾自助旅行。 首页:这个星期5,6月19号,下午2点开播。  这是我们第一个中文播客。这次我们邀请了我们台湾跑车团的负责人Andy来和我们分享台湾在疫情的笼罩下怎么样了?跑车团vs台湾自助旅行有什么差别? Andy 的台湾夜市攻略是什么?  


 播客視頻 @ YouTube &nbs...

The WTS Travel Podcast
#2: What is it like being a Covid-19 patient and survivor? What are the precaution to look out for while travelling during this period? How can we travel during this period? from 2020-05-18T11:01:25

#2: What is it like being a Covid-19 patient and survivor? What are the precaution to look out for while travelling during this period? How can we travel during this period? We also talk about r...

The WTS Travel Podcast
#1: We are in a circuit breaker now, but what about after getting out of the Circuit Breaker? from 2020-05-01T09:02:41

#1: We are in a circuit breaker now, but what about after getting out of the Circuit Breaker? What can we expect from our favourite short getaway destination like Malaysia, Indonesia, and more?<...
