Podcasts by THIMK - a podcast for learning!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!

The dumbest boys in school (Nicholas Rue

Further podcasts by Nicholas Rue and Paul Vine

Podcast on the topic Comedy

All episodes

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
THIMK at the MOVIES: THE BATMAN - PART TWO from 2022-06-01T08:58:03

Continue to join NICK, PAUL, & guest IAN as they talk about THE BATMAN even more! What could happen in this EXCITING second half: Do we take the Riddler pill? Do we punch each other in the face?...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
THIMK at the MOVIES: THE BATMAN - PART ONE from 2022-04-20T10:00

Join NICK, PAUL, & special guest IAN BENSON as they talk about the latest adventures of the CAPED CRUSADER for nearly as long as the actual film! We swear this first part isn't entirely just say...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP98: SPIRITUALISM - PART TWO - The POWER of GHOSTS from 2022-04-13T10:00

Join NICK, PAUL, and very special guest JON MASSEY as we creep around the HAUNTED MIND PALACE of our RESEARCH! Picking up from where we left off... some time ago, we cover THE END of the SPIRITU...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP97: ALL SPIDEY, ALL THE TIME! from 2021-12-22T10:00

JOIN US in this SPIDEY-THEMED SPECTACULAR (unless you have not seen NO WAY HOME then go see that and then LISTEN TO THIS). NICK and PAUL watched THE MOVIE & they've got THOUGHTS! WHO is the best...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP96: SPIRITUALISM - PART ONE - SEANCES from 2021-12-15T10:00

JOIN us for this SPIRITUAL EP as we begin our journey into the SPOOKY MOVEMENT of the 19th century AND BEYOND! From the SISTSERS who could make SPIRITS RAP, to the REAL PHOTOS of folks SPEWING G...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP95: CRACK into CHIROPRACTIC from 2021-12-08T09:00

CRACK into this fresh NEW EP, as NICK and PAUL get into the pseudo-science of CHIROPRACTIC. From it's ORIGIN as a SECRET from a GHOST, through the WAR between the STRAIGHTS and the MIXERS, to it...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP94: THAMKSGIVING - A New Legacy from 2021-12-02T10:00

Enjoy our HOLIDAY LEFTOVERS as NICK, PAUL and (special recurring guest) JON talk TURKEY! These three form a THAMKSGIVING THIMK TANK to discover the origin of THANKSGIVING, tell CUTE CAT STORIES,...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP93: NFTs from 2021-08-24T10:30

In this BILLION DOLLAR EP, the usual THIMK gang team up with NEW FRIEND TESSA to learn about the CONFUSING world of NFTs! Is ART really worth MONEY? Can a PERSON own a FILET!? Could ALL OF THIS ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP92: INTO the WOODS from 2021-08-17T10:00

Follow NICK, PAUL, and (special guest) AUDREY as we venture deep INTO THE WOODS to talk about a WEIRDLY CAST musical, INSULT a BAKER, and LOSE OUR BEANS!!! JAMES CORDEN and EMILY BLUNT are a mar...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP91: WALRUS DISNEY from 2021-03-26T08:00

WELCOME to this MAGICAL episode, all you THIMKIEs, THIMKERs, and THIMKOs! The DUMBEST BOYS you know NICK and PAUL, cover a lot of ground in this episode. What did MARTIN SCORSESE say now?!? Did ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP90: THIMK both reached for the GUN from 2021-02-19T15:07:12

In this SCANDALOUS ep, NICK and PAUL discuss how HOT it is to MURDER shitty dudes IF you can SING and DANCE as well! Put on your PIN STRIPE SUIT or your FLAPPER DRESS or BOTH or NEITHER, grab yo...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP89: THIMK will FIGURE it OUT from 2021-02-05T13:02:10

After dropping out of IMPROV class because they couldn't handle the CRINGE, the THIMK BOYS decide instead to try to IMPROVE themselves, and figure out which classes to AUDIT!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP88: THIMK throws AWAY its SHOT from 2021-01-29T10:00

THIMK talks about WHERE we've BEEN, why GAMESPOT is going to allow us all to swim in GOLD, and HOW GOOD everyone's favorite HISTORICAL-RAP-MUSICAL is!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP87: THIMK BREAKS into WINTER from 2021-01-13T11:48:28

JOIN US for the NEW YEAR! NICK and PAUL just got back from an EXCITING TRIP where they made some NEW FRIENDS! Sometimes people get CANCELED and sometimes CLASSES do too, but THIMK will always be...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP85: WE got some HORRORS in this LITTLE SHOP from 2020-12-14T08:00

PLANT yourself down and FEED your ears to this new episode of THIMK! In this episode we talk about the story of a VERY HUNGRY PLANT, that was first a LOW BUDGET MOVIE, then an OFF-OFF BROADWAY M...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP84: Tom DeLong's Box Car Children from 2020-12-08T07:00

In this decidedly non-POP PUNK ep, PAUL reads an old kid's book & NICK watches a recent movie adaptation. LISTEN to this episode to find out how ORPHANS can make a home in the woods & VIBE all d...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP83: I'm not a MUSIC MAN, I'm a MUSIC, man. from 2020-11-23T04:00

Come JOIN THE BAND in this rootin' tootin' new EP of THIMK as NICK and PAUL discuss THE MUSIC MAN and the ultimate question the move posits: How many trombones? How MANY trombones!? HOW MANY tro...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP82: O Captain! My Underpants! from 2020-10-19T08:00

TRA LA LA! In this EP, NICK & PAUL delve into the most erudite of CHILDREN'S LIT, the heroic SAGA of CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS! Out of 12 books, 2 activity books, and 11 spin-offs, we read... some of t...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP81: U Talkin' Les Mis 2 Le Me!? from 2020-09-04T09:00

Join the THIMKOs as they start their new MUSICAL semester & have a conflict reminiscent of JEAN VALJEAN v. JAVERT while discussing LES MISÉRABLES! Who will die peacefully? Who will jump in the r...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP80: the THIMKOs of SUMMER from 2020-08-28T17:18:37

As the SUMMER BREAK draws to a close, your favorite THIMKOs reflect on some of the ADVENTURES that they've had this summer, and eagerly await the EXCITING TIMES ahead to come!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP79: THIMK has a GREAT SUMMER from 2020-08-28T16:40:30

As the end of SUMMER BREAK draws near, PAUL and NICK go live to figure out what CLASSES they should take next semester. Listen to the FUN (and audio of visual gags) as our THIMKOs decide on some...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP78: THIMK comes ALIVE! from 2020-08-14T16:20:50

Listen to this (first time ever) LIVE EPISODE! We catch up on how our summer break has been going, discover a VERY STRANGE connection to a Japanese political party, and respond to things in the ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP77: EIGHT CREDITS DOWN from 2020-07-10T16:04:17

NICK and PAUL have got their grades back and it looks like these boys are going to be in school for A LONG TIME. Tune in to find out how THIMK is going to spend its SUMMER BREAK and more on EP78...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP76: TETRIS the MOVIE - PART ONE! from 2020-06-26T13:52:01

The TIME CUBE has thrust us forward to the END of the SEMESTER! The THIMK BOYS have final projects for their classes DUE SOON, when they have the brilliant idea to do ONE PERFECT FINAL PROJECT f...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP75: TIME SCOOB from 2020-06-19T17:24:16

Join the NICK and PAUL in mid-MAY as they review the 2020 film SCOOB! (an adaptation of the 1986 Commodore 64 game "Scooby-Doo in the Castle Mystery") and then embark on their own wacky mystery ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP74: DOOM from 2020-05-08T12:54:13

In this SCORCHING ep, the boys find out what DOOM is all about - the VIDEO GAMES and the MOVIE! Is it about DEMONS? Is it about ALIENS? Is it about ALIEN-DEMONS? Is it about ALL OF THE ABOVE due...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP73: GIN and TONIC and HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and ZINC from 2020-05-01T11:02:05

In this BITTER ep, the boys get back in pseudoscience with a little help from reigning champ JON MASSEY. Why are all the stores out of TONIC WATER? Where has the BLEACH gone? What's the best way...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP72: RESIDENT EVIL and MARIO - THE MOVIES! from 2020-04-24T12:53:49

IN PART ONE of this NEW ASSIGNMENT, the boys start a multiple week assignment on VIDEO GAME MOVIE ADAPTATIONS. NICK half remembers SUPER MARIO BROS from his nightmares, and PAUL probably thimks ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP71: RADIATION from 2020-04-16T10:00

In this TOXIC ep, the boys are joined by SARAH [REDACTED] to discuss how PROTONS and NEUTRONS AND can be good and bad (but largely bad) for us. Hold on to your JAWS as we dive into the science a...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP70: KINGS from 2020-04-02T10:00

In this REGAL ep, the THIMK boys grow increasingly mad from QUARANTINE, and troubles in their online classes throw their assignment in QUESTION. WHO watched the correct ROYAL MEDIA? Will their G...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP69: KRATOM from 2020-03-19T13:37:10

In this chill yet stimulating episode of THIMK, the boys watch a documentary on controversial new old drug(ish?) KRATOM! Is it lame? Is it cool? Is it breakin' every rule? Is it anybody's tool? ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP68: GHOST HUNTING from 2020-01-30T09:00

In this brief DIP back into the PARANORMAL, we explore the pseudo-scientific means of HUNTING GHOSTS and then what you can do once ya' GOT EM!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP67: a NEW SEMESTER from 2020-01-22T07:00

ATTN THIMKIES: 2019 is officially over. The school year for 2020 has begun and we are moving onto new classes! Find out how we did on our finals, what we'll be learning over the next few months ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP66: the RISE of SKYWALKER from 2020-01-15T08:00

We return from WINTER BREAK with a brand new STAR WARS movie to talk about! Did we think it was good? Did we think it was bad? Does that even matter anymore? Find out that and more in the newest...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP65: the IRISHMAN from 2019-12-17T09:00

Kiss us! We do a very serious review of the (better than any Marvel) movie THE IRISHMAN!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP64: ZERO-POINT ENERGY from 2019-11-22T17:08:55

In this EP, NICK and PAUL talk about a topic in QUANTUM MECHANICS and definitely NOT about STAR WARS or certain PREMIERE TV SERIES.

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP63: JOKER from 2019-11-07T07:00

In this INCEL-FRIENDLY EPISODE, them THIMK BOYS get into a whole bunch of wacky conversations over IMDB #9 TOP MOVIE OF ALL TIME, Todd Phillip's JOKER. Is it good? Is it bad? Do those words have...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!

BOO! Listen to this special holiday episode where we're joined by JON MASSEY and we talk about some really spooky scary things - ghosts, ghosts, and EVENT HORIZON!!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP61: FACIAL RECOGNITION from 2019-10-25T08:00

In this episode, PAUL and NICK explore a new topic in SF - FACIAL RECOGNITION ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCES! What's wrong with it? How will it be used against us? Why is JUDE LAW so dang HANDSOME? Al...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!

In this STINKER of an EP, PAUL and NICK watch two movies starring the actor JOHN TRAVOLTA and struggle to find anything nice to say.

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP59: ALIENS EXIST from 2019-10-01T09:00

In this OUT OF THIS WORLD episode, NICK researches why TOM DELONGE got the US NAVY to confirm several UFO videos, and how he went from POP-PUNK ROCKER to ALIEN RESEARCHER.

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP58: BACK to SCHOOL from 2019-09-05T06:00

THIMK is back from SUMMER BREAK, and the boys have signed up for TWO NEW CLASSES! Thankfully, one of them did their SUMMER HOMEWORK.

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP57: THIMK is RUSTY from 2019-08-07T14:28:18

PAUL bought a house and NICK moved to CHICAGO, so it's been over a month since THIMK last recorded! Listen to this sleepy free-form riff-fest and tell us in you learned anything!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP56: FINLAND is NOT REAL from 2019-07-10T09:00

Did you know Finland isn't real? NICK either! In this episode we are joined by ~local socalite~ JULZ BRESSLER to talk about some very silly conspiracies!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP55: NEW COKE from 2019-07-02T09:00

In this ROCKNROLLA COLA WAR-torn episode, the boys are joined by JON MASSEY to talk about the history of America's favorite sugary soda and the terrible, terrible (possibly intentional?) mistake...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP54: PAUL IS DEAD and the DENVER AIRPORT CONSPIRACY from 2019-05-30T11:17:23

DIEGO SANCHEZ comes on for a second time to help the boys learn about the mysterious clues surrounding the fate of the cute Beatle, and then we talk about a very scary airport!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP53: the CONSPIRACY from "US" with LOGAN NICHOLS from 2019-04-18T18:12

In this THRILLING episode with returning guest LOGAN NICHOLS we briefly talk about the PECULIAR MURDER of KIM JONG-NAM, interpret the movie US (there are lots of SPOILERS), delve into the REAL C...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP52: the PHILADELPHIA CRIME FAMILY from 2019-04-11T19:23

Ayy, we got an episode talkin' about the PHILLY MAFIA here! Get cha' self a cheesesteak sandwich and learn a little about a few Brunos, a buncha' Joes, and a hell of a lot of crime! If you don't...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP51: the LIGHT BULB CONSPIRACY from 2019-04-04T22:16

In this return to form after a three month break, PAUL teaches us about how the whole damned LIGHT BULB GAME is RIGGED! Along the way we get lost in the aesthetic of KORN, the UNIVERSAL MONSTERS...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP50: the THIMK HOLIDAY SPECIAL from 2018-12-26T03:20

Join NICK and PAUL as the recount at entirety of THE STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL (a terrible, terrible movie) minute by minute only a few hours after they'd watched just watched it. Is there a bet...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP49: WOMEN in WRESTLING with DIEGO SANCHEZ from 2018-12-19T17:11

In this ROUGH and ROWDY episode, DIEGO SANCHEZ comes on to teach us about the history of WOMEN in WRESTLING and along the way we shit-talk some VERY LITIGOUS people/countries!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP48: MCDONALDLAND with JEFF LEVLINE from 2018-11-27T16:06

YOUR FAVORITE PODCAST is back from our THANKSGIVING BREAK with a fresh new episode for your ears! Tired of turkey and time with relatives? GOOD! Listen as the THIMKIE BOYS and our guest JEFF LEV...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP47: the POST-HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR from 2018-11-02T08:10

Join NICK, PAUL, and JON as they try to piece together what happened during the CURSED LOST EP46 with a little help from an old friend, and as they rank the SEXIEST PARANORMAL ENTITIES!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP45: the ORIGIN of POKÉMON from 2018-10-16T18:31

In this WEEB-FRIENDLY episode, NICK teaches us the ORIGIN of the POKÉMON FRANCHISE, and how a GLOBAL JUGGERNAUT grew out of one weird little kid's obsession with BUG COLLECTING!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP44: the INVENTOR of the GRAHAM CRACKER from 2018-10-02T17:48

In this episode, a note-less PAUL teaches us about notably square and possible masochist SYLVESTER GRAHAM!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP43: SAX FACTS with JON MASSEY and CHICAGO JOE from 2018-09-20T21:39

JOIN US for the first FOUR MICROPHONE EPISODE as a mystery musical JOE teaches us all about the ghost child a.k.a. curvy horn a.ka. SAXOPHONE, we hire a lousy sound guy while HAROLD is on TOUR, ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP42: CHUCK E. CHEESE from 2018-09-11T16:57

On this DEAD-EYED episode of THIMK, NICK teaches about the CHARLES ENTERTAINMENT CHEESE PIZZA TIME THEATER ARCADE and how it started as a humble dream of getting children addicted to video games...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP41: DREAMS with JON MASSEY from 2018-09-04T20:02

JON IS BACK AGAIN! This time beginning with the song "Weyerhaeuser" by Silo's Choice, the THIMK boys hash it out on DREAMS, GETTING HIGH ON SOUNDS, and WHY GAME OF THRONES IS BAD!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP40: PERSONS of INTEREST with JON MASSEY from 2018-08-28T19:54

In this SHORT episode, the THIMKERS (plus JON MASSEY) discuss MUSK, MANAFORT, and the former hit tv series PERSON OF INTEREST in the aftermath of 9/11.

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP39: TERRACOTTA ARMY with LOGAN NICHOLS from 2018-08-21T15:48

In this VERY GOOD EPISODE, new guest to the show LOGAN NICHOLS comes on the talk about his person knowledge of and experiences with the famed and ancient TERRACOTTA WARRIORS!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!

In this PREMIUM PATREON SUBSCRIBER SPECIAL EPISODE, we have friend of the show GEOFF DANIELS on (who has a few thimgs he'd like to correct us about) and on the way we get lost talking about inte...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP37: KLASKY CSUPO from 2018-07-27T20:15

In this nostalgia-tickling EP, PAUL teaches us about the production company that brought us some of our favorite '90s cartoons and NICK realizes things about The Simpsons!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP36: PETE ROSE from 2018-07-19T03:51

In this HOME RUN of an episode NICK talks about something he doesn't really understand to try and making PAUL and HAROLD think he's a cool JOCK!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP35: FALSE ADVERTISING from 2018-07-12T20:23

In this hot fresh EP, PAUL teaches us all about the ways in which terrible, terrible companies have misled us all & NICK acts like a complete idiot 'cause he's a CORPORATE SHILL.

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP34: KINGDOM HEARTS with JOE WEILBACHER from 2018-06-27T19:59

In this HOT NEW EP, PAUL and our SPECIAL GUEST JOE talk about KINGDOM HEARTS while NICK struggles to understand - but in the end at least kind of gets it - which hopefully you will too ya' THIMK...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP33: MISTER BIG with GEOFF DANIELS from 2018-06-08T17:37

In this GOOD episode, (secret former) friend of the show GEOFF comes on to talk about a police interrogation technique that makes us all feel morally ICKY!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP32: THE KINGDOM OF TALOSSA with JON MASSEY from 2018-05-23T08:52

In this EXCITING NEW episode of THIMK, our good friend JON MASSEY tells us all about something weird called THE KINGDOM OF TALOSSA (a fictional nation started by a teenaged in the seventies) and...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP31: READY PLAYER ONE from 2018-05-03T19:42

In this episode, two guests DROPPED OUT on us, so PAUL talks about READY PLAYER ONE for over an hour even though NICK and HAROLD have not seen it!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP30: THE GREAT MOLASSES FLOOD from 2018-04-18T00:13

JOIN US in this tale of old-timey death, terrorism vs "terrorism", an old ad, and the BEST JOKE ever told in the history of THIMK!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP29: POGS from 2018-03-21T19:10

In this episode THREE MILLENNIALS discuss and try to understand the UNLIVED NOSTALGIA of a fad that had already died but the time they could form memories!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP28: EUCALYPTUS FIRES from 2018-02-27T07:06

In this UNUSUALLY SHORT episode, PAUL talks about trees for a VERY long time before finally making clear why it's relevant, and NICK talks about a subpar Italian restaurant!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP27: THIMK on ANTARCTIC EXPEDITIONS with JON MASSEY from 2018-02-06T17:15

LISTEN to this VERY SPECIAL episode of THIMK with a VERY SPECIAL guest JON MASSEY as we trudge through the icy tundra time of the SANTA CLAUSE jokes to finally get to some fascinating and very s...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP26: THIMK on THE LAST JEDI from 2017-12-22T12:43

HEY did you wanna hear a bunch of guys talk about STAR WARS for OVER AN HOUR? Well good because HERE YA GO!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP25: THIMK on the ALTAMONT FREE CONCERT from 2017-12-12T18:52

LISTEN to this stimulating and VERY well researched episode all about the concert that many consider to be the end of the '60s and NOT just BECAUSE it was toward the end of 1969! There's rock'n'...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP24: THIMK on THE ANTI-POPE from 2017-11-28T16:40


THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP 23: THIMK presents the HALLOWEEN SPOOKTACULAR from 2017-10-31T14:39

Come along all ye spooky THIMKIES and THIMKOS out there, and hear a dreadful episode filled with SPOOKS and SCARES! We tell a tale of REAL LIFE GHOSTS, FRIGHTFUL PRANKS, and the NIGHTMARES OF CH...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP22: THIMK on the LOVELAND FROGMAN from 2017-10-13T19:44

In this HOT FRESH and CREEPY episode of THIMK, the boys read REVIEWS from real actual LISTENERS, and then we hop on in to the LEGEND OF THE LOVELAND FROG MAN. We laugh, we learn, and we come up ...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP20: THIMK [BONUS EP] on GREASE TWO from 2017-09-29T09:05

On this VERY SPECIAL BONUS EP of THIMK, NICK and PAUL bring on a special guest for the first time! SAMANTHA BURROUGHS talks at length (and occasionally sings) about why GREASE TWO is better than...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP21: THIMK on ARCTIC EXPLORATION from 2017-09-01T08:55

WOW just wait until your hear this week's episode of THIMK!! Haha, just kidding, you don't have to! It's right out here now for you! It's all for you. We did this episode especially for you beca...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP19.5: THIMK on TOPICAL TOPICS from 2017-08-18T18:57

In this TOPICAL BONUS EP, NICK is SICK and doesn't feel like doing anything (even though it was his turn to pick a topic), thankfully PAUL and HAROLD carry the episode! It's a got a lot of time-...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP19: THIMK on THE PIG WAR and COLONEL SANDERS from 2017-08-03T18:13

Tune into this week's BUCKWILD episode at your own risk! It has everything; unexpected call-ins, too much singing, songs about dicks and songs and cucking! In this aggressively anti-intellectual...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP18: THIMK on BAD PSYCHOLOGY and THE CHIPMUNKS from 2017-07-28T17:40

PITCH up your voice and TUNE up your brains for this wild & rockin' episode of THIMK! Listen as PAUL learns us all about an unethical psychological experiment (but not THAT unethical psychologic...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP17: THIMK on SEAWORLD OHIO and LOBSTER WAR from 2017-07-21T18:15

In this SLIPPERY WHEN WET episode, NICK struggles through pronouncing the name of OHIO THEME PARKS and PAUL tells us all about maritime law & land disputes about shellfish. Melt up some butter a...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP16: THIMK on the GREAT EMU WAR and CARMEN SANDIEGO from 2017-07-07T19:51

In this week's very smelly episode of THIMK, PAUL teaches us all about the bloody conflict between Australia and some emus, and NICK talks about everyone's favorite hispanic female thief!

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP15: THIMK on DANCING PLAGUE and BRANDED GAMES from 2017-06-30T23:35

In this HOT NEW episode of the podcast, NICK tries to remember information about DANCING MANIA without having any notes on hand, and then after a word from a familiar sponsor, PAUL tells us a wh...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!

Tune in this week to hear PAUL explain all the shady dealings of the 1950s QUIZ SHOW SCANDAL, and then stick around to hear NICK prod into the potential origins of life on earth through PANSPERM...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP13: THIMK on CAT FANTASY from 2017-06-08T00:12

NICK stumbles his way through explaining the origin & meaning of the MANEKI-NEKO (or "beckoning cats") you see at every Chinese restaurant, and then PAUL spends a long time talking about the chi...

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP12: THIMK on NUCLEAR FIDGET MELTDOWN from 2017-06-01T16:58


THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP11: THIMK on the DANGERFIELD-CONTRA AFFAIR from 2017-05-24T17:19

NICK teaches us about a COMEDY LEGEND, while PAUL educates us about a very serious POLITICAL INCIDENT in this surprisingly '80s-centric episode.

THIMK - a podcast for learning!
EP10: THIMK on TOYNBEE THE HEDGEHOG from 2017-05-17T01:05

In this episode PAUL unravels the complicated backstory of SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG while NICK attempts to explain the mystery of TOYNBEE TILES, while neither one pays particular attention to the oth...
