Podcasts by TingTing and KaKas 婷婷和卡卡

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡

【两个华裔女神经的对话,莫名其妙的正能量分享】带上多元文化视角,和婷婷和卡卡闲聊海外心情。致力为在澳90后的我们打造超治愈空间。TingTing and KaKa’s podcast records some of the most hilarious, honest, and open-minded conversations of 2 Chinese girls living in Australia. Each episode they invite their friends and families along to explore the unique challenges and to celebrate the stories shared by many Chinese millennials in Australia. 🀄️We speak 2 languages - some episodes are in Mandarin and some are in English depending on the topic. ✉️ Share your story and your thoughts by emailing us at tingtingandkakas@gmail.com Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/tingtingandkakas/support

Further podcasts by TingTingandKaKas

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

All episodes

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
S2EP5 TIDBITs Self Worth, Acceptance & Happiness from 2022-01-15T08:00

After the recording with our guests, TingTing and KaKa stayed online to reflect on our learnings. 

This clip is after our recording with the guests. Topics include: self-worth, ...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
Work vs Life from 2022-01-15T08:00

As life become busier and busier with the start of the new year, TingTing and KaKa began to question:

  • Does work-life balance actually exist? 
  • How to effectively prev...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
Working for yourself VS Working for others from 2021-12-11T05:53:23

As Tingting embarks on her creator journey full-time and Kaka strives to grow her side jewelry business, we became curious about:

  • How do business owners/entrepreneurs work?  Listen
TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
Work vs Locations ? from 2021-11-11T19:00

Despite living miles away from our birth country -- China, we are curious about:

  • What is the biggest difference between working in China and working in other countries( Australia, ...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
Work vs Money? from 2021-10-21T13:00

Money money money - Isn't money the ultimate reason for working? 

  • 💰How much is enough?
  • 🤯Wait, you can make money outside of your full-time job?
  • 🥱Come o...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
Work vs Dream? from 2021-09-30T14:00

This episode touches a topic that is so intimate, yet easily forgotten.

  • What are our dreams?
  • Is work about chasing the dream?
  • How to make work fulfilling?
  • ...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
???TingTing and KaKa’s holiday Ep 4 ??????We love each other very much. from 2021-04-26T06:01:33

???????????? - ????8??????????????, ?????????????

Tingting sharing the secret love “spell” to sustain an 8-year relationship - “we love each other very much”....

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
???TingTing and KaKa’s holiday Ep 3 ????? The Courage of Rest from 2021-04-18T23:00:52

Are you tired? But scared to take a break?
This week’s episode ‘s episode is about self-love and rest. Hope everyone has a rela...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
???TingTing and KaKa's holiday Ep2 ??????? from 2021-04-12T00:00

??????????? -- ??????????????????????????????????????????



Welcome to the 2nd episode of TingTing and KaKa's Holiday (special). T...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
???TingTing and KaKa’s holiday Ep 1 ????1? from 2021-04-05T05:23:08

????????????- ??????????????????????????????????????????



This is the 1st...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
???Introducing TingTing and KaKa’s holiday ????? from 2021-04-05T05:05:21



TingTing and Kaka are taking a brief holiday before ...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
Ep 7 TIDBITS 花絮3: Eason和婷婷无滤镜聊春节 No filter talk on Lunar New Year from 2021-02-28T06:54:39


This Tidbits, we called our dear friend and guest from Ep4 - Eason and discussed what Lunar New Year actually mean to him.


TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
Ep 7 TIDBITS 花絮2: 一个华裔妈妈对春节的思考 A Malaysian mum's Lunar New Year from 2021-02-28T06:51:46

The second story is my Malaysian friend in Australia explain the importance of Lunar new year with her 18 months old daughter and why this is so special to her


TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
Ep 7 TIDBITS 花絮 1: 一个人的捞鱼生 celebrating LNY alone from 2021-02-28T06:43:34


This Tidbits shared a story of my sister celebrating last year's lunar new year alone in the Singapore Airport

--- Sen...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【中】EP 7.大洋彼岸来拜年(直播精华版)Happy Lunar 'Niu' Year from 2021-02-28T06:36:15

婷婷和卡卡首次直播拜年啦(YouTube 链接👇🏼)-- 这集送来直播精华!今年的你是原地过年还是和家人过年?通过播客我们分享了春节对在海外的我们的意义并且连线我们最思念的人。

We had our first YouTube Live to wish everyone a happy Lunar New Year (live link below👇🏼). In ...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【中】EOY BONUS EP. 年末感恩特辑 from 2020-12-28T11:46:53

2020 就要结束了,趁此机会我们想要回顾并且感谢所有亲友团和听众朋友对婷婷和卡卡的支持与信任。

Towards the end of 2020, TingTing and KaKa would like to reflect on our journey both as podcasters and as individuals; most importantly we...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【ENG】EP 5. 在澳创业的我们(下) Asian bosses in the house (Part 2/2) from 2020-12-17T12:08:44

Yo, Asian bosses in the house! In this episode, TingTing and KaKa continue the chat with 3 of our friends and successful Asian entrepreneurs about the fun, scary, and inspiring stories b...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【ENG】EP 5. 在澳创业的我们(上) Asian bosses in the house (Part 1/2) from 2020-12-17T12:02:02

Yo, Asian bosses in the house! In this episode, TingTing and KaKa chat to 3 of our friends and successful Asian entrepreneurs about the fun, scary, and inspiring stories behind ...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
EP 4 TIDBITS 花絮:爱情的模样 Different Shades of Love from 2020-10-19T23:37:55

为了筹备这期的话题,TingTing and Kaka去问了很多亲朋好友对于婚姻以及爱情的看法,


也想要通过这个花絮特别感谢参与的亲朋好友!谢谢你们一直的支持!也希望你们都可以继续幸福! Listen

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【中】EP 4. 不结婚,怎么了?To marry or not to marry? from 2020-10-18T11:06:31


What does marriage mean to us?

How does this view vary between generations? What about between di...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【中】EP 3. 出国之后,你真的变了(下)How studying abroad changed our lives forever (Part 2/2) from 2020-08-22T09:39:15


It has been more than 10 years since Tingting and Kaka came to Aus...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
EP.3 TIDBITS 花絮:和外国人交往后,我真的变了 How I changed after dating a non-Chinese from 2020-08-12T11:53:58

第一次和国外人交往带来的改变不只是英文变好。听一段叛逆的恋爱所带来的成长。The challenges of dating a non-Chinese are not only the language. Tingting talked about how her rebellious love story taught her more about herself and her r...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【中】EP 3. 出国之后,你真的变了(上)How studying abroad changed our lives forever (Part 1/2) from 2020-08-08T07:00


It has been more than 10 years since Tingting and Kaka came to Austral...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【ENG】EP 2.我们之间...是"纯"友谊还是"蠢"友谊?(下)Can men and women be just friends? (Part 2/2) from 2020-07-19T07:05:59

Welcome to TingTing and Kaka’s first English episode - In this episode, TingTing and Kaka are joined by their friends Tom and Issa to continue to explore if platonic relationships exist. The gro...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
EP.2 TIDBITS 花絮:纯友谊里长相决定一切吗?Appearance VS Platonic Friendship from 2020-07-04T12:50:39

你和异性闺蜜之间的友情到底是【单纯如水】的友谊还是【蠢蠢欲动】的友谊?难道长相决定了你能不能和一个人做单纯的朋友?ep 2 的婷婷和卡卡请来她们的异性闺蜜来探讨 -- (直)男(直)女之间是否有纯友谊。 In Episode 2 of Tingting and Kaka's we invited our best male friend along to discuss -- can (st...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【中】EP 2. 我们之间...是“纯”友谊还是“蠢”友谊?(上)Can men and women be just friends? (Part 1/2) from 2020-07-04T05:37:35


这期婷婷和卡卡请来她们的异性闺蜜来探讨 -- (直)男(直)女之间是否有纯友谊。



In this episode, Tingting and Kaka invited th...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
EP.1 TIDBITS花絮:卡卡出国的原因. Why did Kaka leave? from 2020-05-30T03:00

卡卡是为什么出国的?在录 【ep.1 回国的你为什么离我而去?Leave or Stay】时卡卡也分享了她高三的故事。这段短音频不在原ep1。希望你们能在去和留的选择之间感受到能量!走起!  Our 1st episode 【Leave or Stay】 talked about the stories of people deciding between staying o...

TingTing and KaKa's 婷婷和卡卡
【中】EP 1. 回国的你为什么离我而去?Leave or Stay from 2020-05-23T16:08:41


After spending more than 10 years in Australia, Tingting's sister suddenly moved to China; the story ...
