The 11 Reasons You Make Bad Job Changing Decisions - a podcast by Andrew LaCivita

from 2016-09-23T22:18:23

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Do you feel you continue to make bad job-changing decisions? Join career expert, motivator, and award-winning author Andrew LaCivita as he discusses the 11 reasons you make bad job changing decisions and how to overcome them!

For the most complete post, summary, scripts, and quote cards, see here:

Do you feel you continue to make poor career choices? Are you confused why you make awful job-changing decisions?

There are obviously many factors that contribute to your decisions and decision-making abilities, but there are essentially 11 reasons you make bad job-changing decisions.

Below are the summary and highlights from the original podcast. I’ve included a handy, free decision-making checklist to ensure you’re in order. If you like this material, keep an eye out for an upcoming free video and live workshop on transforming your career I’ll be conducting starting October 27, 2016. All my Tips for Work and Life® blog subscribers will be alerted as we get closer.


You didn’t gather enough information.

How many times have you thought if I’d only have known that then? There are usually two issues here. It’s likely your inventory of questions or topic areas to investigate was incomplete. Additionally, you probably didn’t dig deep enough (even if you had a complete inventory of questions.)

Overcome this issue by creating an exhaustive list of questions to ensure you’re covering everything. Make sure to keep asking “Why?” until you can’t ask “Why?” anymore. There is no friendlier, joint three-letter word complete sentence I can think of when it comes to your decision-making prowess.

For the really ambitious, there is loads (I mean loads) of insight on decision-making in my award-winning book The Hiring Prophecies: Psychology Behind Recruiting Successful Employees. You can get an entire digital experience, including the eBook, audio and guides for free here.

You had more options but didn’t know it.

You were lazy when it came to investigating all your options. Make sure to think creatively and exhaust all avenues.


You’re looking where you shouldn’t be (or placing too much weight on the wrong information).

Social Media Sites, LinkedIn, and Corporate Sites (Glassdoor, Vault, Wetfeet) are filled with angriness (mostly). Don’t place too much weight on information where the deck is stacked. Overcome this issue by keeping all you intake in its proper context. And, make sure to do you own investigation before you’re willing to take someone else’s (especially a stranger’s) word for it. This is, after all, your career.

You expect good advice from someone who doesn’t have all the information.

Here’s a scenario. You’ve just given five minutes worth of your (own) bias-filled information to people (a mentor, confidant, co-worker, spouse or whomever) and asked them for advice. If this needs further explaining, go back to You Didn’t Gather Enough Information. They’re now you.


You weren’t clear (with yourself) on your (own) motives.

Remember your whys! When people go through a lengthy (interviewing) process, for some reason they forget the reasons why they started the process. They also tend to abandon or minimize their (happiness) criteria in favor of the shiny bells and toys the employer has placed in front of them.

You were driven by someone else’s motives.

Don’t do it for your parents, friends, coworkers, spouse, or anyone else. You’ll resent them. This is your life!


You fear loss.

You’re worried you’ll lose what you already have (your reputation, easy commute, a job you can do in your sleep, your friendships with coworkers, etc.) Make sure to keep your outlook balanced. You’re gaining much too.

You fear hardship.

Boo hoo this new job will be hard. You’re not sure you’re up for the challenge. Chances are, if a company wants to hire you, you’re qualified and will kick butt if you put some effort into it!


You’re bravado makes you senseless.

Overconfidence stems from many sources, but for our purposes assume it comes from your lack of correct or complete information. Just make sure to investigate wholly and you’ll be in great shape. (P.S. Do not mistake overconfidence for confidence.)


You have the status-quo bias.

You have a strong preference to keep your life as-is! You also think any change is a loss of what you currently have instead of a gain for the better. Do not focusing solely on what you’re losing or place greater emphasis than is necessary.

You have the sunk-cost bias.

You’re placing too much weight on time you’ve spent and what you’ve accumulated (something you’ve built, any labor of love, memories, etc.). You need to remove your emotional attachment and rechannel it. One of the easiest way’s to do this is ask yourself, “If I wasn’t currently working here, would this job, or the new one, align better to my criteria?”

Bam. There they are. Eleven nasty ones. I always love to hear from you. What are reasons you think you or others have made poor job-changing decisions?

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Further episodes of Tips for Work and Life with Andrew LaCivita

Further podcasts by Andrew LaCivita

Website of Andrew LaCivita