Podcasts by The Doc Smitty Podcast

The Doc Smitty Podcast

The Doc Smitty Podcast-A deep look at common pediatric and parenting problems and what you can do about them.

Further podcasts by Today’s Most Interesting Quest

Podcast on the topic Gesundheit und Fitness

All episodes

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Fussy babies from 2021-03-24T18:16:30

When should you be worried about your baby’s fussiness? How much fussing is too much? Is it reflux? Milk protein allergy?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Constipation from 2021-03-03T18:07:57

What defines constipation? When should you be worried? How can you treat it?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Teen social media use from 2021-02-10T15:31:13

When should you child get a phone? Social media? These questions and more answered.

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Growth charts from 2021-01-13T18:51:29

What causes more fear in parents for something that is meant to be a tool? Here’s some info that should help.

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Teething from 2021-01-06T16:46

When should teeth erupt? What symptoms should I expect? How can I treat them? When should I be worried if a tooth hasn’t come out yet?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
New look, new style from 2021-01-06T16:35:54

Sorry for the break. Trying something new and different! Let me know what you think. @thedocsmitty

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What can I give my baby for cough? from 2019-10-15T13:22:45

Is there a cough medicine out there that works?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is it too early for my baby to be teething? from 2019-10-09T13:05:42

What if they are born with teeth? What do you do?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When should I get rid of my baby’s bottle? from 2019-10-02T13:22:27

When should I start to think about it? When should it be completely gone? How do I do it?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When should I get rid of my baby’s pacifier? from 2019-09-17T13:19:01

What harm can it do? How late is too late? How should o do it?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is the HPV vaccine just for girls? from 2019-09-12T21:32:09

Why are we recommending that boys get the HPV vaccine? Is it just for boys or for boys and girls?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is my child having difficulty breathing? from 2019-09-09T17:38:04

How can I tell if my child is having trouble breathing? Is it different for babies?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When should my child see an allergist? from 2019-09-03T13:13:08

Is it different for food allergies versus environmental allergies? What can they do that a general pediatrician can’t?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What’s with all the formulas? from 2019-08-27T13:03:08

What’s with all the formulas? Do I need the pro or the regular? DHA? Probiotics? Prebiotics? Lactose free? Soy? There are so many varieties of formula out there it can be overwhelming for a pare...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When do premature babies catch up? from 2019-08-15T02:58:43

When do they catch up for growth? Development?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
How do I treat constipation? from 2019-08-07T14:51:22

What dietary changes should I make? Does a probiotic help? What about Miralax?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What is constipation? from 2019-07-31T13:09:37

Parents use the term constipation in many different ways but what is constipation? How does what defines constipation change over time?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini Season 2: Fever - Should I alternate medicines for fever? from 2019-05-01T15:00:01

Should I alternate between Tylenol and Motrin for fever? Why or why not?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini Season 2: Fever - Should I be worried about febrile seizures? from 2019-05-01T14:59:18

What about febrile seizures? Won't one happen if I don't treat my child's fever?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini Season 2: Fever - What should I have my child seen for fever? from 2019-05-01T14:58:28

What other factors should you consider when determining if your child needs to be seen for fever?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini Season 2: Fever - Can I leave fever untreated? from 2019-05-01T14:57:53

When should I treat fever versus let it run it's course?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini Season 2: Fever - What number of fever should I worry about? from 2019-05-01T14:57:12

What temperature a should I go to the doctor for? ER?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini Season 2: Fever - What is the best way to take a temperature? from 2019-05-01T14:55:13

What type of thermometer should I use? Do I have to take a rectal temperature?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini Season 2: Fever - What is fever? from 2019-05-01T14:54:10

What is the definition of fever? Where does it come from?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Should I sleep train? from 2019-04-24T18:53:26

When should you starts sleep training? What’s the best method?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is my child developing normally? (Part 2) from 2019-04-17T13:45:17

Is my child developing normally? This episodes looks at speech development milestones from birth to 4 years

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is my child developing normally? (Part 1) from 2019-04-17T13:44:13

Is my child developing normally? This episode looks at motor milestones from birth to about 2 years of age.

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Should I have my child’s allergies tested? from 2019-04-03T14:45:34

What information will allergy testing give you? Is there a way to treat specific allergies?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is my child’s ear wax a problem? from 2019-03-20T16:41:07

When should I worry about ear wax? When should it be removed? How do we get it out?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What does a growth chart mean? from 2019-03-15T13:21:34

Should you be worried if your child’s growth is only at the 10th percentile? What numbers make your too child small or too big?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Why is my child getting sick so often? from 2019-03-06T13:52:20

Does you child seem to be sick all the time? When should you be worried about their immune system? What are the first steps to figuring it all out?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini-season 1-Ears: Does my child need tubes for their ear infections? from 2019-02-27T14:38:03

How many ear infections is too many? When should we move forward with tubes?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini-season 1-Ears: What's the best antibiotic for ear infections? from 2019-02-27T14:37:06

When it's time to start antibiotics for your child's ear infection, which is the best one?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini-season 1-Ears: Who needs antibiotics for ear infections? from 2019-02-27T14:35:58

Do all children with ear infections need antibiotics? Not necessarily. Here's who can be watched and who needs to be treated.

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini-season 1-Ears: Does redness mean my child's ear is infected? from 2019-02-27T14:33:17

Does your child really need antibiotics if the ears are just a "little bit red?" Here's some questions you can ask to make sure.

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini-season 1-Ears: What causes ear infections? from 2019-02-27T14:31:25

Do you need to worry about water in their ear? Wind? Do ear infections run in families? These and other questions answered.

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Mini-season 1-Ears: When should I bring my child in for an ear check? from 2019-02-27T14:29:35

It can be really hard to know when you should get your child's ears checked for infection...here are 5 tips.

The Doc Smitty Podcast
How do I keep my child from getting the flu? from 2019-02-27T14:26:52

I heard a report that flu might be around until May. How do you keep your child from getting it?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When should my child take a pill? How can they practice? from 2019-02-20T19:13:51

What are the factors you should consider? How can you help them practice before the big day? This and other pill swallowing questions answered.

The Doc Smitty Podcast
How should I decide what medication dose to give my baby for fever? from 2019-02-13T14:23:33

I'm pretty flexible about how your treat your baby's fever...but there's one decision I think is pretty easy...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
If it's not the heart, what could it be? from 2019-02-06T15:22:19

In the previous episode, I discussed some of the factors that suggest your child's chest pain could be coming from their heart. But if it's not coming from the heart, here are 5 other possible c...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Chest pain-Is it your child's heart? from 2019-01-30T16:36:06

Chest pain in kids is often caused by other problems than your child's heart. But it can be difficult to tell and very concerning when your child complains of pain. Today's episode will describe...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What type of thermometer should I buy? from 2018-08-29T16:34:52

What type of thermometer should we have at the house? Digital? Pacifier? Strip? Connected bluetooth? For more information: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/7-types-of-thermometers-and-to-what-degree...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Should I use teething gels? from 2018-08-29T16:21:37

Should I use teething gels for my baby? What problems can arise by using them? What should I do for my baby when they are teething?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is my unvaccinated family putting my child at risk? from 2018-08-29T16:07:57

How do you know if your child is at risk? What are the things that you need to think about? How dangerous is it? For more information read: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/is-my-unvaccinated-family...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Newborn-How can I tell if my baby is hungry? from 2018-08-15T13:27:17

What cues can I use to tell if my baby is hungry? Is it too late when the baby is crying?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Does my 1 year old need whole milk? from 2018-08-06T14:50:27

Do they need milk at all? Can they be on 2%?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is Miralax safe to give my child? from 2018-08-02T16:47:45

Have you heard that it has anti-freeze in it? Does it cause harm? Are there other options?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Newborn-What temperature should the room be? from 2018-07-30T16:45:54

What temperature should the house be when you bring your baby home from the hospital? How should I dress them? What about blankets?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Should my child be on a probiotic? from 2018-07-27T20:26:35

Are probiotics effective? Safe? What conditions do they help for? Should my child take one every day?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When should my child be seen for a nosebleed? from 2018-07-25T14:03:22

When should my child be seen for a nosebleed? How do I get it to stop? How many is too many?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Can my child swim with an ear infection? from 2018-07-19T20:42:23

How long should they stay out of the pool? Do they need to wear ear plugs?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Can my child take melatonin for sleep? from 2018-07-17T15:45:35

Is it safe? Does it work?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Does my child need a multi-vitamin? from 2018-07-16T20:46:59

Do they need to take one? Which kind is the best?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When is constipation something I should be worried about? from 2018-07-12T21:25:22

When is constipation more dangerous? When should a workup be done?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Does my child need toddler formula? from 2018-06-12T17:24:19

Is it important for their growth? Brain development? Is it recommended? More information here: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/3-reasons-why-this-pediatrician-doesnt-recommend-toddler-formula/

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Should I alternate Tylenol and Motrin? from 2018-06-07T18:49:08

Many doctors will recommend Tylenol and Motrin alternating for children with fever but I don't routinely, here's why: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/4-reasons-why-this-pediatrician-doesnt-alternat...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What's the best cough medicine? from 2018-06-05T14:24:46

What is the best cough medicine to buy for my child? Do they work? Are they safe?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is it swimmer's ear or an ear infection? from 2018-06-03T03:01:16

What's the difference? How can you tell? How do we treat each one?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Do amber teething necklaces work? from 2018-05-29T19:10:03

Do they work? Are they a choking hazard? Are they a strangulation hazard? More information here: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/do-amber-necklaces-work/

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What are the dark spots behind my child's neck? from 2018-05-25T16:22:48

What are the dark spots behind my child's neck? What do they mean? Are they something I should be worried about? What can I do for them?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When can my baby have a pillow? from 2018-05-24T21:00:41

When can my baby have a blanket? Pillow? Lovey?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Does my baby need extra water? from 2018-05-21T21:58:22

Do babies need extra water when it starts to get hot? When can they start to drink water? More information here: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/the-deadly--reason-you-should-never-give-your-baby-e...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is playing with slime safe? from 2018-05-18T22:31:54

Is it safe for my child to play with slime? What about making it? What should I be concerned about?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Will you test my child for allergies? from 2018-05-17T13:26:47

Can we run the blood test for allergies? Yes, but is it a good idea? Will it get us the information we need?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
How do I prevent ear infections? from 2018-05-15T13:56:02

Ear infections are one of the most common problems in pediatrics but is there something you can do to prevent them? More information about ear infections here: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/7-ear...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Should I be worried about dry or secondary drowning? from 2018-05-14T19:31:54

What is it? Is it real? Should I be worried?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Can a parent fix their child's nursemaid's elbow? from 2018-05-14T15:53:12

What is a nursemaid's elbow? Can a parent fix it by themselves?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What's the best sunscreen for sensitive skin? from 2018-05-14T15:53:10

What kind of sunscreen is best for children with sensitive skin? How should we make sure that it won't make their skin worse? Here are some great general tips about sunscreen: https://www.checkup...

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What symptoms are truly associated with teething? from 2018-05-08T16:20:12

What symptoms can we blame on teething? Fever? Rash? Diarrhea? For more information: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/4-teething-myths-every-parent-should-know/

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When should my child be seen for cough? from 2018-05-03T13:40:30

When should my child be seen for cough? Does it matter if they have asthma? How long is too long? Read more here: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/4-signs-to-see-a-doctor-about-your-childs-cough/

The Doc Smitty Podcast
How many ear infections before tubes? from 2018-05-03T13:32:05

Is there a certain number? Does the age of the child matter? Read more here: https://www.checkupnewsroom.com/7-ear-infection-myths-every-parent-should-know

The Doc Smitty Podcast
How do we get rid of molluscum? from 2018-05-02T14:37:02

Is there something topical? What about just removing them? Can the dermatologist help?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
What level of fever requires a trip to the ER? from 2018-04-25T20:56:28

Is it 103 or 105? For what temperature should we take out child to the ER?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Is my child's picky eating normal? from 2018-04-24T01:48:38

When is your child’s picky eating more than just picking? When should you ask for help?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Why do kids get more ear infections? from 2018-04-21T19:11:44

What makes kids get more ear infections than adults? Why does my kids get so many?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Can my baby get strep throat? from 2018-04-21T19:07:17

Can babies get strep throat? Should I be worried if their older sibling has it?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
When should I be worried if my child falls? from 2018-04-18T13:03:56

When shoukd you be worried if your childs falls? When shoukd you be concerned about a broke arm or leg? What about head injuries?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
Should my day care be asking my 9 mo old to give up their morning nap? from 2018-04-17T02:19:44

Should a day car ask mom to have her baby give up their morning nap?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
How long is too long for a runny nose? from 2018-04-13T02:57:23

Runny noses are very common in kids. What are the causes and how long is too long?

The Doc Smitty Podcast
My Baby's Goopy Eyes from 2018-04-11T22:06:47

On today’s most interesting question, I answer a question about babies and why their eyes get goopy.
