Podcasts by Two Jews, Three Opinions

Two Jews, Three Opinions

Classes, lectures and shiurim of Rabbi Aron Moss of Sydney Australia

Further podcasts by Rabbi Moss

Podcast on the topic Judentum

All episodes

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Hamas and Humanist Liberals - what do they have in common? from 2023-11-15T11:58:41

Making sense of the astonishing reactions to Israel and the war

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Song and Soul of the High Holidays - a Nefesh Kumzitz from 2023-09-10T05:09:44

Featuring Ezry and Mizzi Israel, Rabbi Chanoch and Gavi Sufrin, and Rabbi Aron Moss

Two Jews, Three Opinions
When Silence Speaks Loudest from 2023-08-23T01:47:23

Fire and water in your soul

Likkutei Torah for Tishrei

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Why Do We Have to Confess? from 2023-08-17T02:46:19

Likkutei Torah on Tishrei

Two Jews, Three Opinions
What are you worried about? from 2023-08-09T01:21:12

Likkutei Torah in prep for Tishrei

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Why Do You Get Angry? from 2023-05-18T01:20:05

Meet your animal soul. Tanya Meditations and Psychological Insights

Two Jews, Three Opinions
If You Could Ask a Prophet One Question from 2023-05-11T11:46:19

How to figure out your life mission - Tanya Meditations

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Quick Fixes and the Long Short Path from 2023-05-05T02:50:57

Tanya meditations and psychological insights

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Torah, Tarot and Playing Cards - what's the deal? from 2022-12-26T22:50:50

Are standard playing cards contaminated with black magic?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Will We Wear Clothes When Moshiach Comes? from 2022-07-28T03:12:17

Adam and Eve didn't wear them, until they sinned. Will we wear them when we regain the purity of Eden?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Charisma and Confidence - how do we get more? from 2022-06-03T03:18:21

Kabbalistic map of personality

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Humble or a doormat? Determined or domineering? from 2022-05-25T08:53:32

The attributes of Netzach and Hod - A Kabbalistic Map of Personality

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Power of Empathy from 2022-05-17T13:01:18

When is compassion wrong? How good are you at empathy? Test your Tiferet...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Kabbalistic Map of Your Personality from 2022-05-10T12:33:42

Do you make a dash when it stops raining or do you take an umbrella?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Mantras, Meditations and Mendacity - The shocking truth behind 'non-religious' spiritual practices from 2022-03-04T02:05:48

Are mantras kosher? Is all meditation safe? The dangers and pitfalls of modern spirituality

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Used Car and the Drowning Donkey from 2021-11-17T02:32:42

He got a bigger bargain than he thought for the Alfa Romeo. But was it fair?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
MINDBLOWING KABBALAH - Tzelem from 2021-11-15T07:41:16

How to make a relationship possible

Two Jews, Three Opinions
MINDBLOWING KABBALAH - Darkness: the light we can't see from 2021-11-10T11:02:14

Is darkness an entity, or merely the absence of light? You will never guess the kabbalistic answer

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Unreal Real Estate Heist from 2021-11-10T02:06:08

The agent pocketed $200k and took commission too. 

Two Jews, Three Opinions
MINDBLOWING KABBALAH - Parallel Worlds from 2021-11-03T23:59:57

You can be in two places at once

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Can I Onsell Bus Tickets? from 2021-11-03T23:08:13

The seats were empty anyway....

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Would You Believe this Resume? from 2021-10-27T04:34:47

When the boss called for a reference, he didn't know who he was speaking to...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Tohu - the untapped power of chaos MINDBLOWING KABBALAH from 2021-10-20T11:27:25

What do animals, kids, emotions and anarchists have in common?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Is Micro-Theft Punishable? from 2021-10-20T10:25:22

What if a repeat offender thief remains just beneath the threshold of punishment?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
MINDBLOWING KABBALAH - Tzimtzum from 2021-10-13T23:53:45

How to say nothing

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Innocent Bystander or Accomplice? from 2021-10-13T10:37:41

Must you stop someone from stealing even if you incur a loss as a result? Why should your money be less valuable than someone else's?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Power of a Lonely Jew from 2021-09-01T05:33:14

How should we feel about this Yomtov? Are we missing out, or is this all a great blessing?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Vaccines - what if the rabbis are wrong? from 2021-08-25T02:27:33

Leading rabbis have come out in favour of the vaccine. But what if they are basing their decision on false information?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
What Did the Rebbe Say About Vaccines? from 2021-08-18T03:02:46

Using a new vaccine, trustworthy drug companies, herd immunity

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Should I Vaccinate Just Because Everyone Else is? from 2021-08-18T02:59

It is forbidden to do something dangerous. But what is the definition of danger? Driving on the highway, air travel, how about sky diving? At what point does an activity become safe?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Vaccine and Halacha from 2021-08-18T02:56:06

What are the halachic arguments for vaccination? Can you endanger yourself today to avert possible sickness in the future?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Did the Talmud Address Zoom Shofar Blowings? [spoiler: yes] from 2021-08-17T11:42:11

A taste of authentic talmudic learning. Gemora Rosh Hashana 27b-28a discussing the intricacies of hearing the Shofar, as applied to modern day issues of broadcasting mitzvahs

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Can You Steal to Save a Life? from 2021-07-29T03:35:23

Two people are lost in the desert. There's enough water for one to survive. But only if one steals from the other. What should he do? 

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Do You Get Offended Too Easily? from 2021-07-21T02:27:04

A talmudic fight gets personal. Then the roof nearly caves in. The best way to take an insult...

In memory of David ben Fortunee a"h

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Forgot the Fast? from 2021-07-14T03:02:41

You forgot it was Tisha B'av, made a bracha on a cup of coffee and then suddenly realised it's a fast day. What do you do now...?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Stop a Thief on Shabbos? from 2021-07-07T02:25:27

He was stealing my phone. Can I grab it off him? Is muktza an issue? How far can we go to save our property?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
An Offer You Can Refuse from 2021-06-30T03:05:40

He didn't want to be called to the Torah for fear of infection. But refusing an aliyah can be dangerous...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Million Dollar Loan Dilemma from 2021-06-24T03:22:19

A kind donor lent a shul $1 million to finish their building. He only asked for naming rights. Sounds simple? Uh-uh....

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Muhammad and Ziva's Baby Boy from 2021-06-24T03:02:04

Mother says her son is Jewish, father says he's Muslim. What do we call him?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Stolen on Seder Night from 2021-03-10T02:50:43

He left the door open, as the law says to do, and a thief took his friend's candle sticks.... who is responsible?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Can You Steal by Proxy? Taste of Talmud part 4 from 2021-03-09T10:46:23

The limits of responsibility Bava Metzia 10b

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Falling on a lost article - Taste of Talmud part 3 from 2021-03-02T11:16:02

Various ways to acquire ownerless objects. The mishna and gemora Bava Metzia 10a

Two Jews, Three Opinions
When a Cow is not Kosher... from 2021-02-24T02:10:46

A surprising Purim gift gets returned, but not for the reason everyone thought...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Tackling Tosfos - Taste of Talmud part 2 from 2021-02-23T10:49:57

If you thought Talmud was challenging, try Tosfos - the medieval French scholars who found contradictions between different parts of the Talmud and tried to reconcile them. Seat belts on lets go!

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Stretching the Partnership? from 2021-02-17T01:58:48

He used the investors money to give charity. But that helped the business! Until it went bust....

Two Jews, Three Opinions
A Taste of Talmud Part One from 2021-02-16T11:27:09

Brain bending debates from the sages. Looking at the Mishna Bava Metzia 9b. This class is for beginners to experience the genius of Talmudic logic.

Two Jews, Three Opinions
"He StartedI It!" - is that a good defence? from 2021-02-10T01:28:10

Can I hit back if someone attacks me? How hard? And what if the attack was verbal? Am I responsible for provoked anger?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Stolen Cars, Counterfeit Cash and a Violent Ox from 2021-02-03T02:28:59

If one of the terms of the deal wasn't met, does the whole deal fall over?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Day Before the Sale from 2020-12-16T01:32:29

Should a salesman tell his customer that the half-price sale starts tomorrow?
Should the secretary tell the patient he can get the same procedure for free?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Mugger and the Mafia from 2020-12-09T01:25:06

A modern Chanukah miracle: He promised to give extra charity if the stolen money was returned. And it was. But he is in for a surprise when he has to fulfil his pledge...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Ashamed of the Crimes of My Youth from 2020-12-02T01:32:15

He hired a thug to slash his former business partners tires. He got caught. And they were the wrong tires. Who pays?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Can I Scam a Scammer? from 2020-11-25T04:46:33

His friend sold him cheap product at top dollar, claiming it was good quality. Can he recoup his money by scamming his friend?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Would a Mother Make Her Kid Sick? from 2020-11-18T03:48:51

The only way to get the government subsidy is by producing a letter from the hospital. And the family really needs it...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
One Ventilator. Two Patients. Who Gets It? from 2020-11-11T04:22:26

Who gets priority: a victim of attempted murder or a victim of attempted suicide?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Why Visit an Unconscious Patient? from 2020-11-05T02:52:44

It is a great mitzvah to visit the sick. But is there a point to visit a patient who doesn't even know you are there?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Hot Politics: Hold On to Your Seat! from 2020-10-28T01:59:38

He had an aisle seat at shul. But the layout changed and now he's stuck in the middle. Can he appeal?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Dilemma: Who Pays for the Ambulance? from 2020-10-21T03:35:01

He called the ambulance on a friend in danger, who now asks him to pay the $1000 in medical bills! Should saving lives cost money?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Dilemma: Is This Charity a Fraud? from 2020-09-09T04:07:05

Everything they said was true, except that it wasn't....

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Doctor Said It's Not Serious. Until HE Got Sick... from 2020-09-02T05:15:22

This doctor thought a certain disease was not dangerous and you could fast on Yom Kippur. But when he contracted it himself he wasn't so sure anymore....

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Are All Chinese Organ Transplants Kosher? from 2020-08-26T04:09:21

We would do anything to save a life. Almost. 

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Ethics of Finding Hidden Treasure from 2020-08-19T03:23:40

He found a $10,000 watch in a second hand coat. Who keeps it?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Jewish Tattoos and Holy Graffiti? from 2020-08-12T02:39:27

Can you erase G-d's name from your body? How about from your windscreen? Let's help a victim of graffiti get to work....

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Matchmaker's Prank from 2020-08-05T02:49

A cruel trick ends up making a match. Does the matchmaker get paid?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Intimacy on Tisha B'av? from 2020-07-28T02:21:41

When the Romans entered the Temple to destroy it they found an image of a man and a woman embracing. This is what the Jews worship?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
I Hate Sushi - the employee's lunchtime dilemma from 2020-07-22T03:49:34

Lunch was included in the contract. But he hates the lunch. So what does lunch actually mean?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Dilemma: the guy who didn't show up to shul from 2020-07-08T02:38:30

A taxi driver and a small rural community learn the importance of community prayer

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Who Are the 36 Hidden Tzaddikim? from 2020-07-03T00:56:55

What does the Zohar say about the 36 tzaddikim who keep the world going? Why 36 and why hidden?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Dilemma: The Case of the Conditional Inheritance from 2020-07-02T00:55:06

Her father wanted to give her his furniture. She wasn't interested. But she got a new kitchen...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Missing a Child's Wedding - when absence is more powerful than presence from 2020-06-24T04:46:05

The Rebbe's parents couldn't attend his wedding due to border closures. The impassioned letter his father wrote gives some perspective for those in similar situations today.

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Disputed Prize Money from 2020-06-24T02:29:21

Yankel buys his grandson Simon a gift - a ticket to a weekend retreat. Simon isn't interested in going, so he sells it to his friend Frank. Frank wins the raffle at the weekend. Who gets the pri...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Is the End of the World Near? from 2020-06-23T06:05:17

Did a Rabbi really predict one hundred years ago that World War III will be in 2020? Are we about to see death and destruction on a massive scale? What is really going on?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Did the Rebbe Approve of Sports? from 2020-06-18T12:13:44

Q and A session with high school students as preparation for Gimmel Tammuz, the Rebbe's yorzheit

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Canine Wine Connoisseur from 2020-06-17T02:31:09

His dog got into a wine vat at the winery and now the wine is unsellable, Who pays?

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Do I Have to Pay for the Shop's Mistake? from 2020-06-10T02:39:51

If a shop delivers something by accident to me, do I need to pay for it? What if it can't be returned? 

Two Jews, Three Opinions
D.I.Y. Shabbos Part 3 from 2020-06-09T02:21:59

Shabbos afternoon is the highest point of Shabbos - and sometimes the hardest. Here are tips on ending Shabbos on a high.

Two Jews, Three Opinions
D.I.Y. Shabbos Part 2 from 2020-06-05T01:13:13

Keeping Shabbos has always been the best way to escape the craziness of the mundane world and rejuvenate your soul.   In these unusual times, with everyone’s life turned upside down, w...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Scalping Shul Honours from 2020-06-03T03:29:15

Can a successful bidder at a charity auction on-sell and profit off the charity? 

Two Jews, Three Opinions
The Dilemma of the Infectious Disease from 2020-05-27T02:39:45

If he takes his Tefillin to hospital, they will have to be burned. What should he do? 

Two Jews, Three Opinions
DIY Shabbos Part 1 from 2020-05-07T13:03:59

Keeping Shabbos has always been the best way to escape the craziness of the mundane world and rejuvenate your soul.   In these unusual times, with everyone’s life turned upside down, w...

Two Jews, Three Opinions
Do you get the respect you deserve? Do you give it? from 2020-05-06T02:13:18

The mysterious death of Rabbi Akiva's students and the zodiac of Nissan, Iyar and Sivan
