Podcasts by WGO Podcast

WGO Podcast

Kanenhariyo is a Kanyenkehaka (Mohawk) man of the Tehana’karieneh family who is currently facing a $629,000 fine and six months in jail for transporting tobacco between Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and Six Nations of the Grand River Territory.

Kanyenkehaka (Mohawk) people have used tobacco as both medicine and a trade good for millenia and have every right to transport it across their own territories without interference.

Kanenhariyo has launched a podcast called "What's going on?" to tell his story and to explore the issue of the Canadian criminalization of Onkwehon:we tobacco production. Listen to or watch the podcast in order to learn more about Kanenhariyo's legal situation, the movement to call upon Canada to respect and honor the Two Row Wampum and the Silver Covenant Chain, and to find out what's going on with Onkwehon:we people today. You can support the efforts of the podcast by making a contribution at https://www.patreon.com/WhatsGoingOn.

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WGO Podcast
Kanenhariyo provides an update about his April 4th 2017 trial from 2017-03-22T13:43:30

Kanenhariyo is heading to court on April 4th, 2017 for his trial. He is charged with possession of tobacco in contravention of Canadian laws. In this brief phone interview Kanenhariyo provides an u...
