Podcasts by WHAM! Fitness

WHAM! Fitness

Health gurus Whitney Carlson, from heandsheeatclean.com, and Pam Burrus, from momsrunthistown.com, joined forces to create WHAM! Together they talk about everything fitness and healthy living with a heavy dose of common sense. For show notes and other awesomeness visit whampodcast.com.

**Disclaimer** The purpose of this podcast is to educate and to inform. It is not a substitute for professional care by a doctor or other qualified medical professional. One should obtain medical clearance from a licensed physician before beginning or modifying any diet, exercise, or lifestyle program. For more visit http://whampodcast.com/disclaimer.

Further podcasts by Whitney Carlson & Pam Burrus

Podcast on the topic Gesundheit und Fitness

All episodes

WHAM! Fitness
031. Don't Cry Over Spilt Milk from 2018-07-24T07:00

Pam's daughter gave her a lesson on how to look at things in a different way and inspired this podcast. We've all done it...dwelling on the past thinking about what we could have done differen...

WHAM! Fitness
030. BURNOUT from 2018-07-18T13:00

We’ve all experienced burnout before in our jobs, diets, and/or workouts. We share our tips to avoid burnout so you can keep moving forward with your goals.
WHAM! Fitness
029. Make It Last from 2018-07-11T07:00

Just because something is showing up all over your news feed or just because every celebrity is doing something doesn’t mean it’s right for you. Find out what works for your ...

WHAM! Fitness
028. Goal Updates and Epiphanies from 2018-07-04T07:00

In today's episode, we talk about our goals for the future on the WHAM podcast. whampodcast.com

Show sponsor:

Unmutable™: A creative ...

WHAM! Fitness
027. Lies You Tell Yourself. from 2018-06-22T09:00

If I lose 10 pounds... If I run a marathon... If I make more money... We've all told ourselves lies about how much better things will be or how we will start living life if we accomplish this ...

WHAM! Fitness
026. Confession: We Don't Always Practice What We Preach from 2018-06-15T09:00

It's confession time. Not everything is sunshine and rainbows. Many times we share advice that we don't even follow ourselves but now that we've admitted it - it's time to change. Hear our goals...

WHAM! Fitness
025. Our Favorite "Simple" Recipes&Recipe Hacks from 2018-06-15T09:00

We are lazy when it comes to cooking. We like simple recipes with minimal ingredients. Join us as we share what we eat daily, our favorite recipes, and recipe hacks to make your life easy! Listen
WHAM! Fitness
024. Catch Up with Us + Preview to our 10K Training Plan from 2018-06-01T20:45:54

Let's catch up! We chat about what has been going on with us over the last year and introduce our new training plan! Is running a 10k on your bucket list? We have the plan for you! Learn all a...

WHAM! Fitness
023. Not What You’re Looking For from 2017-05-25T22:28:32

We obsess about the craziest things and constantly feel under a microscope. Listen to how Whitney and Pam navigate through all of the false promises that will suppose...

WHAM! Fitness
022. We’re Back! from 2017-05-12T07:21:06

Whitney and pam discuss where they’ve been over the past few months. You’ll have to listen to believe it.



WHAM! Fitness
021. Being Budget Minded While Working Out from 2017-01-11T22:14:58

Want to look good and feel good when working out, but don’t know how while on a budget? Whitney and Pam give their tips and tricks of how work out without breaking th...

WHAM! Fitness
020. What are your goals for 2017? from 2017-01-04T13:18:43

It’s 2017! And you know what that means… GOALS. For some of you, that stresses you out and for others it excites you. Whitney and Pam talk through their goals for the...

WHAM! Fitness
019. For Adults Only from 2016-11-23T16:17

Our kids are watching every move we make! This includes fitness. Whitney and Pam pull back the curtain on a REAL issue about being examples for our children. What are...

WHAM! Fitness
018. Thriving Through The Holidays from 2016-11-16T18:58:35

Why just survive through the holidays when you can THRIVE?? Whitney and Pam discuss easy and specific ways that you can be healthy and not lose your mind this holiday...

WHAM! Fitness
017. Should I Have A Workout Buddy? from 2016-10-26T20:20:54

Nothing is more awkward than having a workout partner who doesn’t share the same goals. Whitney and Pam discuss the issues related to gym buddies and more importantly...

WHAM! Fitness
016. Easy Eating On The Go from 2016-10-12T19:12:55

Struggling to figure out what to eat while you’re away from normal? Whitney and Pam discuss specific foods they like and how they continue being healthy. They also lo...

WHAM! Fitness
015. What Should I Wear? (Gear Talk) from 2016-10-05T20:10:59

Whitney and Pam talk about their favorite gear from hiking equipment to bras and everything in between. These aren’t for endorsements, but gear they actually use and ...

WHAM! Fitness
014. Preparing for Half and Full Marathon Races from 2016-09-30T17:07:45

Have you ever wanted to run a longer race such as a half or full marathon but had no idea where to start? Whitney and Pam break everything down and provide tips for s...

WHAM! Fitness
013. Don’t Beat Yourself Up from 2016-09-21T22:01:03

Feel like you’re too hard on yourself? Whitney and Pam tell real life stories about how they struggled with beating themselves up emotionally, but more importantly ho...

WHAM! Fitness
012. Stressed Out! from 2016-09-14T18:40:54

Pam & Whitney get personal and talk about STRESS! But more importantly how they handled their difficult times and how you can too.



WHAM! Fitness
011. 5 Things We’ve Done To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle from 2016-09-07T16:20:23

Pam & Whitney take a look at how they have learned to maintain a healthy lifestyle over time.


“Quit thin...

WHAM! Fitness
010. Questions, Questions, Questions from 2016-08-31T17:08:39

Pam & Whitney get personal and ask each other questions. Neither knew what the other would ask!



WHAM! Fitness
009. Dealing With Injury from 2016-08-17T16:47:36

Physical injuries can create serious mental hurdles. How can we deal with these issues and maintain a healthy lifestyle? How do we when we enough is enough? Walking a...

WHAM! Fitness
008. Should You Set Resolutions or Not? from 2016-08-10T18:52:20

Have you ever wondered if you should set healthy resolutions or not? Yeah us too! That’s why we discuss this controversial topic head on. 


WHAM! Fitness
007. Information Overload – Don’t Get Lost, Get Started from 2016-08-03T16:17:45

Are you lost with all of the information available for healthy living – both for exercise and food? Pam and Whitney offer simple common sense starting points that ANYONE can do RIGHT NOW!

WHAM! Fitness
006. Obsession from 2016-07-27T15:46:03

Are you obsessed with your weight, food tracking or social media? Whitney and Pam offer advice on how to avoid the obsession that affects so many of us.

WHAM! Fitness
005. Bad Relationships With Food from 2016-07-20T12:49:41

Do you feel like you have a bad relationship with food? Whitney and Pam discuss the many struggles people face when it comes to eating healthy, moderation, and more.

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WHAM! Fitness
004. Social Media - Love it or hate it? from 2016-07-13T12:42:49

How do you feel about social media? Do you love it or hate it? There are a lot of mixed feelings when it comes to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more. Pam and Whitney weigh in on their thought...

WHAM! Fitness
003. No Body Is Perfect - The Body Image Episode from 2016-07-06T11:56:42

Everyone struggles with it – body image. It's important to remember that no body is perfect and no body is the same.

Show sponsor:

Unmutable Creative: A creative a...

WHAM! Fitness
002. Fitness&Eating Healthy On The Road from 2016-06-29T04:10:31

Don't stop being healthy while on the road. Learn the tips and tricks of how you can take a road trip without blowing it!


Show sponsor:

Unmutable Creative: A creative and ...

WHAM! Fitness
001. Getting Started With Fitness&Healthy Eating from 2016-06-29T02:56:24

Whitney and Pam share their first ever episode and discuss an introduction to fitness and being healthy. Both share their health journies including being scared to go to the gym to starting a po...
