Podcasts by Who Did It First?

Who Did It First?

Have you ever wondered who the first woman was to win the Nobel Prize? What about the first athlete to say "I'm going to Disney World" after a Super Bowl Victory?

And why on Earth do these things stick around after they've been done once?

Join ME on a journey to discover that there's a first for everything, and how it all snowballs into virality.

Further podcasts by Who Did It First

Podcast on the topic Gesellschaft und Kultur

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Who Did It First?
What Was the First Website? from 2018-04-20T21:42:31

Have you ever wondered when the W3 even started, and what the very first web page was? We got you covered.

Who Did It First?
Who Was the First Superhero? from 2018-04-19T14:08:28

Who was the first superhero? Hugo Hercules: ever heard of him? Neither had we. HUGO WAS THE creation of a 23-year-old Tribune artist named Wilhelm Heinrich Detlev Körner Hugo Hercules was create...
