Podcasts by Znamy si? z Techno Podcast

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast

Znamy si? z Techno (eng. We’ve met at Techno) is Polish collective & community united in love to techno and other electronic music generes. This is group of friends and friends of our friends to spread information about favorite music, artists and events. We rave together, we smile together. We’ve met at Techno

Our exclusive hashtags:
#znamysieztechno #zsztechno #zszt

Further podcasts by Znamy się z Techno

Podcast on the topic Musik

All episodes

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #28] Piotr Ho from 2022-02-16T07:37:12

Piotr Ho - Warsaw based DJ and promoter active on the scene since 2016. Co-founder of Bunker Events - the crew responsible for the Fort Open Air series of events and number of club events, co-found...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #27] SkullFellaz from 2022-01-20T08:02:41

Skullfellaz inaczej Bartezz. Warszawski dzia?acz, pocz?tkuj?cy producent i DJ kolektywu Techenko. Z muzyk? zwi?zany od wielu… a na powa?nie od 5 lat.

Jest utalentowanym samoukiem, a jego s...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #26] The Pick from 2021-12-16T07:00:20

The Pick. Warszawska Djka, która pierwszy raz pokaza?a si? wi?kszej publiczno?ci we wrze?niu 2020r. Jej bezkompromisowe i zaskakuj?ce wyst?py zgromadzi?y rzesz? wiernych fanów w bardzo krótkim czas...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #25] AN_KA from 2021-11-24T07:00:19

Dj-ski duet AN_KA.
Wyst?puj? w cyklach imprez organizuj?cych przez Instytut Techno, The Blue Oyster, 4AM, Never Stop Raving, Lekko Techno, Rave Souls, Kombinat, Histamina, Napalm Music, Znamy s...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #24] Saint Peter from 2021-10-28T08:16:59

Piotr ?wi?tochowski aka Saint Peter. Addicted to electronic music DJ based in Warsaw, Poland. Member of Znamy si? z Techno collective. He is distinguished by a unique style in the selection of trac...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #23] Technovy from 2021-09-23T07:00:16


Warsaw based dj, derive from street art exhibitions organized by „Smierc Frajerom”. Composition mixed by him are full of expression: from eclecticism to raw cuts.

Over th...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #22] Lelak from 2021-08-17T07:38:07

Lelak | Daniel Oleksie?ski pochodz?cy z Elbl?ga, obecnie zamieszkuj?cy Gda?sk. W 2011 zacz?? swoj? przygod? z muzyk? elektroniczn?, b??dzi? pomi?dzy takimi gatunkami jak deep house, tech house a? n...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #21] Francesca from 2021-07-27T07:02:31

Francesca to pochodz?ca z Lublina, a aktualnie zamieszkuj?ca Warszaw? DJ-ka. Swoj? pasj? do muzyki elektronicznej dzieli si? z publik? od niedawna, lecz na swoim koncie ma ju? wyst?py przed takimi ...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy sie? z Techno Podcast #20] Mi_oS from 2021-06-18T06:01:54

Mi_oS - Born in Bia?ystok, living in Warsaw since 2010. A fan of heavier sounds intertwined with acid and synths, dark scenes, as well as holiday house tuned parties and dancing crowds.


Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy si? z Techno Podcast #19] Jagsonify from 2021-05-28T06:15:02

Jagsonify - a DJ from Warsaw, constantly looking for sounds that massage the head and cause excitement in the body. Choosing cunningly in genres, she tries to evoke such emotions and present her mu...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy si? z Techno Podcast #18] Aksamit from 2021-04-23T08:32:20

Aksamit - Wroc?awska DJ'ka, rezydentka Projektu Pralnia, wspó?za?o?ycielka agencji Affekt.

Uwielbia gra? z czarnych p?yt, a jej najwi?ksz? inspiracj? s? dzia?ania w?oskiej sceny muzycznej...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Sie? Z Techno Podcast #17] vitcat from 2021-03-19T08:35:24

vitcat - urodzona w Warszawie, na co dzien? zwia?zana z klubem Smolna, w kto?rym zajmuje sie? bookingiem lokalnych artysto?w. Swoja? przygode? z DJka? zacze??a ponad 3 lata temu, podczas udzia? w S...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy si? z Techno Podcast #16] Truant from 2021-02-19T09:23:55

Truant to bez wa?tpienia dynamiczna postac? w s?wiecie muzyki elektronicznej. Nie ma chyba klubu w Polsce, gdzie Patryk by nie gra?, nie wspominaja?c o festiwalach. Od 2014 Truanta moglis?my us?ysz...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Sie? Z Techno Podcast #15] A_GIM from 2021-01-22T08:07:51

A_GIM is coincidentally named one of the most experienced musicians on Polish electronic music stage. Through the years, he’s contributed to well known projects ?szibarack and Nervy, but recently, ...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Sie? Z Techno Podcast #14] Kamil Bryk from 2020-12-18T08:27:39

Kamil Bryk, m?ody zawodnik dzia?aj?cy na lubelskiej scenie od 2016 roku, pr??nie si? rozwijaj?cy i chwytaj?cy ka?d? okazj? by dzieli? si? swoj? energi? z publiczno?ci?. Przygod? z muzyk? rozpocz?? ...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Sie? Z Techno Podcast #13] KRICHU from 2020-11-27T08:47:14

Krichu swoj? przygode? z miksowaniem zacza?? stosunkowo niedawno. Z zawodu informatyk, z zami?owania muzyk. Od o?smego roku z?ycia gra na fortepianie, jednak to konsola jest jego konikiem. Zwia?zan...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Sie? Z Techno Podcast #12] Seb Skalski from 2020-10-24T08:25

Seb Skalski aka Deeplomatik - Warsaw based DJ and producer has been known on the Hosue circuit under numerous aliases for the past 20 years. Having worked through a host of different genres he’s be...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Sie? Z Techno Podcast #11] Paulina De?bowska from 2020-09-18T07:52:52

Paulina D?bowska - mi?o?niczka deep house’owych oraz progresywnych brzmie?, nie stroni równie? od techno. Swoj? muzyczn? przygod? rozpocz??a pó?tora roku temu, mimo to ma ju? na koncie dziesi?tki z...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Sie? Z Techno Podcast #10] Professor Saibertin from 2020-08-21T09:19:08

Professor Saibertin aka ?ukasz Kubow is a fresh techno artist, coming from the city of Audioriver, living in Warsaw.

Music has always been an inherent part of his life. In the 90s he used ...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Si? Z Techno Podcast #9] GIGEE from 2020-07-24T11:50:55


An exciting new face on the scene GIGEE is fast making her mark, recently stepping up as the closing DJ at Jakarta’s infamous superclub Colosseum, fresh back from an Asia tour th...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Si? Z Techno Podcast #8] DEAS from 2020-06-19T12:04:56

DEAS (Karol Mozgawa), based in Cracow/Poland, born in Greece is a music producer and DJ, who is fast becoming one of Techno's most exciting breakthrough artists originating from Eastern Europe. One...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Si? Z Techno Podcast #7] Lulu Malina from 2020-05-22T11:16:36

LuLu Malina – ucieles?nienie koloru, energii i eklektyzmu. Obdarzona umieje?tnos?cia? hipnotyzowania dz?wie?kiem oraz barwna? osobowos?cia?, kto?ra znajduje ujs?cie za deckami. LuLu us?yszycie w kl...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Si? Z Techno Podcast #6] Larix from 2020-04-24T11:47:29

Larix – a DJ, producer and the owner of the Brainwash label. On the scene for more than a decade. He has already developed his own recognizable style. Drawing from industrial, dark and often broken...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Si? Z Techno Podcast #5] Mike Lemur from 2020-03-20T08:00:10

DJ and electronic music enthusiast alike, Michal Staniewicz, AKA Mike Lemur, is coming out of Warsaw, Poland. His first steps behind the decks was on the famous after-party club Luzztro in Warsaw, ...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy Si? Z Techno Podcast #4] Tom Palash from 2020-02-21T08:24:17

Tom Palash is a dj and a producer from Poznan - one of the biggest city in Poland. He started his adventure with music in 1997 as MC and a producer on a Polish hip-hop scene. Since then he was acti...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy si? z Techno Podcast #3] Saint Peter B2B Adam Ma?ul from 2020-01-24T01:00

Piotr & Adam, friends from the techno-yard, co-founders of the Znamy si? z Techno community. To say we are interested in music is like saying nothing. So let's say it best and say nothing at all.<...

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy si? z Techno Podcast #2] WEIKUM from 2019-12-19T01:00

Sebastian ''WEIKUM'' - Warsaw based DJ and producer delivering unique tech and prog sounds trough world famous labels like Glasgow Underground , Simma Black, Armada , Zerothree and Colorize.

Znamy si? z Techno Podcast
[Znamy si? z Techno Podcast #1] Micha? Maziarz from 2019-11-29T14:22:39

Welcome to “Znamy Si? Z Techno Podcast”. This is monthly show exclusively presenting all genres of techno and similar types of music. All in good taste. To our initiative we invite Polish well-know...
