Podcasts by Lifes too short to be average

Life's too short to be average

Are you tired of all the bs in the health and fitness industry? Real fitness conversations for everyday life here!

Further podcasts by Zac Gonzalez

Podcast on the topic Gesundheit und Fitness

All episodes

Life's too short to be average
EP 2. How to plan a successful fat loss phase ONCE FOR ALL! from 2023-09-06T10:14:39

Some of the topics that we discuss today here:

Tip 1: Zoom out and Break it down. Any work or life events? 

Tip 2: What’s your relationship with food? Trac...

Life's too short to be average
EP1. TOP 3 TIPS TO GET BACK TO IT AFTER A HOLIDAY. from 2023-08-23T13:33:04

Do you feel a bit meh after your holiday? You feel like you're back to rainy and grey uk and you can't be asked? This is for you!

Life's too short to be average
EP.28. Is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. 4 tips to smash your December! from 2022-12-05T11:43:50

The holiday period is round the corner and we tend to have a heavy focus on food and drinks. What can we do to stay on track while making the most of December and New Year? We discuss it today!

Life's too short to be average
EP 27. 10 lessons from 10 years as a coach. from 2022-09-18T11:11:47

Which are the top 10 lessons that I want to share with you? Some of them have been life changing in terms of applying them to my guys and girls and seeing how they completely transform their lif...

Life's too short to be average
EP 26 Are you overcomplicating it? from 2022-06-04T11:24:27

Are you reinventing the wheel? Are you making the process to complicated? Today I share with you 4 points to help you nail down the process. Make it as effortless and straight to the point as po...

Life's too short to be average
EP.25 On Track M-F but all over the place weekends? This is for you! from 2022-05-17T15:28:04

Today we discuss 5 key points that surround the ideal nutrition for you and your goals. Are you someone struggling to make progress because it seems weekends get in the way? This is for you! See...

Life's too short to be average
EP 24. If you're not getting better, you're just getting worse overtime. from 2022-05-09T12:45:18

The idea of getting 1% better every single day in and out of the gym could be life changing. How can something so simple really push to that very next level? If we don't chase this concept, some...

Life's too short to be average
EP.23. Have you got non-negotiables in place? from 2022-04-11T13:25:11

Are you focusing your energy on the wrong things? You find yourself struggling to make progress? This is for you.

Life's too short to be average
EP 22. The Foundations Of Health from 2022-03-19T19:43:44

I want to bring to your attention the check list you defo want to tick off! All of these to make sure you're putting everything on your side to become the healthier/fitter version of yourself. W...

Life's too short to be average
EP.21. New year resolutions?! You need to level the f*** up! 5 steps to follow from 2022-01-02T18:36:07

With the new year, everyone is setting up new goals to achieve. We all want to become that 2.0 version of ourselves, but, how do we do it?

Today we bring 5 steps to follow to bullet proof...

Life's too short to be average
EP.20. Stop thinking you’ll transform your physique forever in 12 weeks. Start thinking long term! from 2021-12-21T12:21:41

We are getting to that time of the year when you start thinking about January and what you want to achieve next year. Thinking that you need to do a body transformation plan and get back into a ...

Life's too short to be average
EP19. Stop googling stuff! The answer is right in front of you! from 2021-12-17T12:57:51

Today I want to give you some tough love but also clarity so you can smash your 2022 with full understanding of what it is you're trying to achieve , and how to achieve it. See you at the gym pe...

Life's too short to be average
EP.18. Breaking down how "little" it takes to be in shape! from 2021-11-29T14:10:49

Do you think or do you ever come across someone who says: "I simply don't have the time to train and commit"?. Then this is for YOU/THEM.

Life's too short to be average
EP.17. Creating a plan. Stop f*****g about! from 2021-11-17T11:57:35

Today I want to bring to your attention what are the main things you're struggling with and how to overcome those struggles taking yourself to the very next level. Stop messing around!

Life's too short to be average
EP. 16. Rigid Diets Vs Flexible Diet. Which one is better for you? from 2021-07-08T12:50:56

There is a lot of missconception with diet plans, food plans,etc. Today I want to bring to you some clarity when you're thinking if you should have a flexible approach or rigid. I give you some ...

Life's too short to be average
EP. 15. Are you starving yourself and not really getting anywhere? from 2021-04-06T20:34:01

How is it possible that you're doing everything you can to keep progressing with your fitness goals, but nothing is happening? We explain it today!

Life's too short to be average
EP14. Are you comparing yourself to others? Listen to this. from 2021-03-25T11:37:04

A constant conversation that I have as a coach is the perception of people thinking that everyone else is doing better than them in terms of fitness. Today, I want to talk to you about this, and...

Life's too short to be average
EP 12. Acciones VS Objetivos from 2021-03-10T17:04:29

Hoy os traigo punto a punto que podéis hacer cuando veis que no estáis haciendo todo lo posible para conseguir vuestros objetivos. A cuanta gente se le va la boca hablando de lo que quieren hace...

Life's too short to be average
EP.13 Do your actions match your fitness goals? from 2021-03-10T16:09:59

You really want to make a change with your physique but you find yourself coming back to bad decisions. Forever saying you want to achieve something but never really fully committed. What can we...

Life's too short to be average
EP12. 5 ways to take your training to the next level from 2021-02-22T15:31:39

Are you wondering if your actual plan is exactly what you need? Are you doing too much? Are you not doing enough? How do you know!? We discuss it today.

Life's too short to be average
EP11. ¿Cómo acelerar el proceso de pérdida de grasa? from 2021-02-18T12:33:50

La pérdida de grasa no sólo tiene implicaciones visuales sino también emocionales y de la salud! Hoy os comento todo con pelos y señales!

Life's too short to be average
EP.11. How to accelerate the fat loss process. from 2021-02-15T14:29:49

Today we discuss the main things you want to focus on and how you can really speed up the fat loss process!

Life's too short to be average
EP.10 6 things I wish I'd know as a beginner from 2021-02-11T11:01:20

Today we discuss some of the mistakes I did as a young teenager trying to build muscle. What would I say to the younger myself?! Which mistakes did you do when you first started training? 

Life's too short to be average
EP10. ¿Comer sano o comer para perder grasa? from 2021-02-08T14:24:02

Todavía hoy en día hay mucha confusión a la hora de decidir qué alimentos son mejores para la pérdida de grasa. Mucha gente ve etiquetas en productos del tipo " bajo en grasa o en azúcares" &nbs...

Life's too short to be average
EP09. Eating healthy VS Eating to lose body fat from 2021-02-08T13:29:28

There is still a lot of misconception in what a good nutritional plan is. The food market and so many brands still label or classify foods as good or bad, healthy or unhealthy. Does nutrients an...

Life's too short to be average
EP09. 7 pasos para una nutrición perfecta from 2021-02-01T12:14:51

Hoy te explico paso a paso qué tienes que hacer para llevar una nutrición perfecta. Esto quiere decir que se adapte a tus objetivos y estilo de vida!  Estos 7 pasos van a significar un ante...

Life's too short to be average
EP8. 7 steps to have the perfect nutrition! from 2021-02-01T12:13:59

Are you still trying to figure out what´s the best nutritional plan? How many carbs? How much protein? Fats? Everything you need to know is here step by step! Get pen a paper and let´s get into ...

Life's too short to be average
EP8. ¿Necesitamos Motivación o disciplina? from 2021-01-31T14:15:17

Hoy comentamos las grandes diferencias entre estar motivado o ser disciplinado. ¿Se puede estar siempre motivado a entrenar a tope y darlo todo? ¿Cómo? ¡ Hoy os lo cuento! 

Life's too short to be average
EP07. Motivation VS Discipline from 2021-01-26T12:51:33

Today we talk about one of the most important topics in regards to achieving your long term goals. Do we need to be always motivated? Is there any way we can do this? Today I explain everything ...

Life's too short to be average
EP07. Entrevista a Coach Joseca: "La intensidad no es negociable". from 2021-01-26T12:48:54

Hoy tenemos el placer de hablar con nada menos que Coach Joseca. Uno de los grandes referentes a nivel español en lo que a culturismo natural y entenamiento progresivo se refiere! Joseca lleva u...

Life's too short to be average
EP06. Conversations with Andrei Dieu. Lessons from training and clients! from 2021-01-17T19:53:45

Today we have a guest! We speak with Andrei , an online coach from the uk very passionate about getting his clients to the next level! We discuss various topics and we have a laugh speaking abou...

Life's too short to be average
EP.06. PAULA DALMAU. ¿Por qué somos entrenadores? from 2021-01-17T19:29:05

Hoy tenemos a una invitada muy especial desde Valencia! La entrenadora personal Paula Dalmau nos cuenta su experiencia en el sector fitness, también curiosidades y nos desmitifica algunas creenc...

Life's too short to be average
EP.05. ¿ Estás siempre "a dieta"? from 2021-01-14T18:16:17

Hoy vamos a hablar sobre el concepto de las dietas. ¿Por qué no funcionan? ¿Hay alguna alternativa que permita controlar la nutrición a largo plazo? La hay! Os lo cuento en este episodio! Os esp...

Life's too short to be average
EP05. Are you always on a "diet"? from 2021-01-14T18:04:21

Today we discuss why diet plans are not best choice in terms of achieving your best physique yet. Is  there another alternative with even better results? There is! Listen to today's episode...

Life's too short to be average
EP04. How to take your home training to the next level! from 2021-01-11T16:54:12

During lockdown, you might be struggling to get a decent routine together that actually makes you feel like you've trained properly. On today's episode, I have for you the main tips to get the m...

Life's too short to be average
EP.03: If you know how to train, Where are your results? from 2020-07-29T14:28:16

After lockdown everyone is getting back into it and the last thing you want is keep getting things wrong. If something hasn't worked for you in the past, why do you still do it? You don't want t...

Life's too short to be average
EP03. Si sabes entrenar, ¿dónde están tus resultados? from 2020-07-29T08:52:13

¡De vuelta al gimnasio todos! ¿Sabes realmente como entrenar y todo lo que esto conlleva? Hoy os traigo todas las conversaciones que he tenido durante los años y los errores más comunes que se c...

Life's too short to be average
EP02. La vuelta al gym después de la cuarentena. ¿Qué deberías hacer? from 2020-07-19T10:42:46

Después de tantos meses y entrenos de jardín online, después de tantos paseos, los gimnasios ya están abiertos! ¿Cuáles son mis mejores consejos de cara a empezar con buen pié tu nuevo camino fi...

Life's too short to be average
EP02. Coming back to the gym after lockdown: What should you do? from 2020-07-19T10:38:06

We are getting towards the end of lockdown here in England. The gyms are opening on the 25th of July. What should your training look like? What about your food? Should you take it easy or go ful...

Life's too short to be average
EP01. Bienvenidos a Fitness For Real Life Podcast! from 2020-07-16T20:59:04

Como profesional de la salud con 10 años de experiencia entrenando a personas de todas las edades, objetivos y condiciones, quiero iniciar este podcast presentándome a vosotros y explicar de qué...

Life's too short to be average
EP01. Welcome to Fitness for Real Life Podcast! from 2020-07-16T20:41:01

As a fitness professional with an experience of 10 years in the field, I've decided to jump on this platform to help you guys achieve your fitness goals! Today, I want to introduce myself to you...
