Podcasts by Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition

3 Humans, having unscripted conversations about life, that turn into tangents about other things, but still prove to be amusing. Sometimes we are sway towards the Zen side and sometimes towards the Not Zen side. With all 3 of us, we are BroTime.

~Enjoy the journey~

Further podcasts by Adam Riehl & Robin Grether

Podcast on the topic Comedy

All episodes

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #71 - Villains We Love to Hate & Secretly Love from 2023-11-30T14:00

Why do we love villains so much? Is it that we empathize with them in some way? Maybe they're acting in a way that you wish you could sometimes. Or maybe we just love to see what chaos would...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #70 - Sack Tapping & Other Strange Rituals from 2023-11-09T20:06:24

Growing up in organized sports, our coaches used to cup check us constantly. Whether they were trying to see if we were in uniform, or it was some sadistic ritual, the jury is still out. But it ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #69 - Adult Cartoons from 2023-10-26T13:00

We at Zen and Not Zen love our entertainment! And we deeply enjoy adult cartoons. So today, we are spending some time talking about adult cartoons and cartoons that have adult overtones. We have...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #68 - Unintended Social Experiments from 2023-10-12T18:47:02

Burning man 2023 was met with many unexpected challenges. In todays tangent, we talk about this unintended social experiment and how what may be perceived as going wrong, may actually be the sig...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #67 - Expectations, Limitations & Perceptions from 2023-09-28T13:00

Anne Lamott dropped this gem: "Expectations are resentments waiting to happen." Today, we are chatting about all the wild things we anticipate and the boxes we put ourselves, others, a...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #66 - FOMO Follies: Finding JOMO Joy in a World Gone Wild from 2023-09-14T13:00

Today we embark on an amusing journey as we tackle the epic battle of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) versus JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out). Ever felt like you're trapped in a social obligation vortex...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #65 - A Tangent In Its Truest Form Pt3 from 2023-07-13T13:00

As you may know by now, we have "topics" that we typically move towards in our conversations. Sometimes we get there, sometimes we don't. Today is one of those days that we just co...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #64 - The Joke Doula from 2023-06-22T13:00:48

Please humor me as I try to work out this idea in my head, as we conversate about it on the air. Life is funny, whether it's "meant" to be or not. And sometimes we observe life in ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #63 - A Tangent About Beauty from 2023-06-08T13:00:41

Beauty is a very subjective observation, and also one of my favorite expressions from the Canadian slang. But sometimes we tend to find beauty in some not so beautiful moments. Maybe it's mo...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #62 - A Tangent About Humanity from 2023-04-20T13:00:38

Today, we totally went off topic, (yes, there are topics) and stumbled our way into a tangent about humanity. There is a lot happening in the world right now. We started off talking about gourme...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #61 - Foods Banned in Other Countries, But Readily Available in the USA from 2023-04-06T13:00:47

Today was an important day. We found out the Kinzie had a "crush" on Kevin James, that none of us are fans of padded toilet seats and that most of the food we grew up on and still some...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #60 - Inventions That Improved, and Effed Up the World from 2023-03-23T13:00:40

We live in an interesting age where technology is being developed at a rapid pace and inventions seem to be flooding the world. But what are some of the inventions that meant the most to humanit...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #59 - Managing Life's Regrets from 2023-02-16T18:56:41

Today we take a look at dive into regret. Regret is a doorway to depression, shame and the root cause for many misspelled tattoos..."No Regerts". But how does regret land with you in your emotio...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #58 - The Perception of Truth from 2023-02-02T14:00:16

The perception of truth has been very top of mind recently.  Can I have a truth that's separate than your truth, and vice versa? The short answer is yes, but is that counter intuitive to th...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #57 - How Do You Define Your Personal Freedom? from 2023-01-19T14:00:55

Defining your personal freedom may seem counterintuitive, but too much freedom an be overwhelming.  Today on ZNZBT we talk about what state of being can feel like for each of us. This is a ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #56 - Our 2022 Year End Review from 2023-01-05T14:00:15

In our year end review, we talk about our highs and lows, the lessons we learned and the shenanigans we got ourselves into.  We're not big on New Years resolutions here at ZNZBT, but we tal...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #55 - Famous People Who Passed Away - 2022 Edition from 2022-12-15T14:00

The passing of Naomi Judd, an artist and human being that meant a lot to Kinzie, was what spurred the topic for this episode. Today, we talk about the famous people who passed in 2022. Some of t...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #54 - Daylight Savings Time from 2022-12-01T14:00:48

I know we are a little bit late for a daylight savings time episode, but here you go! I understand why our country initially instated DST, but why is this still a practice? At least now with the...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #53 - A Tangent in its Truest From Pt2 from 2022-11-10T14:00:42

We always sit down with an idea of what we want to talk about here on ZNZBT, but sometimes we just don't get to it.  In this episode, we tried 2 or 3 times to work our way back to the subje...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #52 - Lesbians and Not Lesbians Episode from 2022-10-27T11:00:43

The lovely Kinzie Shaw is leading the conversation in this episode. Since Kinzie is our self proclaimed "house lesbian", she is filling us in on some funny lesbianisms.  We at ZNZBT know it...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #51 - What Are You Afraid Of? from 2022-10-13T13:00:32

What fears do you live with?  Combined, we are afraid of heights, the ocean, spiders and Mark Wahlberg's character in the move "Fear".  But why are we afraid of these things?  Tod...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #50 - Obscure Movies from 2022-09-29T13:00:35

Have you ever loved a movie so much, but when your friends watch the same movie they thought you were an idiot?  Well, that's our topic today.  From My Father the Hero to UHF; and Capt...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent # 49 - Digital Amnesia & The Google Effect from 2022-09-15T13:00:05

We used to be able to rattle off phone numbers with ease, know and understand directions in a stronger way or even remember bits of obscure information. Now, we have digital platforms in our poc...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #48 - The Death of the Choco Taco from 2022-09-01T13:00:41

I'm not sure if you've heard or not.  And if you haven't heard, I hate to be the one who tells you.  But, the beloved Choco Taco is being discontinued.  This is a big blow to my c...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #47 - The Music that Made Us from 2022-08-18T13:00:01

 Music is very impactful in our lives, whether we realize it or not.  It can help us up regulate our energy for a workout or game, but also help us calm our nerves and relax.  Tod...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #46 - Chain Restaurants from 2022-06-29T16:00:06

We've probably all eaten at one, or even worked at one. Today, we talk about the different types of chain restaurants.  From traditional to 24 hour, fast food to fine dining we explore our o...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #45 - Reefer Madness vs. Refer Madness from 2022-06-22T16:00:59

One was a propaganda film from 1936 designed to demonize cannabis and the other is the current reality for states with legalized cannabis. Today we are talking about the cultural shift that cann...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #44 - Better Sleep & Healthy Habits from 2022-06-15T16:00:40

Getting a "proper" amount of sleep had never seemed as important as it did once I hit my 40's. Sleeping intoxicated, going to bed at 3am and waking up at 7am or sometimes staying u...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #43 - Books from 2022-06-08T16:00:43

Do you prefer physical books or e-books?  What book would you rather have on display in your house, the Bible or The Never Ending Story? To be honest, up until about 10 years ago, I wouldn't...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #42 - Jobby Jobs from 2022-06-01T16:00:37

Jobs can be fun, boring, mundane, etc, but also necessary.  Kinda like Nick Cage, but I digress.  At this point in our human existence, our societies are set up to push us towards having a job a...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
ZNZBT #41 - The Death Episode from 2022-04-13T14:00

How has death affected you? Are you afraid of death? Do you feel prepared? Death is one of the few inevitable things that is going to happen to us and the people around us. Some cultures seem to...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #41 - The Death Episode from 2022-04-13T14:00

How has death affected you? Are you afraid of death? Do you feel prepared? Death is one of the few inevitable things that is going to happen to us and the people around us. Some cultures seem to...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #40 - Slip and Slide Then and Now: What else isn't the same as you remembered it? from 2022-04-06T16:00

What does Ernest P Worrell and slip and slide have in common? Seemingly nothing, except the nostalgia that they invoke. Todays conversation is based around the idea of "things not being the...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
ZNZBT #40 - Slip and Slide Then and Now: What else isn't the same as you remembered it? from 2022-04-06T16:00

What does Ernest P Worrell and slip and slide have in common? Seemingly nothing, except the nostalgia that they invoke. Todays conversation is based around the idea of "things not being the same...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #39 - Country Music from 2022-03-30T16:00

Now, we aren't the biggest fans of country music, but there is a nostalgia wrapped up in it for us. Today we are exploring our emotions about country music and why we don't listen to it ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
ZNZBT w/ Kinzie Shaw #39 - Country Music from 2022-03-30T16:00

Now, we aren't the biggest fans of country music, but there is a nostalgia wrapped up in it for us. Today we are exploring our emotions about country music and why we don't listen to it now. Alt...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #38 - The crazy situations we got ourselves into from 2022-03-23T16:00

As Robin's brother once said, and now I love to quote, "life is the longest thing you'll ever do." And with that idea comes a lot of opportunities to get into and out of troubl...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
ZNZBT w/ Kinzie Shaw #38 - The crazy situations we got ourselves into from 2022-03-23T16:00

As Robin's brother once said, and now I love to quote, "life is the longest thing you'll ever do." And with that idea comes a lot of opportunities to get into and out of trouble. Today we are ta...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #37 - Apocalypse scenarios and how we would handle them from 2022-03-16T16:00

What would you do if things in the world went sideways? I mean, even more sideways than the last 2 years have been. In what wave of the zombie apocalypse would you be taken out in? Well, that wo...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
ZNZBT w/ Kinzie Shaw #37 - Apocalypse scenarios and how we would handle them from 2022-03-16T16:00

What would you do if things in the world went sideways? I mean, even more sideways than the last 2 years have been. In what wave of the zombie apocalypse would you be taken out in? Well, that wo...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
ZNZBT w/ Kinzie Shaw #36 - Talking Shit - The perceived benefits and ultimate hazards from 2022-03-09T17:00

Talking shit has become a pretty significant part of our society. From politicians slandering each other to win an election, to the military "breaking you down" to build you back up, seemingly e...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #36 - Talking Sh!t - The perceived benefits and ultimate hazards from 2022-03-09T17:00

Talking shit has become a pretty significant part of our society. From politicians slandering each other to win an election, to the military "breaking you down" to build you back up, s...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #35 - What do you do with your Free Time? from 2022-03-02T17:00

Your free time is yours to enjoy. Golfing, yoga, porn conventions, eating gummy Lifesavers, peanut butter and Vegemite. Clearly we find interesting things to do with our free time. What do you d...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition w/ Kinzie Shaw #35 - What do you do with your Free Time? from 2022-03-02T17:00

Your free time is yours to enjoy. Golfing, yoga, porn conventions, eating gummy Lifesavers, peanut butter and Vegemite. Clearly we find interesting things to do with our free time. What do you d...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #34 - Universal Signs from 2022-02-23T17:00

Universal Signs, Deja Vu, Synchronicity, God Wink, Law of Attraction or Luck. There are a lot of ways to look at todays topic. But it seems that no matter what your beliefs are, we all tend to e...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition w/ Kinzie Shaw #34 - Universal Signs from 2022-02-23T17:00

Universal Signs, Deja Vu, Synchronicity, God Wink, Law of Attraction or Luck. There are a lot of ways to look at todays topic. But it seems that no matter what your beliefs are, we all tend to e...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #33 - You're Not a Burden from 2022-02-15T17:00

Today we are tackling a subject that I feel a lot of us deal with, whether we realize it or not. Today we talk about why we sometimes won't ask for help because we don't want to seem lik...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
BroTime Edition w/ Kinzie Shaw - Tangent #33 - You're not a Burden from 2022-02-15T17:00

Today we are tackling a subject that I feel a lot of us deal with, whether we realize it or not. Today we talk about why we sometimes won't ask for help because we don't want to seem like we are...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #32 - Conspiracies from 2022-02-09T17:00

Ever let your mind wonder towards conspiracy theories? I think we all have a conspiracy theory or 2 that we believe in, or maybe we just don't know enough about it to disprove it.  Today, we...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Bro-Time Edition w/ Kinzie Shaw - Tangent #32 - Conspiracies from 2022-02-09T17:00

Ever let your mind wonder towards conspiracy theories? I think we all have a conspiracy theory or 2 that we believe in, or maybe we just don't know enough about it to disprove it.  Today, w...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #31 - Movies, Music & Tangents from 2021-12-15T17:00

A warm welcome back to the lovely Kinzie Shaw.  Today, in our Bro-Time edition we are talking about the movies and music that got us through the year.  From new releases to nostalgic throwbacks,...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Bro-Time Edition w/ Kinzie Shaw - Tangent #31 - Movies, Music & Tangents from 2021-12-15T17:00

A warm welcome back to the lovely Kinzie Shaw.  Today, in our Bro-Time edition we are talking about the movies and music that got us through the year.  From new releases to nostalgic t...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #30 - What holidays mean to us from 2021-12-08T19:56:28

Today we are talking about what holidays mean to us.  I personally struggle with the materialistic nature of holidays, but also understand the familial traditions and love that is shared ar...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Bro-Time Edition w/ Kinzie Shaw - Tangent #29 - Adult Friendships from 2021-12-01T19:30:32

Allow me to introduce the lovely and amazing Kinzie Shaw. Kinzie, a long time friend and hilarious human, will be joining us today and potentially future episodes.  In recognition of bringi...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #28 - Tattoos from 2021-11-24T17:00

Robin, who is tattoo-less, is exploring the idea of getting a tattoo. As a heavily tattooed human, this subject is near and dear to my heart.  So in the theme of trying to give him the best...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #27 - Blockbuster vs. Netflix from 2021-11-17T17:00

This week on ZNZ we are talking about the idea of Blockbuster vs. Netflix.  Although there is a clear winner now, growing up during the time of Blockbuster, we had a lot of family tradition...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #26 - A tangent in its truest form from 2021-09-08T16:00

This week on Zen & Not Zen, we had a topic that we wanted to talk about.  And we even mentioned it at the beginning of the episode.  But we tapped danced so far around it, that we ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #25 - Jokes and Shenanigans from 2021-08-26T04:00

Ah yes, a subject near and dear to our hearts, jokes and shenanigans. We both grew up in households where fun and games were supported, so we've tried to embrace that in our older years.  I...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #24 - Religion from 2021-08-18T16:00

So we're doing a thing we said we would never do....talk about religion.  We both have very different backgrounds with this subject.  Robin's household didn't have it and he never real...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #23 - Traveling from 2021-08-11T18:25:24

 Robin and I appreciate traveling for many reasons.  It gives us a new perspective on different cultures, takes us out of our current rituals and patters to open us up to new experienc...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #22 - Hi 5's, Handshakes and Hugs from 2021-08-04T16:00

 One of the funner conversations I feel we've had in a while, which is saying a lot.  This episode is chock full of tangents, inappropriate stories and one of my favorite things, human...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #21 - What would you do if you didn't need money from 2021-07-28T16:00

We have a thought experiment today on ZNZ; what would you do if you didn't need money?  Would you be more creative?  Have more time for family and community?  Or go to an animal s...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #20 - Plant Medicines from 2021-07-21T16:00

This week we are talking about one of my favorite topics, plant medicines.  Plant medicines have been in my life for a very long time, but I only started using them consciously within the p...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #19 - Exercise from 2021-07-14T16:00

This week on Zen & Not Zen, we are chit chatting about exercise.  Both of us have tried different modalities of exercise over the years.  Some have stuck, others have not.  Bu...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #18 - The Beatles (and why Adam doesn't like them) from 2021-07-07T16:00

 Welcome back to ZNZ!  Today we chat about why I don't like The Beatles.  Now before we get ourselves worked up, I do understand the impact The Beatles made in the music industry ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #17: Swear Words from 2021-06-09T16:00

F@(K Yeah!  Today we are talking about swear words.  We both swear a fair amount and have heard the stereotypes throughout the years, but fuck that!  A properly placed swear word ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent#16: Work Life Balance from 2021-06-02T16:00

This week on Zen and Not Zen, we talk about the illusive work life balance.  This seems to be a topic that a lot of us are searching for and all have our own version of.  We tangent al...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #15: Maintaining friendships between people with and without kids from 2021-05-26T16:00

This weeks tangent is a viewer request from our buddy Brandon Youngblood, and hits home with both Robin and I.  Today we are talking about how we manage our friendships with people who do a...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #14: Aliens! from 2021-05-19T16:00

Aliens man!!  In this weeks tangent, we talk about aliens.  And oddly enough, I think this is the most we've ever stayed on topic...or at least topic adjacent?  We hit up most of ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #13: Regional Slang from 2021-05-12T16:00

Today on Zen and Not Zen, we talk about Regional Slang.  Robin is from the PNW, but I'm from the South.  So naturally, we speak a little differently, but that doesn't stop our chemistr...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #12: Life After Drinking from 2021-05-05T16:00

Welcome back to Zen and Not Zen.  This week we are tackling a subject that we have attempted to record before, but haven't felt right about it until now.  Today, we light heartedly tal...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #11: Cereal from 2021-04-28T16:00

Back at it again!  This time talking about cereal....but we take our time getting there.  We start off on one of the more mature notes of our podcast career, Robin "triple fine’d" me, ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #10: Sports!(?) from 2021-04-21T16:10:02

Welcome back!  Today's tangent is Sports!(?) (the ! is for Robin and the ? is for me.)  We kinda stay on topic today, even if we are talking about a bachelor party where Curling is the...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #9: Marijuana Myths from 2021-04-15T18:19:42

In todays tangent, we talk about the myths surrounding marijuana and its usage.  Both of us being avid users of marijuana, we have heard a lot of these myths, but haven't had a chance to di...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #8: Cell Phones from 2021-04-07T18:18:05

In todays episode, we are fulfilling a listeners request and chatting about cell phones.  With both of us being born in the 80's and having our influential years in the 90's, we saw, and li...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #7: Cartoons from 2020-12-03T21:13:13

In todays tangent we talk about cartoons!  Cartoons helped to raise us and, to be honest, I'm letting them help to raise my kids as well.  Where's the harm in that?  Well, we star...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #6: Genericized Trademarks from 2020-11-25T04:57:57

Todays tangent is a fun one for us, Genericized Tademarks.  Kleenex, velcro, ping pong, these are the things we call by specific brand names, but they generic names like facial tissue, hook...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #5 - The Thank You Wave from 2020-11-18T16:28:32

Ah, the good old "Thank You" wave.  Not to be confused with the "Oh Shit" wave.  Is this a dying bit of politeness, or something we're not noticing any longer?  We dive into this ...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #4: Wasting Time from 2020-11-11T19:29:07

Today we talk about wasting time and quickly realize that we may be wasting your time.  But the concept of wasted time is going to be very different for everyone since we are the ones who d...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #3: The Drug Talk from 2020-11-04T03:14:11

In todays show we start with the infamous drug talk.  At what age did you get the talk, who gave it to you and the D.A.R.E. program.  From there we make our way to head shops and how I...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #2: The skills and history we wish we were taught when we were younger from 2020-10-28T05:37:28

In this episode we’re talking about the skills we wished we were taught growing up and who should be responsible for passing that info down. From there we tangent to the false history we were ta...

Zen and Not Zen - BroTime Edition
Tangent #1: Albums we used to listen to from front to back from 2020-10-21T20:53:56

In this episode we're talking about why many of us have stopped listening to albums from front to back.  From there we tangent to working at music stores and all the discs; mini discs, lase...
