Podcasts by Feeling Alive

Feeling Alive

Emotional Strategist

Further podcasts by Luka Reedy

Podcast on the topic Alternative Therapien

All episodes

Feeling Alive
Ep. 103 Empower the F**K Out of Your Life from 2023-02-21T11:23:59

DK and I riff on the 3 major areas to investigate and change in order to live an empowering life. What does it even mean to be empowered? Tune in and find out.

Our ILUMINARetreat in Bali ...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 102 Pleasing Others is Disrespecting Yourself from 2023-01-25T18:10:45

I advocate for your personal well-being and want you to know that people-pleasing is chronically inhibiting it.

In this episode, I talk about the side effects of people pleasing, why we d...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 101 My Top 3 Lessons of 2022 from 2022-12-29T07:39

I share my top 3 lessons of 2022. I had to dig deep and cull some big ones to bring out my top 3 so here we go. 2022 was overall a good year for me, I learned a lot, and tested my ability to tru...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 100 Part Two - Our Relationship Story with Danielle Kettlewell from 2022-09-19T08:08

This is the second half of our relationship journey to date. We go deeper into some of the core lessons we learned, the qualities we embodied to make this relationship what it is today and why w...

Feeling Alive
POWER MOVE FIVE - Appreciation is the Seed of Expansion from 2022-09-16T06:26

A powerful free training from Luka.

There are 5 Power Moves that I would like you to adopt so you can overcome your emotional triggers and cultivate a strong mindset so you can have more ...

Feeling Alive
POWER MOVE FOUR - Don’t Take It Personally from 2022-09-15T06:25

A powerful free training from Luka.

There are 5 Power Moves that I would like you to adopt so you can overcome your emotional triggers and cultivate a strong mindset so you can have more ...

Feeling Alive
POWER MOVE THREE - Play The Long Game from 2022-09-14T06:24

A powerful free training from Luka.

There are 5 Power Moves that I would like you to adopt so you can overcome your emotional triggers and cultivate a strong mindset so you can have more ...

Feeling Alive
POWER MOVE TWO - Please Yourself First from 2022-09-13T07:39

A powerful free training from Luka.

There are 5 Power Moves that I would like you to adopt so you can overcome your emotional triggers and cultivate a strong mindset so you can have more ...

Feeling Alive
POWER MOVE ONE - Be the Gentle Observer from 2022-09-12T08:00

A powerful free training from Luka.

There are 5 Power Moves that I would like you to adopt so you can overcome your emotional triggers and cultivate a strong mindset so you can have more ...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 99 Part One - Our Relationship Story with Danielle Kettlewell from 2022-09-08T07:39

Recently we have been asked a lot about the details of our relationship, so we decided to share the details of all the highs and the lows and all the challenges and beauty in between. 


Feeling Alive
Ep. 98 She 3X’d Her Income with These Strategies from 2022-09-01T07:34

In this episode, I share with you a really powerful story of my previous rockstar client who dived deep into these 4 major energetic strategies which transformed her internal state and skyrocket...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 97 Master This and it Will Take You to a Whole New Level from 2022-08-28T16:00

What I share in this episode is the first step to taking your life to a whole new level. You will view your relationships, your business, and your personal experience in a new way. And it's empo...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 96 Listen to This if You Get Emotionally Triggered from 2022-08-25T07:00

Emotional triggers have no purpose. Or do they? Listen to this to see how one new perspective can change your whole life.


Work 1X1 with Me


Work 1X1 with Me https://bit.ly/work...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 94 The Power of Frustration&How I use it to go to the Next Level from 2022-08-16T15:12:19

Frustration is a great sign that you are growing and expanding to your next level. Here's my perspective on it.


Work 1X1 with Me ...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 93 Tuning into Big Vision, Energetic Check-ins, Surrender, Believing in Yourself&Mastering Time from 2022-06-28T01:16:36

This episode is from Luka & Emma's Expand Show on Youtube. Emma & Luka riff on so much goodness all themed around your expansion and simple practices they use and personal stories of what they'v...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 92 My Daily Practice that has Changed My Energy from 2022-06-13T01:47

I will break down the daily practice that I swear by. To me, this is a non-negotiable. It can take me 5 minutes in the morning, 1 hour, 2 hours or 10 minutes before bed.

I'll explain why ...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 91 Energetically Outgrowing Your Environment with my special guest DK from 2022-06-07T20:42:03

When you are growing it is very normal for you to feel like a place or relationship, that was once familiar, no longer excites you or resonates with you. Coming back to Perth (my hometown) after...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 90 What it Takes To Change a Belief from 2022-05-25T19:27:53

There are certain energetic principles that you can learn that will help you identify your unsupportive belief systems and expand your energetic capacity to hold your desires.

I'll share ...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 89 Own Your Power&Let Your Future Find You from 2022-05-20T21:30:57

DK & I have a wonderful conversation about the power of owning your light. So many of us dim our light in fear of judgement or fear of making someone uncomfortable. We want to share our perspect...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 88 How I Define Success from 2022-05-10T12:38:28

I found that the way society viewed success was distorted and empty. So over the years, I developed a new definition of success. And now it keeps me away from all the "noise" and aligned with my...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 87 Balancing the Masculine&Feminine by Being In Tune and In Charge from 2022-04-12T15:00

Huge power comes from being in harmony with the energetic nature of life. Masculine & Feminine energy is all around us and within all of us. I went through a journey of discovering this for myse...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 86 Lets Look at Healing in an Entirely New Way from 2022-04-09T14:37:10

Healing has a huge purpose in your life, but it isn't everything in your life. Emma and I riff on healing, losing yourself in it, giving your power away and how we can begin to use that new awar...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 85 Everything is Rigged in Your Favour&You Can Look at Your Past Differently from 2022-04-05T14:39

I want to show you through this episode that you can flip the script on what happened to you and see it as something greater happening for you.

This is a snippet from our live weekly Q&A ...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 84 Are You Leaking Your Power&Preventing Quantum Leaps? from 2022-03-23T16:08:31

You are always manifesting. But are you manifesting and creating from your power or your pain? I want to share with you some areas where you may leak your power, how to start to reclaim your pow...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 83 She Manifested $17,000 After Facing Her Fears from 2022-03-16T12:54:34

Listen to this if you are facing fear because you have a desire that requires a "risky" decision to make.

In this episode, I'll share with you a powerful story of manifestation when you f...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 82 The Pathway to Freedom from 2022-03-03T14:31:47

Freedom is not experienced in a person, place or thing. It is a state of being created within you the moment you take back your power from that person, place or thing.

In this episode, E...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 81 The Trials and Tribulations of Mastering Self Expression from 2022-02-20T10:35:56

Our Private Expand Community is kicking off soon so please enjoy these full episodes while they last. You can join the waitlist of our Expand Community here >>


Well if you don't quite know and want to create your own lifestyl...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 76 Letting Go and Following Your Inspired Guidance from 2022-01-22T01:00

How many times have you wanted to do something and you stopped yourself because it wasn't a "smart" choice and you "SHOULD" be doing this instead... That's old news. Tune into this episode to se...

Feeling Alive
Moment to Moment from 2022-01-07T01:00

Here is a moving message to tune in, be you, and allow yourself to rise into your greatness.


Private 1:1 Energetic Mentorship with me Listen

Feeling Alive
Ep. 74 Overcoming your story&lack, miracles and allowing great things into your life from 2021-12-23T01:00

Emma and I meet for the last time of the year 2021. We're super amped and energized in this episode as we riff on so many different areas of self-transformation and the evolution of your true se...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 73 Coming Back From Facing Death from 2021-12-17T02:29:05

It's been just over a week since my emergency visit to the hospital. I thought it would be fitting to speak about my experiences with Emma on our Monday morning show (considering it all went dow...

Feeling Alive
A Love Letter to My Past Self from 2021-12-07T08:00

Thank you to all the past versions of me that fought for the freedom I feel today.


This is a new series on the podcast which are channeled transmissions from my heart to yours. Listen

Feeling Alive
Ep. 72 Money Beliefs, Worthiness to Receive, Observing and Not Becoming the Stories of Your Past from 2021-12-04T08:00

In this one, Emma and I riff on:

  1. Money, its neutrality, and how our beliefs put a negative charge on it

Feeling Alive
Ep. 71 Becoming an Energetic Match with Your Future Self from 2021-12-03T08:00

If you want to collapse the time it takes to get to your future self and ideal reality then this episode is probably the one you want to listen to.


Private 1:1 Energetic Mentorsh...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 70 Awaken Your Spirit, Believe in What You Want and Activating Radical Responsibility for Unbelievable Transformation from 2021-11-29T22:59:45

Another epic Monday conversation from the Soul with Emma and I. This episode is potent, lots of energy.


We discuss:

  1. Listen
Feeling Alive
What Matters Most Is How You Finish Life from 2021-11-28T10:00

It does not matter how you started life because all of us can't change how we were brought into this world. So what matters most is how we decide to finish in this life.


This is ...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 69 Are you leaking your power and preventing Quantum leaps? from 2021-11-15T15:19:09

This is the biggest area in life where people lose their power and prevent huge quantum leaps from happening in their life.

I share in-depth what that looks like in this episode.


Feeling Alive
Ep. 68 Shifting Perspective to Access the Law of Vibration, Manifestation, Divine Intelligence and Synchronicity from 2021-11-10T12:30:27

This episode is from Conversations from the Soul which Emma and I host each Monday at 9 am (PST). You can join this conversation live on my Youtube channel and interact with us in real-time.


Feeling Alive
Ep. 67 Playing More to Attract More, Quantum Proof, Dreams and Practising Detachment from 2021-11-02T12:23:25

In this episode, Emma and myself discuss the act of breaking free from your conditioning to be "busy"  and playing more which leads to attracting more abundance in your life.

We also talk...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 66 Living in Alignment, Breaking Free From the Matrix, Your Destiny and Quantum Possibilities from 2021-10-26T13:10:22

Live every Monday at 9 am PST on Youtube and Facebook, Emma and I sit down and have Conversations from the Soul.

This episode is our most recent conversation and it is FIRE!!

We di...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 65 Are you keeping painful energetic loops going in your life? from 2021-10-04T14:54:02

Have you ever wondered why the same challenging circumstance continues to enter your life over and over again?

These are energetic loops and they cycle over and over again until you break...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 64 Boundaries are Temporary and Consume Too Much of Your Energy from 2021-09-29T16:58:11

Boundaries are great when you first start to change and reduce the negativity in your life but you'll probably notice that you keep attracting similar circumstances that test your boundaries eve...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 63 Getting through the void from 2021-09-21T15:57:07

This episode is from a snippet of my live radio conversation with Emma.

Are you feeling deep and dark emotions? Feeling uninspired and frustrated? Feel like nothing is really going anywhe...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 62 Using The Sacred Mirror to Heal and Find Your True Self from 2021-09-03T17:21:41

The sacred mirror is a tool i've used to help me uncover my hidden unconscious behaviours to help heal my past and bring out my authentic self.

In this episode i'll explain what it is and...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 61 Having Faith in Scary AF Times from 2021-08-23T14:57:31

It's a time in life that is testing everyone's courage, resilience, persistence, and faith.

Having faith and trust in a time where there is so much anger, hatred, and resentment for peopl...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 60 Using Higher Dimensional Awareness to Deal with Challenges from 2021-08-16T17:59:53

Today we are living in a very different world compared to what it was a few years ago. Though this current world situation did not come out of nowhere. It was born through our collective conscio...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 59 Everything is Spiritual from 2021-08-06T16:14:19

If there is one thing I've learned on my journey that has helped me grow spiritually, it's this - EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL.

In this episode, I dive deep into the meaning of this and how yo...

Feeling Alive
Ep. 58 Let Go and Let God from 2021-07-28T07:00

In this episode, I'm going to share with you the way I see life in order for me to find more ease and harmony in the presence of challenges.

Frustration is often a lack of faith in the Un...

Feeling Alive
[GUIDED HYPNOSIS] A Gentle Path Within from 2021-07-20T17:15:58

If you've ever meditated or listened to something relaxing, this hypnosis is the perfect gateway into going a little deeper into your unconscious mind and making subtle internal shifts that are ...

Feeling Alive
Ep57. Are you living behind a mask? from 2021-07-13T01:00

Most people either don't realize they are hiding behind a mask or perhaps even know what a mask is or maybe they know they're hiding their true self and are too scared to step out and reveal the...

Feeling Alive
Ep56. Listen to this if you get Emotionally Triggered from 2021-07-06T07:00

Whether you've started your healing journey or started diving into the law of attraction and manifestation, your emotional triggers play an important role in all of these.

In this episode...

Feeling Alive
Ep55. PART 2 - I Riffed on Everything Spirituality and Healing with Emma from the Soulful Sessions Podcast from 2021-06-29T07:00

Welcome to Part 2 of the conversation I had on the Soulful Sessions Podcast with Emma.

We riffed openly about every little facet of my perspectives on spirituality, healing the ego, subco...

Feeling Alive
Ep54. I Riffed on Everything Spirituality and Healing with Emma from the Soulful Sessions Podcast from 2021-06-24T07:00

I was recently a guest on the Soulful Sessions Podcast with Emma and boy did we go down a rabbit hole.


We riffed openly about every little facet of my perspectives on spiritualit...

Feeling Alive
Ep53. Finding Your Inner Guidance System from 2021-05-13T07:00

You do not need to be asking anyone for advice or their opinion when you are fully operating with your inner guidance system.

This is an inner state within you that can provide answers to...

Feeling Alive
Monday Meditation - The Inner Child from 2021-04-26T07:45:21

This weeks meditation is for your inner child. May you be heard, seen and loved as you are, always and forever.


Feeling Alive
Ep52. Your past pain has a different language from 2021-04-22T08:00

Many of us have or currently struggling with forgiving someone from the past, feeling guilty or shameful about their actions and feeling sad about the past. 

This has certainly been my ex...

Feeling Alive
Ep51. Cuppa Tea and a Convo About Life from 2021-04-15T07:00

Sit back and relax as Luka has a good ol' convo about life.

Luka shares some of his thoughts on the hot topics on his mind the past...

Feeling Alive
Ep50. What is the Shadow? from 2021-04-08T07:09:42

Understanding the shadow is an important step on your healing journey.

In this episode, I'll share the basics of the shadow, how it's created, 3 major signs of the shadow and how you can ...

Feeling Alive
Monday Meditation - The Mask from 2021-04-05T07:39

How would it feel to be completely yourself? Your true self?




FREE DOWNLOAD: GUIDED HYPNOSIS to change your limiting beliefs from 2021-03-29T06:00

If you have moments where you are overthinking, distracted or stuck in an emotional rut - listen to this.

In the background is Quantum jumping binaural beats because that's how I roll. Listen

Feeling Alive
Ep48. Painful Past Memories? Who are you carrying the cross for? from 2021-03-25T09:20:48

If you have a past you'd rather forget and it is hurting you in many ways today, this one is for you.

Pain has a purpose. You might be out of the war now but the battle is still going for...

Feeling Alive
Monday Meditation - You Are a Miracle from 2021-03-22T06:00

Perfect if you need a reminder of your divine nature and your worthiness to be here on this planet right now, exactly as you are.


Feeling Alive
Ep47. Five Healing Modalities That Have Helped Me from 2021-03-18T07:00

There are so many healing modalities out there that all have a unique approach to helping you remember and become your true self.

I've tried so many different modalities on my journey so ...

Feeling Alive
Monday Meditation - Listen More from 2021-03-15T06:00

The answers are all around you. Maybe instead of begging for the directions of your destination, you listen for the instructions.


You might find the answers woven into your envir...

Feeling Alive
Ep46. You're not getting worse. You're getting better. from 2021-03-11T07:00

You're on the self development train. Working on your self. Healing your wounds and after all that work you feel like you're going backwards or not shifting as per your expectations.

You ...

Feeling Alive
Monday Meditation - Doors Closing from 2021-03-08T06:00

Listen to this if something in your life is ending. If you feel uncomfortable because there is so much unknown right now, this perspective-shifting meditation will make you feel a little more co...

Feeling Alive
Ep45. 'Slip Ups' are an important part of healing from 2021-03-04T07:00

I know you've been there. You make so much progress on your healing path shifting away from old patterns with your new habits and behaviours and then boom revert back to old patterns and tendenc...

Feeling Alive
Ep44. Healing has a time and place from 2021-02-25T06:00

The healing journey can be a treacherous path when you begin.

Whether you've just started this journey or have been healing for a year or two, you'll encounter some pretty common challeng...

Feeling Alive
Ep43. Become the creator of your reality from 2021-02-18T06:00

There is one simple switch that you can make in your everyday language to bring forth your ideal reality.

Only a small portion of people know this and use it effectively.

This is a...

Feeling Alive
Ep42. Skeptic to Believer: Incredible events that reveal another side to this world from 2021-02-12T06:39

Two common encounters occur as you begin to awaken to a new world around you.

1️⃣ You face skeptics who question you 2️⃣ You doubt these new experiences you're having

This episode ...

Feeling Alive
EP41. Three Ways to Meditate Without Meditating from 2021-02-11T10:57:38

"Meditation is hard" "I don't have time to meditate" "I don't know if I'm doing it right"

I know exactly how you feel! It is incredibly challenging when you are beginning.

You know...

Feeling Alive
Ep40. Energetic Limbo Land from 2021-01-28T15:39

The energetic limbo-land. It is the waste land of your soul's potential and I'm here to help you get out. 

This limbo-land keeps me employed as it is the #1 area I work on with clients or...

Feeling Alive
EP39. Soul Searching: Your Life's Mission from 2021-01-21T15:39

I am back baby. 2020 showed us many things and the pandemic forced a lot of us to go within. As you all know I went offline for a month in December to focus on my own Soul Searching journey - It...

Feeling Alive
EP38. Becoming Spiritual from 2020-12-17T15:33

It's not what you think.

Being spiritual does not mean donning the loincloth or praising a certain god.

I want to clear the record of what spirituality really is... To me.


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #72 Podcast Host&Men's Coach, Partying and Fear&Anxiety with Dr. John Schinnerer from 2020-12-17T14:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #72 with Dr. John Schinnerer 

John is a Podcast Host and Men's Coach. His greatest vice was partying & the most challenging emotion he faced was fe...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #71 Businessman, Alcohol and Anger With Mark Meehan from 2020-12-17T14:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #71 with Mark Meehan

Mark is a business owner. His greatest vice was alcohol & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #70 Men's Sex Coach, Weed&Porn and Anger with Nakula Das from 2020-12-17T14:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #70 with Nakula Das

Nakula is a Men's Sex Coach. His greatest vice were weed & porn and the most challenging emotion he faced was anger. 


Feeling Alive
EP37. I am not vegan from 2020-12-03T15:12:42

Yeah, you heard it right.

I've been reversing out of veganism for a few months now and it has been a huge shift in my identity and who I am.

I am always learning more about my self...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #69 Marketing Innovation Director, Thought Attachment and Shame with Mike Ferrari from 2020-12-02T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #69 with Mike Ferrari 

Mike is a Marketing Innovation Director. His greatest vice was being attached to his thoughts & the most challenging emotion...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #68 Sales and Marketing Officer&Men's Coach, Video Games&Porn, and Anxiety with Pav Nikolov from 2020-12-02T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #68 with Pav Nikolov

Pav is a Sales and Marketing Officer & also a Men's Coach. His greatest vice were video games & porn & the most challenging em...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #67 Business Coach, Insecurities and Curiosity with Greg Bigs from 2020-12-02T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #67 with Greg Bigs 

Greg is a business coach. His greatest vice was his insecurities & the most challenging emotion he faced was curiosity. 

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #66 Men's Coach, Flirtation and Fear&Shame with Aaron Moon Cantwell from 2020-11-16T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #66 with Aaron Moon Cantwell

Aaron is a Men's Coach. His greatest vice was flirtation & the most challenging emotions he faced were fear & shame. <...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #65 Firefighter, People-Pleasing and Shame with Joe Malabuyoc from 2020-11-16T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #65 with Joe Malabuyoc

Joe is a Firefighter. His greatest vice was people-pleasing & the most challenging emotion he faced was shame. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #64 Podcaster, Author&Business Strategist, Superiority and Frustration with Derek Loudermilk from 2020-11-16T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #64 with Derek Loudermilk

Derek is a Podcaster, Author & Business Strategist. His greatest vice was superiority & the most challenging emotion he f...

Feeling Alive
EP36. FYI Adversity is Guaranteed from 2020-11-04T23:00

Am I right? Except why are we told otherwise? I don't know of anyone who hasn't been affected by some type of adversity in life. 

I wanted to share my thoughts on adversity and how I have...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #63 Coach&Podcaster, Feeling Low and Shame with Nik Wood from 2020-10-22T15:39


Nik is a coach & podcaster. His greatest vice was feeling low & the most challenging emotion he faced was shame. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #62 Breathwork Facilitator, Women&Alcohol, and Anger with Christopher August from 2020-10-22T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #62 with  Christopher August

Chris is a breathwork facilitator. His greatest vice were women & alcohol & the most challenging emotion he faced was ...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #61 Entrepreneur, Cannabis and Anger with Alec Rouben from 2020-10-22T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series # 61 with Alec Rouben 

Alec is an entrepreneur. His greatest vice was cannabis & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #60 Writer, Speaker&Coach, Alcohol and Resentment with Jeremy Goldberg from 2020-10-14T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #60 with Jeremy Goldberg 

Jeremy is a Writer, Speaker & Coach. His greatest vice was alcohol & the most challenging emotion he faced was resentment...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #59 Men's Coach&Edutainer, Women and Guilt with Jordan Bowditch from 2020-10-14T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #59 with Jordan Bowditch 

Jordan is a Men's Coach & Edutainer. His greatest vice was women & the most challenging emotion he faced was guilt. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #58 Balance Performance Coach, Cocaine and Anxiety with Cam Macdougall from 2020-10-14T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #58 with  Cam Macdougall 

Cam is a Balance Performance Coach. His greatest vice was cocaine & the most challenging emotion he faced was anxiety.  Listen

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #57 Life Coach&Lifestyle Business Mentor, Alcohol and Anxiety with Dai Manuel from 2020-09-30T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #57 with Dai Manuel

Dai is a Life Coach & Lifestyle Business Mentor. His greatest vice was alcohol & the most challenging emotion he faced was anxi...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #56 Alchemist&Group Life Coordinator, Marijuana&Food and Not Enoughness with Jacob Metzger from 2020-09-30T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #56 with Jacob Metzger 

Jacob is an Alchemist & Group Life Coordinator. His greatest vice were marijuana & food and the most challenging emotion he...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #55 Alignment Guide&Intuitive Healer, Love&Connection and Anger with Sam Fraser from 2020-09-30T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #55 with Sam Fraser

Sam is an Alignment Guide & Intuitive Healer. His greatest vice was finding love & connection & the most challenging emotion he...

Feeling Alive
EP35. 6 Lessons After Taking a Leap of Faith from 2020-09-17T23:15:16

TODAY'S EPISODE SPONSOR: Gamma Mindset Program - Learn how to eliminate subconscious limiting beliefs, anxiety, fear, doubt and negative habits in just 5 minutes a day.  from 2020-08-31T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #48 with Matt Bruce

Matt is a men's coach. His greatest vice was dopamine & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #47 Community Manager&Personal Coach, Over-spending and Anger with Ezra Mitchell from 2020-08-31T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #47 with Ezra Mitchell 

Ezra is a community manager & personal coach. His greatest vice was over-spending money & the most challenging emotion he f...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #46 Tribe Facilitator and Community Manager, Blaming and Shame&Guilt with Ivan Nikolov from 2020-08-31T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #46 with Ivan Nikolov

Ivan is a tribe facilitator and community manager. His greatest vice was blaming his past circumstances & the most challengin...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #45 Writer, Insatiability and Fear with Conor Creighton from 2020-08-24T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #45 with Conor Creighton 

Conor is a writer. His greatest vice was insatiability & the most challenging emotion he faced was fear. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #44 Life Coach, Junk Food&Pornography and Sadness with Matt Cama from 2020-08-24T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #44 with Matt Cama

Matt is a life coach. His greatest vice were pornography & junk food and the most challenging emotion he faced was sadness. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #43 Personal Trainer&Life Coach, Spending Money and Anger with Corey Gaidzionis from 2020-08-24T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #43 with Corey Gaidzionis

Corey is a personal trainer and life coach. His greatest vice was spending money & the most challenging emotion he faced ...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #42 Men's Coach, Socializing and Sadness with Lino Hola from 2020-08-17T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #42 with Lino Hola

Lino is a Men's Coach. His greatest vice was socializing & the most challenging emotion he faced was sadness. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #41 Engineer, Alcohol and Anxiety with Jaime Duff from 2020-08-17T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #41 with Jaime Duff

Jaime is an is an Engineer. His greatest vice was alcohol and the most challenging emotion he faced was anxiety. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #40 Men's Coach, Porn&Alcohol and Anxiety&Anger with Nic Warner from 2020-08-17T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #40 with Nic Warner

Nic is an Engineer. His greatest vices were porn & alcohol and the most challenging emotions he faced were anxiety and anger. Listen

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #39 FIFO Mine Worker, Alcohol, Drugs&Junk Food and Shame with Fi Mulhall from 2020-08-10T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #39 with Fi Mulhall

Fi is a FIFO mine worker. His greatest vices were alcohol, drugs & junk food and the most challenging emotion he faced was sham...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #38 Personal Development Coach, People Pleasing and Shame with Rodolfo Young from 2020-08-10T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #38 with Rodolfo Young

Rodolfo is a Personal Development Coach. His greatest vice was people pleasing and the most challenging emotion he faced was...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #37 Truck Driver, Drugs&Alcohol and Anger with Scott Pagliaccio from 2020-08-10T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #37 with Scott Pagliaccio 

Scott is a truck driver. His greatest vice were drugs & alcohol and the most challenging emotion he faced was anger.  Listen

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #36 Business Consultant, Weed and Fear with Andrew Mcfarlane from 2020-08-03T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #36 with Andrew Mcfarlane 

Andrew is a Business Consultant. His greatest vice was weed & the most challenging emotion he faced was fear.


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #35 Certified Sex Coach, Alcohol and Anxiety&Shame with Cam Fraser from 2020-08-03T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #35 with Cam Fraser

Cam is a Certified Sex Coach. His greatest vice was alcohol & the most challenging emotions he faced were anxiety and shame.  Listen

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #34 Crane Operator, Avoidance and Anger with Nathan Welch from 2020-08-03T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #34 with Nathan Welch 

Nathan is a crane operator. His greatest vice was avoidance & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #33 Business Owner, Drugs and Guilt with Alan Bird from 2020-07-27T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #33 with Alan Bird

Alan is a business owner. His greatest vice was drugs & the most challenging emotion he faced was guilt.


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #32 Anxiety Coach, Pornography and Anxiety with Kieran Hedley from 2020-07-27T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #32 with Kieran Hedley

Kieran is an Anxiety Coach. His greatest vice was pornography & the most challenging emotion he faced was anxiety. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #31 Business Owner, Work, Shame&Fear with Aidan Tropiano from 2020-07-27T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #31 with Aidan Tropiano

Aidan is a business owner and. His greatest vice was work & the most challenging emotions he faced were shame and fear.  Listen

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #30 Actor, External Validation and Anger with Jay Peardon from 2020-07-20T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #30 with Jay Peardon 

Jay is an Actor. His greatest vice was seeking external validation & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger. 

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #29 Transformational Coach, Work and Guilt with Luke Salmon from 2020-07-20T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #29 with Luke Salmon 

Luke is a Transformational Coach. His greatest vice was work & the most challenging emotion he faced was guilt. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #28 Life Purpose Coach, Work and Fear with David Rowe from 2020-07-20T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #28 with David Rowe  

David is a Life Purpose Coach. His greatest vice was work & the most challenging emotion he faced was fear. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #27 Entrepreneur, Sex Addiction and Anxiety with Shaun Kay from 2020-07-13T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #27 with Shaun Kay 

Shaun is an Entrepreneur. His greatest vice was sex addiction & the most challenging emotion he faced was anxiety. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #26 Writer and Publisher, Alcohol&Drugs and Anxiety with John Spender from 2020-07-13T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #26 with John Spender

John is a Writer and Publisher. His greatest vice was drugs & the most challenging emotion he faced was anxiety. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #25 Building Consultant and Men's Mentor, Drugs and Anger with Tim Strong from 2020-07-13T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #25 with Tim Strong 

Tim is a Building Consultant and a Men's Mentor. His greatest vice was drugs & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #24 Mens Confidence Coach, Sex Addiction&Fear with Alex Conroy from 2020-07-06T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #24 with Alex Conroy 

Alex is a Men's Confidence Coach. His greatest vice was sex addiction & the most challenging emotion he faced was fear. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #23 Transformational Healer&Consultant, Cannabis and Anger with Luke Kohen from 2020-07-06T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #23 with Luke Kohen 

Luke is a Transformational Healer & Consultant. His greatest vice was cannabis & the most challenging emotion he faced was ang...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #22 Men's Embodiment Coach, Avoidance, Ignorance&Anger with Devin Fredericksen from 2020-07-06T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #22 with Devin Fredericksen 

Devin is a Men's Embodiment Coach. His greatest vice were Avoidance and Ignorance & the most challenging emotion he fa...

Feeling Alive
EP34. What is Consciousness with Chris Walton MSc from 2020-07-02T17:14:37

A question that the greatest scientists, psychologists and philosophers were and still are trying to understand - what is consciousness? 

Chris Walton MSc, a performance psychologist who ...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #21 Personal Trainer, Video Games&Porn and Shame with Joel Stoianis from 2020-06-29T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #21 with Joel Stoianis 

Joel is a Personal Trainer. His greatest vice were video games & porn and the most challenging emotion he faced was shame. ...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #20 Mining&Resources Consultant, Eating Junk Food, Fear of Not Being Enough with Chris Edge from 2020-06-29T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #20 with Chris Edge

Chris is a Mining & Resources Consultant. His greatest vice was eating junk food & the most challenging emotion he faced was fe...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #19 Excavator Operator, Belittling Others, Fear&Anxiety with Kevin Richardson from 2020-06-29T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #19 with Kevin Richardson

Kevin is a Excavator Operator. His greatest vice was belittling others & the most challenging emotions he faced were fear...

Feeling Alive
EP33. Anxiety, Anxiety, Anxiety. Understanding Anxiety with Kieran Hedley from 2020-06-23T15:39

Anxiety is a crippling feeling to millions and millions of people around the world. Today I have Anxiety coach Keiran Hedley aka Coach Kezza on the show to talk more about anxiety. 

We di...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #18 Diesel Mechanic, Drugs&Alcohol and Anger with Ben Arnold from 2020-06-22T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #18 with Ben Arnold 

Ben is a Diesel Mechanic. His greatest vice were drugs and alcohol & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #17 Performance Coach&Gym Owner, Party Drugs&Guilt with Tim Frey from 2020-06-22T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #17 with Tim Frey 

Tim is a Performance Coach & Gym Owner. His greatest vice was party drugs & the most challenging emotion he faced was guilt.  Listen

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #16 Strength&Conditioning Coach, Lack of Self Belief&Anxiety with Kurt Tropiano from 2020-06-22T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #16 with Kurt Tropiano 

Kurt is a Strength & Conditioning Coach. His greatest vice was lack of self belief & the most challenging emotion he faced ...

Feeling Alive
EP32. Understanding Privilege with Andrew Mcfarlane from 2020-06-17T15:39

Andrew Mcfarlane aka Thankful Andrew joins me on the show to talk about privilege. 2020 has thrown some huge curve balls at humanity and the recent race revolution has given rise to the awarenes...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #15 Sexual Violence Prevention, External Validation and Anger with Zac Haldane from 2020-06-15T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #15 with Zac Haldane 

Zac is a Sexual Violence Prevention Educator. His greatest vice was external validation & the most challenging emotion he fac...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #14 Personal Trainer, Lack of Self Worth and Shame with Hemi Chase from 2020-06-15T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #14 with Hemi Chase 

Hemi is a Personal Trainer. His greatest vice was lack of self worth & the most challenging emotion he faced was shame. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #13 Mining and Men's Counsellor, MDMA and Anxiety with Mark Dalby from 2020-06-15T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #13 with Mark Dalby 

Mark is a Mining and Men's Counsellor. His greatest vice was MDMA & the most challenging emotion he faced was anxiety. 

Feeling Alive
EP31. Sexual Energy 101 with Cam Fraser from 2020-06-09T15:39

Cam Fraser is a professional sex coach, sexologist, tantric yoga teacher and workshop facilitator. 

His passion is Sex Coaching and considers it his calling to help people cultivate an ho...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #11 Security Technician&Breathwork Facilitator, People Pleasing and Fear with Jake Loreto from 2020-06-08T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #11 Jake Loreto 

Jake is a security technician and breathwork facilitator. His greatest vice was people-pleasing & the most challenging emotion he ...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #12 Movement&Lifestyle Coach, Alcohol, Drugs and Fear with Fin McKenna-Fox from 2020-06-08T15:39


Fin is a movement and lifestyle coach. His greatest vice was alcohol and drugs & the most challenging emotion he faced was fear...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #10 Transformational Coach, Impressing Others, Fear&Guilt with Mike Gardner from 2020-06-08T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #10 Mike Gardner 

Mike is a transformational coach. His greatest vice was impressing others & the most challenging emotion he faced was fear and gu...

Feeling Alive
EP30. How To Be More Yourself with Innerlight Warrior Brenden Durell from 2020-06-02T17:05:54

TODAY'S EPISODE SPONSOR: Gamma Mindset Program - Learn how to eliminate subconscious limiting beliefs, anxiety, fear, doubt and negative habits in just 5 minutes a day. Listen

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #7 Transformational Shamanic Healer, Drugs&Alcohol, Anger with Tim Morrison from 2020-06-01T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #7 with Tim Morrison 

Tim is a transformational shamanic healer. His greatest vice was drugs & alcohol and the most challenging emotion he faced wa...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #6 Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Alcohol, Rage with Nick Perry from 2020-05-25T15:39


Nick is a holistic lifestyle coach. His greatest vice was alcohol & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger & rage. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #5 Relief Teacher&Actor, Ego Attachment&Fear with Asher Phoenix from 2020-05-25T15:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #5 Asher Phoenix

Asher is a Relief Teacher and Actor. His greatest vice was an attachment to labels and the ego & the most challenging emotion he f...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #4 Chef&Herbal Alchemist, Amphetamines, Shame&Fear with Joel Camp from 2020-05-25T15:39


Joel is a herbal alchemist and plant-based chef. His greatest vice was amphetamines & the most challenging emotion he faced was an eq...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #3 Holistic Personal Trainer, External Validation&Anger with Euan William from 2020-05-22T10:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #3 Euan William 

Euan is a holistic personal trainer. His greatest vice was external validation & the most challenging emotion he faced was anger. ...

Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #2 Business Owner&Healer, Alcohol, Fear with Dane Robertson from 2020-05-22T10:39

THE GREATEST CASE STUDY ON MEN | Series #2 Dane Robertson 

Dane is a business owner and healer. His greatest vice was alcohol & the most challenging emotion he faced was fear. 


Feeling Alive
WOKE MAN #1 Emcee, Narcotics&Guilt with Ian Demello from 2020-05-22T10:39


Ian is an Emcee & Dancer. His greatest vice was narcotics & one of the most challenging emotions he faced was guilt. 


Feeling Alive
EP29. Change the Collective Consciousness By Changing Yourself First with Nick Perry from 2020-05-18T15:39

Ex pro-bodyboarder turned Holistic Lifestyle coach, Nick Perry joins me on the show to dive deep into what is happening in the collective consciousness right now.

Fear, stress, anxiety an...

Feeling Alive
EP28. Are You Caught In Dogmatic Health? with Mason Taylor from 2020-05-11T15:39

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Mason Taylor, founder of Superfeast, a medicinal mushroom an...

Feeling Alive
EP27. How To Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind with Chris Walton from 2020-04-21T15:39


My latest guest is Chris Walton, an internationally recognised performance psychologist, consciousness researcher specialising in personal cha...

Feeling Alive
EP26. How To Create A Morning Routine That Enhances Your Life from 2020-04-16T15:39

Own your morning, own your life. That is the power statement that represents a morning routine. A morning routine sets your mental and physical state up for success. A morning routine helps prog...

Feeling Alive
EP25. Social Distancing Is Created By Your Emotions with Matt Cama from 2020-04-07T23:26:45

Matt Cama - A Youtuber with over 160,000 followers and a Life & Business Coach who helps people heal their emotional wounds joins me on the show.

On this episode, we discuss how emotional...

Feeling Alive
EP24. Outsmart The Coronavirus By Using Nature's Medicine with Dr Greg Emerson from 2020-03-26T01:33:04

Dr Greg Emerson is a Medical Doctor who spent 15 years in the emergency departments of hospitals and 15 years in is own private practice.

Dr Greg Emerson has a fascination with connecting...

Feeling Alive
EP23. Enhancing Your Personal Leadership In Turbulent Times - Coronavirus from 2020-03-24T01:26:40

Amidst the turbulent times right now with the global pandemic of Coronavirus, it is essential that leaders stand up and help calm the chaos.

In this episode, Tully O'Connor, a transformat...

Feeling Alive
EP22. How To Find Opportunities in Adversity - Coronavirus from 2020-03-17T00:16:03

We always have a choice to see the bright side to adversity, though some times we do not have the ability to shift our perception on significant challenges and traumatic life events.


Feeling Alive
EP21. Redefining Health&Fitness by Redefining Yourself with Cam Mac from 2020-03-12T16:00

An international High-Performance Coach, Strength Coach, Breathwork Practitioner, Athlete and lover of heavyweights, tight revealing shirts and meditation.

Cam Mac is redefining what heal...

Feeling Alive
EP20. Your History is Your Guidebook To Your Destiny. from 2020-03-09T14:30

This is the best time in history to do what you love and what lights you up, but the problem is most of you don't know how to find it.

In this episode, Danielle & I give you our very own ...

Feeling Alive
EP19. Increase your strength, mobility and your overall wellbeing with natural movement and lifestyle principles from 2020-03-05T15:26

In this episode Movement & Lifestyle Coach, Fin McKenna-Fox discusses how natural movement and natural living principles helps you Increase your strength, mobility and your overall wellbeing. Listen

Feeling Alive
EP18. How To Make Tough Decisions That Your Future Self Will Love from 2020-03-01T14:38

The greatest achievements you will make will come from tough decisions.

In this episode, I sit down with my lovely co-host and partner in crime, Danielle - Olympian, Author and Inspiratio...

Feeling Alive
EP17. What I Learned From The Brave Men’s Retreat from 2020-02-23T20:58:59

7 days isolated in north Bali with 14 men all sharing one common goal - to become a better man.

In this episode, Danielle interviews me to find out what I learned, why I did it, what my g...

Feeling Alive
EP16. How The Ego Works with Tim Morrison from 2020-02-20T15:28

Tim Morrison is a man on a mission. Facilitating retreats, workshops and events to help you find your power and truth by releasing what no longer serves you.

In this episode Tim & I discu...

Feeling Alive
EP15. From Feeling Empty To Feeling Alive from 2020-02-10T14:00

Listen in to my story on why Feeling Alive was created.

My personal journey has everything to do with the creation of this podcast and to the personal mission I am to help others express ...

Feeling Alive
EP14. Why I Went 12 Months Alcohol Free from 2020-02-06T16:00

A Q&A episode with my co-host, Danielle Kettlewell - an Olympian, Author and Life Coach.

As requested by my audience, I'm now in the hot seat and doing the answering, so you can all get t...

Feeling Alive
EP13. Understanding the Subconscious Mind for Success from 2020-02-04T01:35:41

Today's guest is an energetic coach helping her clients to reprogram their subconscious mind and step into their true power.

This episode we dive into understanding the subconscious mind....

Feeling Alive
EP12. The Life Instruction Manual from 2020-01-23T22:43:58

**SPECIAL OFFER BELOW** What if you could get an instruction manual for your life? Human Design enthusiast and Gene keys Ambassador, Mark Bentley jumps on the podcast and talks about the amazing...

Feeling Alive
EP11. The Journey of True Self-Expression with Victoria Bauman from 2020-01-13T15:00

Victoria Bauman delivers the warm hard truth on the journey of true self-expression.

In a world where we are wanting more from life, more from ourself and more from the interactions in ou...

Feeling Alive
EP10. What is Emotional Trauma&How Can The Breath Help? from 2020-01-06T15:30

Today we talk with Luke Smith on the power of healing the emotional body with the breath. Luke is an Embodied Trauma Release Biodynamic Breathwork Facilitator who helps humans open up to their t...

Feeling Alive
EP9. What you truly need in 2020 with Luka Reedy from 2019-12-30T21:44:55

This one is a short, sweet and powerful episode with yours truly to share some wisdom and truth for 2020.

What is it that we truly need as a society in 2020?

Is it more money? A be...

Feeling Alive
EP8. The Symbols of Synchronicity That Lead You to Your Purpose from 2019-12-09T17:00

At one with nature, amongst the cacao and jackfruit trees, the hum of crickets (Yes, that is what the noise is in the background) and the occasional crow of a rooster in Bali - we were in the pe...

Feeling Alive
EP7. From Heart Attack To Ironman from 2019-11-28T21:36:30

**A SPECIAL OFFER BELOW** The power of plant food is one of my greatest passions - something this week's guest and I have in common.

From Heart Attack to Ironman, Adam Guthrie has witness...

Feeling Alive
EP6. You Will Find Your Community When You Find Yourself from 2019-10-31T16:00

Tracey Spencer throws down the know-how on finding your community when you begin to shift in a positive direction.

There comes a point on this journey of finding your best self, where you...

Feeling Alive
EP5. Suicidal FIFO Worker Now Making Mental Health Mainstream from 2019-10-30T02:16:50

Lachlan Samuel was a FIFO worker who attempted to take his own life after being unable to deal with life circumstances.

Lachlan went on a healing journey to release this built up trauma f...

Feeling Alive
EP4. A Slave In A Cubicle to Successful Entrepreneur from 2019-10-27T19:15:14

Steph Gorton reflects on how her unfulfilling time being a slave in a cubicle for a corporate company strengthened her drive to create a thriving business based on connection and community.


Feeling Alive
EP3. How To Remove The Ego With Holistic Psychologist from 2019-10-19T22:43:54

Cristina Giai Coletti explains how trauma affects the ego and breaks the sense of self.

She explains how to heal the ego with Ego State Therapy is and how it helps repair the sense of sel...

Feeling Alive
EP2. Change What You Eat&Change Your Life with Heal Thyself Coach Mitch Villani from 2019-10-19T22:30:41

Mitch Villani naturally healed severe chronic pain and overcame depression and a suicide attempt by simply changing what he ate.

I interview Mitch on the first pillar of the five pillars ...

Feeling Alive
EP1. Get Out of the Box and Follow Your Heart with 2016 Olympian Danielle Kettlewell from 2019-10-10T21:21:46

Episode 1 with Author, Speaker, Coach & 2016 Olympian Danielle Kettlewell.

  • What it means by taking a leap into the unknown
  • Following your h...
